Unity - Hail Dicktator [v0.72.2] [Hachigames]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The characters are all the exact same and simultaneously all over the place, characters don't change at all and mostly act according to whatever repetitive plot point the author has put into the waiting simulator.

    The character models are nice but some of the renders have incredibly poor lighting, and characters hair is usually changed significantly when you get to know them.

    Every girl on this island is a BDSM freak who loves anal, after a few tedious quests anyway.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I'll be honest, feet stuff and bondage is wasted on me but despite that the game is excellent. I don't need everything to be catered to me or I'll start freaking out. I like the character models, I like the story and once you figure out skipping time to get to the next event, it's super easy. Also, I didn't play the game without cheating so I don't know how the money grind is.

    Would I like more "vanilla" scenes with all the characters? Sure, but I don't really expect it. It does make the bondage scenes stand out more when it does happen though.

    Good Fuckin game.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a well made visual novel. Nice models, good story, inbuilt walkthrough.
    This is a terrible open world porn game.
    All characters have schedules. The only reason they have them is for you to regularly skip time to get them in right place in the right time. That's it - there are barely any open-world content. All characters can come to the beach, only one has events there. All characters can come to the cafe, only one character has events there.
    Some actions don't advance time. Some advance them by 1h. Some by 4h. Some end day. You'll find it out after you've done the action. Enjoy skipping time to get to the other event.
    Some actions require specific stat from the character. Some actions rise that specific stat. Which ones? Go find out! You think standing naked rises exhibitionism? Nope. One kind of spanking rises obedience, other rises submission. Why? Because. And those stat-checks aren't everywhere - some actions are perfectly permissible as it is, while others require you to go and grind a bit. Not much, but you still will have to do some legwork.
    But there should be some nice porn after all that, right? All the models are nice, after all. Sure, here's 3 pictures, now keep running around for another half-hour.
    I'm honestly not sure why i'm so disappointed with this game. Premise, characters, story... It's all good. But after playing through it i feel that i wasted my time without getting that much enjoyment.
    Maybe it's just not for me.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I've been playing adult games and mods since I learned about them, and I can say this game is good and I like it.

    One can see the developer definitely putting some effort on their game, and the crazy part is it's their first game and still in development. The save system is solid, I've yet to have a corrupted save file. Old saves are compatible with newer versions, which is a feature a lot of games are lacking. I've been playing the game since v0.55.1 and none of the versions I played had any game breaking bug or glitch. Only bugs I've encountered was when the game supposed to show black screen it showed a previous scene instead, and sometimes wrong character box narrates the dialogue. The soundtrack is nothing remarkable but gets the job done. Also, it needs a normalisation process because some music is too quiet while others are too loud.

    Gameplay is your average visual novel so if you dislike vn-type this isn't your game. Navigating in given areas and starting quests are easy so you don't lose time to search quest, but it is too foolproof. The game has a call mechanic that calls a girl to one of their working places. The game doesn't have to denote this mechanic to start a quest. If somebody can't think about doing this after a couple of quest let them struggle.

    Main story is interesting and enjoyable. The main elements of the story aren't something new but the important part is not the story but how you deliver it, and it took my interest. Some characters are fun but the game has a recurring theme of introducing an insufferable character and taming them to being less insufferable. And every time the game introduces a character like that she is more insufferable than the previous one.

    Overall the game has some problems but still enjoyable.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    First thing, this is a game that keeps heavily to its premise of male domination / bondage. Most scenes are about one of the girls committing some (possibly minor) infraction and being forced to strip, get tied up, and possibly spanked. There's a high number amount of scenes where the game is intent on showing you someone getting spanked 10 times.

    1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10. Was that boring to read? I think it's boring. But spanking's really not my thing, I guess. So your enjoyment of the game might depend on whether it's your thing.

    The renders are very pretty but sometimes the scenes feel dull. I'm 41% in at this point (which has taken a LONG TIME) and haven't seen a lot of animation. From the changelog seems like maybe the current content has some.

    Also, sitting here from 41% in I'm not at all sure what the other 60% can be. It just seems to go on and on. At this point nearly all the girls are DTF and the scenes are mostly putting them together in different combinations and costumes.

    Gameplay wise, the big fault is there's no way to play this game other than nursing the quest log. You do one quest, and the next quest says you need to meet Hazel at the Beach but only on Wednesdays, so you gotta wait around for the next Wednesday and go to the Beach. Possibly completing a couple other similarly specific quests on the way there, if you're lucky.

