Unity - Hail Dicktator [v0.72.2] [Hachigames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Credit where credit is due: this game is much better than I was anticipating. The characters are surprisingly well written; there is legitimate character development throughout and not just "I hate MC...okay, now I want to bang him for reasons!"

    I'm not especially into BDSM, but it's well portrayed in this game. Most of the h-scenes in this game are fantastic (personally, I just skim past the foot stuff). I would highly recommend this game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Not a perfect game but a very very good one. There is a nice diversity to characters and despite being a harem you will find a more realistic growth for most of them before you get to the good stuff. Some worship you from the moment you meet them, others will loathe you at first wanting you fail and each has their own quirks and interests.

    Mercifully its a sandbox management game with barely ANY grind so you can max stats as they increase caps easily and money is thrown at you with little micro managemt required. As for content the game is massive (expect long hours on a fresh save - a good thing) with a story whilst unrealistic allows the girls to develop at an organic pace so you will love some, hate others too and eventually they will perhaps redeem themselves to you or maybe just give you a real desire to spank them something silly with a butt plug and gag thrown in for good measure.

    I rounded up to 5 instead of down to 4 as niggles that did bother me like lack of many animations were outweighed by a real player friendly experience often missing in games (gallery in full available to unlock scenes without needing a modder, a very helpful and user friendly tip section to progress stories incuding sandbox terror that is specific location at specific time and day... some of those are present but you know they are via tip system so no random button clicks to fumble to next scene by accident).

    I will warn though some things which did NOT bother me might irk others if it aint their thing - game LOVES a bit of BDSM on all characters (if you dont like that then a lot of scenes might not appeal but its all MC dominating girls or girls dominating other girls on your command). Some girls are ripped muscle wise and one had an unashamed foot fetish... these wont appeal to everyone but at same time there is more than enough more vanilla stuff that i dont think it should matter but thought id give heads up all the same.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Really early into the game so still trying to get a feel for it but so far there are a few things which are screaming out and there's always the potential they'll get worse.

    Visually the game is nice, all the characters are easy on the eyes, there's nothing that stands out like it's been rushed. The UI is good too, sandbox game but doesn't (as yet) have that "here's 100 screens of which you need 1 of them" problem that other sandbox games suffer from.

    My issue so far is... not so much the plot but the interactions. You start by getting to the island and you meet some lassie who just hates you. You exist, she hates you. I'm sure she's got her reasons and she hints at why but the level of hate doesn't seem to marry up with what she says, so it's kinda odd. But beyond that the interactions with her are weird. You start with her basically telling you that you'll fail and you'll be kicked off the island. You can stay if you find a fault with someone. now.... that's strange, I get we're talking porn game here and hardly an oscar winner, but "if you can find the one thing this other girl is bad at then you can keep your job" is a bit of a stretch.

    What's worse, the dialogue is written that she's so sure you'll fail, that you're hopeless etc... but you easily find the thing you want and when you present it to her she kinda acts like she knew all along. Like... if she KNEW the lassie sucked at the thing, why act like she's perfect? It's so weird. I get the need to keep some mystery and certainly early doors there's alot of mystery to be had but having the game start with you talking to 3 characters, one of whom is a complete bitch, kinda makes the game feel a bit forced. Like.... I'm going to shag her, that's how these games go, it's written in the stars but I find her so unlikeable I can't be arsed to.

    In a similar vein you've got a quest to explore the hotel you're working in and one of the options is to sneak into her room. Where you naturally get caught. But I don't WANT to be a sneaky sex pest and sneak into womens rooms so is that quest just going to be hanging about while I progress through the rest of the game?

    It's a well developed game, I'm sure it WILL be fun eventually but from the off it starts on the wrong foot. She's just a bitch of a character, like I can't be bothered speaking to her because all she does is complain about you...... and it doesn't make sense. I get the whole "you're an outsider and as such the enemy" vibe but she starts mouthing off about how you'll be kicked off the island or some nonsense but she goes on about it so much, she actually comes off as a bit crazy, and you don't stick your dick in crazy. So you've got a game where it's very obvious the main character is such a bitch, you're not really interested in her, which is never a good sign for a game.
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Ruff Ryder

    EDIT 2: It seems the issue of skipping multiple days has somewhat been adressed. It still is a pain in the ass but at least it improved, so upgrading it to 3 stars now.

    EDIT: To emphasize this issue even more: Without it this game could've been EASILY a 4 star game and even up to 5 stars. I feel like it would be 5-star worthy with the next update when we (hopefully) finish Nadia's storyline, as it seems like we enter a new one with someone who seems to be Sarah's old friend? Nadia is one of the characters storylines I anticipate the most, right after Alice.

    Either way this could use a LOT of more help. One suggestion being a button to skip an entire day instead of being forced to go through all that pain.

    Okay this whole deal with setting missions on certain days has to stop.

    This is an entertaining game but it is so fucking annoying that have to skip days to continue a mission. Once it was a whole week. And you can only do that by clicking on your room, click on your bed, select "Sleep", then select "Go to bed early" and then click once more to skip the MC's yawn, only to have to wait for the transition into the next day.

    Like wtf how much time is one supposed to waste? This really ruins the game's fun. I wanna fuck Daisy so bad but it takes like so much time.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Excellent game (gave 4 .. will be 5 when you can play in the sandbox)

    Has some of the BEST BDSM content that I’ve seen here … *1*

    Above average story

    Quest log and tips for progression are unique(have to get used to style) but hover tips are exceptionally complete so once you get used to the style you shouldn’t ever hit a dead end.

    Varied cast of characters who are mostly “uniquely bent“ & memorable.
    Animations are good … but minimal *2*
    Story / gallery / auto unlocked event is a good feature *3* and complete.

    Overall the author/developer is doing good work here.

    *1* BDSM Content is Varied and portrayed really well … however it feels that the author is sometimes putting a “base” event in place and may revisit and flesh out after “story” is finished…(I hope). I can think of only a couple other games where the BDSM bits are on par.

    *2* Animations are somewhat used “shotgun“ style which is “hit & MISS” currently it feels like the products animated portions are ”missed”
    … this is forgivable because OBVIOUSLY this is a WiP and each animation is equal to a standard render X (3-10) not to mention the amount of work for the experimental “perspective” change render (which has only been done once ”*so far*” iirc)

    *3* Gallery COMPLETE so after one completion you can revisit any/all that you passed however navigation of the gallery while sorted by character could use further refinement ie a way to just display the entries with animations or possibly by fetish (group, anal,blowjob, etc) if you want to over achieve.

    A good way to possibly do this & possibly streamline might be to designate access to EVERYTHING by person in their individual rooms.

    So for example … if Alice has 4 animated scenes … BJ scene, Vaginal, Bondage, Anal
    They could be individually available via a choice menu if you catch them in their room … open her door … have fun!

    Other than the lack of ”on demand” repeatable actions (or confused access to them) this is a GREAT FUN to play.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm very surprised by this game.

    This game works far better than it any right to be. A paradise island with you at the center of a BDSM harem. That's like... 100% a porn fantasy.

    Yet this is far more than a porn game. It's actually very well thought out and put together.

    Sure, it's characters can be goofy, the premise is pretty preposterous, and the game is full of lewd activity, but it never breaks character or devolves into pure debauchery.

    For that, I respect the hell out of it.

    The characters are all archetypes that start off as you would expect them to. However, they grow on you because they grow as characters. It's not 100% organic, but it's done with earnest effort into making them more than a walking sex doll. In fact, the pacing and progression of the sexual content is really well done.

    The lore and plot also works very well tying it all together. It's not anything super complex, but its more than enough to make everything pretty fun to explore and read through. It's pretty engaging and makes every feel right.

    The pacing as an sandbox game is on point. It's easy to navigate and it's interesting seeing how the girls all have unique routines. I would say the only time I was ever annoyed was when I had to wait several days for an event, but it's no big deal.

    So, what about the scenes? They're all fantastic. I could say they maybe need more angles, positions, and dialog to spice them up, but there's a whole lot of them. Animation is slowly being added, so I wonder how that will pan out.

    I think what's awesome about this game is that sense of "I wonder how these girls will change as the BDSM continues." It's like crack. You're engaged with the characters development through absurd BDSM scenarios. The fact that it works so well is a testament to the quality of this game.

    Even when new characters are added, I'm wondering how it's all going to go down, and how they'll interact with the characters that have been there for awhile. The fact that the older characters never get old is also fantastic.