    I prefer 'Sandbox' games, generally, but the best games of that type allow you to open up some scenes organically without constantly referring to a walkthrough or guide. If you tried to do that with Hail Dictator it would mean visiting every girl at every timeslice on every day, forever, which is much duller than just following the quest log.

    A point of great praise: this is a Unity game but it seamlessly does everything I would want from a RenPy title: rollback, instant text, ctrl to skip, save anytime. If every Unity game was implemented this well, people would be less likely to freak out when devs switch off of RenPy.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I didn´t really enjoy it.

    The story is okay it has some good moments but I was never really investest in it.

    The characters are okay, but they look very average and I didn´t really care for anyone, except the uncle who I really liked and the MC who I thought was really annoying.

    The sex scenes are okay they have good animation (except for the scenes which don´t have any they are boring), but they are really vanilla even the BDSM is pretty vanilla and tame which is okay, but if you are looking for extrem fetishes or scenes look somewhere else I didn´t mind though.

    The music isn´t good but atleast there is music.

    But the biggest problems and the reason I didn´t really enjoy it, is the gameplay the sandbox is really boring and isn´t really needed because thze game feels very linear you can choose which missions to do first but at some point you have to complete other missions to continue so you can´t really choose which character storyline to follow on your own unless the games says to do it.

    There were also some choices but they didn´t really matter.

    The hotel management aspect of the game is just garbage and doesn´t add anything.

    I wouldn´t say it´s a bad game but I got really bored, but if you want a vanilla BDSM game with a lot of content you can try it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    defiantly one of the best maledom games here.
    Good renders, good story, attractive characters and MC that is enjoyable to play as. The whole game is focused on maledom which is a big yes for me at least, only one or two optional femdom scenes which are pretty light hearted, and has some well made bondage scenes which you'll defiantly enjoy if you are into that.

    well deserved 5 stars
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Man, it took me forever to finally try this game, and man, was I missing out!

    This game is absolutely one of my favorites of all time.

    The story, the dialogue, the renders, the mechanics, the content... Like, I can't even think of a bad thing about it. And it actually has an MC that is cool and that I like! Not one of those cookie-cutter MCs from other games.

    I am literally trying to think of some constructive criticism for this game. If I absolutely had to pick something, it would be this: I think there's room to add some animations at the beginning of the game, as all the animations I've seen are late game. That is my only nitpick.

    Dev, you have a true gem here. I can't wait to see it continue to grow and only get better! Thank you!

    - Radical_Dreamer
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been playing this game for quite a while, and I've held off on reviewing it, because I couldn't quite think of how to balance its strengths and weaknesses. I think it would be a fair assessment to say this game starts off pretty weak and gets better and better as it goes along.

    At the beginning, there is a lot of grinding for points as you try to raise the girls' stats, upgrade the hotel, etc. As the game goes along, the hotel management aspects become pretty much moot, and there are not a lot of places where you need to focus on raising any girl's stats.

    When the story starts, the MC is pretty much a loser who is in over his head, but over time, becomes more and more confident and competent, and while the female characters at the beginning are often obnoxious and annoying, they have good character development and become much more likable as time goes on. There certain plotlines that go on for way too long (Sarah taking over the island is a really drawn-out and wince-inducing storyline that you would probably be better off rushing through), but her character development afterwards is actually pretty well done for this kind of game, and for video games in general, really.

    The game shifts more and more from a grindy sandbox hotel management game with some quests to pretty much a VN in sandbox clothing. The story becomes more and more a slice-of-life manga with BDSM kinks, sex scenes, harem building, and mystical elements thrown in. The graphics are nice, the sex visuals are quite high quality, and the scenarios get better and more creative as the game goes along. The story is also quite long at this point, so there is a lot of content.

    If you like story-driven games with likable characters and probably the best character developments I've seen in any game here, I recommend you try this out.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    A Good game, if you can ignore a lack of a proper story, pointless grinding, a pain in the ass sandbox and a wimpy bitch of a protagonist.

    The designs of the different locations and the designs of the women is great. but thats about it.

    the sandbox is tedious because the females are at different places at different times at different days.

    theres hardly any story to this, you basically just try to grind enough to get into the girls pants with some cutscenes here and there.

    as for him being a wimp, well his attitude towards Leah and Sarah is evidence enough of that.
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    Leah treated him like shit and what was protagonist's revenge? punish her lightheartedly and then let bygones be bygones.