    Anyways, it's fantastic game. Leans on the porn side, but it's fabulously done.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    great gameplay
    Very good and mysterious story
    Very pretty girls with personality
    Daisy the most beautiful of them all
    should add more interactions with girls (other than BDSM)
    I hope the MC has the energy to handle this Harem
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best ACTUAL bondage focused games on this entire site. Seriously, most games with BDSM tag only have light bondage and EVERY OTHER bdsm related thing that already has it's own tag (dominations, spanking, submission, humiliation, etc). Bondage has NO tag of it's own for some reason so therefoe any game that singles out BDSM specifically SHOULD be bondage focused right?! Nope. This is pretty much the ONLY one that is. Play it, Sonya Best Girl!!!!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    In a world where the primery means of personal development in young females is being tied up and spanked, you are doctor Phil -- on a quest to save all the damsels from their demise .

    Truth be told, this is one of the best games on this site imho, regardelss of whether you're in to tying girls up or not. The girls range from hot to cute, the writing is actually good, the story is captative, the characters are well developed, there are no bugs or typos, and there is a lot, I mean, A LOT, of content. Holy shit there is a lot of ambition going in to this project!

    It's the kind of game you don't feel obliged to support -- you want to support it. Kudos to the production team!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    [v0.33.2] Excelent character design covering a nice range of BDSM-related fetishes with a fast paced and easy to follow (yet interesting) story. The only downside is the lack of choices and branching limits its replay interest.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this game. Not many animations, but the storyline is cool. There is some smaller grinding parts to bring the girls status attributes up to the desires values, but otherwise the Quest system gives excellent hints how to progress.
  12. 4.00 star(s)



    - Character models are amazing (I really like the maid and the sisters, they are perfect)
    - Tips to the next objective are good
    - Great variation on girls personalities
    - Enviroments are good and varied
    - Camera angles tend to be good


    - It looks like the MC has erectile dysfunction (there is one time he has two sexy girls on all fours offering themselves, then he use some fingers, some toys and go to sleep... that is NOT a real man! LOL)
    - Lots of weak sex scenes (great story buildup, then he gets a fast blowjob and its over, or he cums in 3 moves during sex... when he finally gets it to work he also has premature ejaculation, it seems)
    - Grindy game. You have like 500 events with Scarlet and still cannot fuck her!
    - Sometimes the author seems to be so into his own story he forgets it's a sex game
    - I personaly would like more anal (with all girls in the game!)
    - Most of the good scenes are not repeatable, you can rewatch it on the gallery, but you can't invite the girl to do it again


    The good things outweigh the bad ones, but the bad ones are REALLY frustrating. I think it can be fixed, and if those things really get fixed this game would be really great!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    One of best bondage VN style games out there. Few quality of life functions needed like skip day from anywhere or return to bed button, cleaner quest UI. Otherwise great scenes, and fun story. The characters are unique and interesting. Main character is nicely off screen and doesnt look like a preppy tool like all the other games that Ive tried. Overall just a good time with alot of content already in the game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has a whole lot of pros and not a lot of cons. It contains a deep and engaging story that takes the MC on a journey they could never have imagined - and you with him! Love, betrayal and a whole lot of everything in between, this game offers a great way to spend your time! Heck, I'll admit that at times I got so immersed in the story and character dynamic that I forgot it was a porn game. That says a lot.

    - Beautiful renders
    - Complicated characters with excellent dynamics and believable motivations
    - Incredible storytelling that keeps you engaged after hours of gameplay.
    - Fun managing aspect where your interactions affect the hotel and the island as a whole.

    - It's not always entirely clear what you're supposed to do next to advance the story.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Great renders, beautiful characters with good writing. main story is as far fetched as you may imagine, but the pacing is good enough and the story does have its twists and turns that keep you interested. You spend enough time with each of the girls to get invested in all of them which is no small feat considering how many there are. Not a big fan of the bondage and all that but it doesn't really take anything away from all the great aspects of the game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is an underrated gem! It has an amazing wholesome story, great renderers and well developed characters. And even though its at 0.32 the game is massive!

    Well done, all of my fetishes were fulfilled!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is an absolute gem – and the dev should have much more supporters on Patreon than the ones he (or she...) currently has.