    Am i in the wrong for wanting a protagonist who has some spine, or what?
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game. I like the story and girls are very sexy. I enjoy playing and become addict. I am excited to know the news included in the next version. I have rated with five stars as I never played with a such nice game. Thank You very much to the developer.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    First a quick description:
    The game starts off fairly slow, as most of this kind you have to build up into the story to actually get interesting scenes.
    If you are looking for a quick fap this game is not ideal (Unless you went through the content once before and can look at the gallery)
    The characters come on really strong and have distinct personalities and traits.
    The visuals are almost perfect and the renders are well made.
    The game has "Quests" that let you progress with the story and unlock new things to do (and to fap to)
    The playtime is quite huge if you take the time to read all the dialogs... if you're not interested in reading you might as well skip this since you will miss out on half if not more of the content.
    the game revolves around managing an hotel and its employees, nothing to difficult you will only need to check the work of the girls and choose the correct option, reward if they did a good job and punish if they did a bad job. nothing to simple and as you progress both rewards and punishments get more interesting.
    I think this concludes the description.
    lets go with the pros:

    The story is absolutely amazing. Sure some stuff is just plain stupid, but it's the right amount that makes you laugh.
    It's interesting, the mysteries of the island are well presented and discovered bit by bit in a natural way, simply playing and enjoying talking to the characters will lead you to understand it without a narrator that explains it in a long monologue.
    ALL of the characters are well thought out and interesting. you might like some or hate some but you can't deny that they are unique from each other.
    I was surprised to find out that when a new "bitchy" character was presented i was sure to hate it and wanted to skip past it to return to my favorites, 9/10 times i've been had and i'm unsure about the last one because the story isn't over and i might start to like her too.
    every one of the girls grows in some way and to make it realistic and enjoyable to see isn't something i expected to find in a porn game.
    the game flows perfectly if you give it time and enjoy it without rushing. it's fun to read and the interactions are well-written.
    The fetishes are kept at a safe level to make it enjoyable for a wide audience, there is some "exclusively vanilla" stuff but most of the scenes you will find will be a mix of different fetishes mostly every girl will have their own favorite.
    The "quests" needed to progress the story are not too grindy they require only a few items you get mostly in the beginning of the game and your interaction at certain times of the day or the week. having experienced games where i found myself skipping a whole week to progress i think this one is vastly better requiring at most if you where unlucky while unlocking a quest 2-3 days of skipping (which can be easily done by focusing on managing the hotel to build up money)

    The interface is unpolished, there is a clock button I'm fairly sure it doesn't anything and is just pasted there.
    while skipping sometimes the game bugs out and the picture becomes much smaller. it fixes itself in a second so it's only a smaller issue.
    The stats for the girls only make the game more grindy and since i think they are needed only for the first half of the game they can be scrapped out entirely, the concept of milestones with the story invovling the character to go forward with them is a lot more rewarding than repeating a few times an action to make them max out.
    the renders are beautiful but the graphics looks kind of blurred
    it's not awful but it could be better.
    There is not a way to completely skip out of a certain fetish if it's not your cup of tea. sure you can always hold ctrl but it would be nice to have the option. in defense of the game the reason why you can't is because as happens with feet stuff it's literally the favorite fetish of a girl and skipping it would mean skipping most of her scenes.

    now for some rablings on the game i strongly suggest to play it before reading this part
    having a schedule with the times and the locations of the girls during the week is useful and i think should be added in the game. you could discover their time schedule while advancing with the story and could resolve some rather confusing work times.

    I'd like more interactions with the uncle showing their growing friendship maybe one day getting a beer together when he can come to the island.
    some of the girls have really outdated punishments & rewards in relation to how the relationship progressed like sonya, hazel and yuki since these 3 are the oldest i believe it should be done first even though they might not be the most popular. (at least they arent for me)
    the option to sleep with girls is awesome i wish i could do it with the others since now only alice can, and still only sleeping.
    it's weird because i can call scarelt and we end up sleeping "eventually" but the options are very different.

    i'm honestly amazed by this game it kept me hooked more than a netflix show eager to know how it would end, i wish i could talk to the script writer for this because it's honestly better than the last films i've seen happy to have found it and played it.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Click around, find events at certain times on certain days so you can click around and find certain events on certain days like holy hell it's so boring. Its the usual time gated, time waster game with average sexual content. This could have easily just been some type of VN with choices in the dialogue instead of this boring sandbox time waster. It would have been much much much better. I also detest the writing, it's pretty subpar and doesn't really match whats happening.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    top tier game with plenty of beautiful women and chill gameplay. a ton of great discipline based content like spanking

    only complaint would be how the sandbox is done. the game is a little too linear and doesnt give you much freedom. sometimes it takes a while to progress with certain girls and see scenes
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Currently around 70% through the game as of update 0.52.1
    • Vanilla BDSM. You can "punish" the girls, but of course they like it, so it's not really a punishment. Not really a negative as BDSM is supposed to be fun, but it's supposed to be a punishment?
    • At the beginning, I had the option to avoid foot stuff. Awesome. A very short while later the game said "lol, u thought?" and now most sexual interactions with Hazel involve feet content. And you can't skip or avoid it because everything is needed for advancement.
    • Every tag, except for femdom, is forced. I'm not a fan of exhibitionism, but it's there... a lot.
    • Fairly kinetic. You get some choices... enough to avoid the KN tag... but nothing meaningful.
    • Awful LI's. I mean truly awful. There are a few that I really like, then there are several that start off as odious cunts who you are eventually forced into liking because of some background trauma that made them who they are... I don't really care what your trauma was, if you try to kill me or an LI, I don't like you. At all. Ever. The best you can do (so far) after some light humiliation is not reciprocate your feelings when they say they really like you, but like everything else, I expect that even that decision will be taken from me. I understand we need to have antagonists, but the best part about them is when we defeat them, we can get rid of them. Here, you just add them to your harem.
    • MC is mostly a dummy. "This new antagonist is torturing my LI's? Better wait and watch and gather information before I do anything to try to save them." He's actually spineless until he has an ace in the hole. And he is far too forgiving after the fact.
    • Besides the BDSM, the sex scenes are mid. Animations are okay. Lately, a lot has included forced foot stuff, so I've just been holding down the skip button.
    • A lot of "do this task, sleep til next day, do next task on list, sleep til next day, etc."

    I dunno, man. I really want it to get better, but I doubt it will. Just give me an antagonist I can defeat and they stay defeated. I don't want to add another cunt of a woman to my 'harem' after she tortures both me and the girls I actually like. It's tiring, but it's apparently the only way they can find to add another member to the harem.

    [edited a couple of typos]
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Yet another time-consuming cockblocking fest. Still I must say that if there'd be a way to remove Leah from the game completely it'd be worth of playing. Male domination tag is a straight up false advertisement. Sandbox elements are sad and no actual gameplay provided by them, the game is simply not enough interactive. It's a linear VN basically. I've played not for a long time but eventually dropped anyway, too slow-paced. This one particular game is totally not for me, couldn't even write a decent review.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Not recommend as fap material.

    Too slow paced.

    This game has you running from place A to B, on specific days of the week, in order to unlock events. Sometimes you can't do anything new and you find yourself skipping a lot of days trying to trigger the next event.

    The scenes, albeit well rendered, are anticlimactic and simplistically animated.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I've played on this site. The dialogue is great and makes you actually care about the NPCs. The game is consistently funny, and the sex is 5 star as well. The story is believable and gets me invested. Probably the only game where I haven't gotten bored and started skipping the story/dialogue.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Brilliant game that makes me look forward to every update.
    The writing makes us feel for characters at times, while the H scenes/ Dom scenes are pretty well done.
    Its not too convoluted or grindy either, for a sandbox. The quest tab shows you exactly what to do if you're stuck.
    There are a few rough edges though, and the storyline seems to get a bit repetitive. We all know a new evil person appears, eventually gets on our side and stays in the hotel, its happened with multiple characters already. but overall its a nice game.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Version: 0.49.1

    Writing: 5/5

    Good writing, no major grammer issues. Several characters have full story arcs and evolve throughout the game.

    Visuals: 5/5

    While, I tend to prefer 2d art styles, the renders in this game a well done. There is a variety between all of the girls and the scene lighting is well done.

    Gameplay: 3/5

    Pretty standard gameplay. The choices that you make in the game never really matter, you are just here to see the story the dev is telling. There are a lot of numbers in the game... but none of them really matter.

    Overall: 4/5