    The setup is pretty typical (some guy gets on a mysterious island full of gorgeous women), but the story is anything but! The characters are great, the story is very well developed and written and the fetishes are 10000% up my alley.
    There are at least two surprising things (in a good way) in this game: the first is the character development, which is absolutely real and touches almost all characters (probably all, TBH); the second thing (and this is really, really rare indeed) is that the story, although filled with fetishes, bondage and sex scenes is... wholesome. It truly is, and I say this in the best possible way.

    An absolute gem of a game. Although it is far from complete, there are days and days of content to explore here, and is well worth the download right now.

    6 stars (if I could!).
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with many characters. Really good amount of content and a good story. And it looks like that there is a good and steady supply of new content. and it's still 0.31, so much new content to 1.0
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Usually I'm not really into sandbox games because most of them get boring and repetitive after a while but this is different. I really like the progression, it has a very good pace. All the characters are likable and have their own personalities, the renders are amazing, and the story and the writing are also very good. The only downside is the animations, they are non-existent, but I enjoyed everything else and the scenes are hot even without animations so it evens out. Overall, it's an excellent game and if he/she adds animations in the future, it would really skyrocket the game to another level. I would definitely recommend you give it a try and also good luck to the Dev for future releases.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Review updated as of v0.72

    I first played Hail Dicktator at v0.20 and have played every update since. The game is very good and the developer has an excellent track record for frequent updates. The theme of this game is BDSM and humiliation, so if you're not into that, you're probably not going to enjoy it, and if BDSM is a turnoff, you'll want to steer clear.

    Gameplay: I'm not a fan of sandbox games, but the sandbox in this game is very well done, both from a UI and a gameplay perspective. This game actually fits nicely into a sandbox compared to the vast majority of sandbox games that use the sandbox only to waste the player's time. I never encountered a bug, which is very unusual for a sandbox game, so major props to the dev for that. However, there are some minor inconsistencies with the sandbox where characters can appear in two places at once, which breaks immersion. Additionally, the need to manage the hotel/resort effectively disappeared in later updates. The management is a major part of gameplay early in the game. However, the change is appreciated because frankly, it was getting boring. I suspect that the hotel management gameplay may seem different for players that start a new game compared to players that are just playing the latest update each month. It's also worth mentioning that the hotel management can be completely automated once the player earns enough money to purchase the maximum "efficiency" and "persistence" upgrades. Something else that has little value in later updates is the "status" for the love interests and the status screen for a few love-interests has been bugged and has not changed for dozens of updates, so the stats seem to have been abandoned. The addition of the parallel gameplay playing as Nyx is a bit dumb. This is really just a way to show what's going on somewhere outside of the MC's visibility and control. Strangely, it stopped when she went back to the Island, even though everything she does is still not visible to the MC. The Nyx part is just a linear story and there's no need for the player to play it as a sandbox. A lot of development time and effort were wasted on the Nyx gameplay for nothing.

    Story: The sci-fi story is better than average for an adult game. It does have a lot of holes in the logic, but it's not a cookie-cutter adult game story, and that's refreshing. The writing is pretty good, too. Most of the characters have an innocence and naivete about them that is a bit overdone, but it certainly takes the edge off of the BDSM theme. The dream world updates that started with v0.69 make me think that the developer is just trying to extend the game a few more months instead of wrapping it up. I'm worried about the ending.

    Visuals: Very good rendering and cute models. The occasional animations weren't very good in earlier updates, but they've become good in later updates.

    Lewd scenes: The lewd scenes in the game are exclusively centered around BDSM. BDSM isn't my thing, so people that are into it should take this with a grain of salt. My impression is that most of the lewd scenes are relatively short and shallow and not very erotic. Some scenes do try to express the love that characters have for each other (sometimes even going a bit overboard), but it just seems unearned and/or undeserved. Again, maybe it's my lack of understanding of the fetish.

    Other: The game could be more immersive if there were interactions with other people besides the game characters. Players never interact or even hotel guests besides the handful that become part of the main story. There are only a handful of renders that even show any other island residents, hotel guests, or military personnel.

    Overall: This is pretty close to a masterpiece for an adult game... but only for BDSM fans. It's a shame that a game this good is so focused on the BDSM fetish that it will have limited appeal to most potential players.