Unity - Hail Dicktator [v0.72.2] [Hachigames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Let the bearded guy in a beret do not discourage you. He is almost not present in the game. Game is surprisingly well thought for the title and story is engaging. Sex scenes are very bondage focused, and mostly anatomically possible ;-) Also there is a lot of content atm (0.42.1) so it is certainly worth a look.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    • Actually kind of an interesting story
    • Some scenes are animated but for the most part are not. Which just feels there's rhyme or reason to it.
    • UI is clean which always nice considering it's Unity.
    • There's a soundtrack but it just kind of loops the same 3 or 4 tracks which can feel out of place sometimes.
    • The grammar and spelling are really bad at random points as well. Not sure what's going on there. Seems like the dev has trouble with verb tenses. "had" vs "have" or "cum" vs "cumming". Not too big of a deal but could be a lot better.
    Edit: Played to the end up the current update
    • Animations are consistent now. Still kind of basic but at least every character has them now.
    • Proofreading still seems to be a problem.
    • Can safely say that every character except for Zero has full content now. Daisy and Jeanne are still the best.
    • Still the same music but maybe tailored a bit better to the context of the scene.
    Can tell the dev is making improvements in the right direction so bumping this up to 5.
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Das Ras

    I think this is probably one of the only games I feel incredibly content with giving a 4 star rating. There is a WILD amount of story to experience, and unlike most games of this kind, I actually kinda enjoyed it. The characters are all fun and the story itself has interesting parts to it.

    That being said, I found that over my several hours of playing this game, I was almost always streamlined into NEEDING to do one particular thing with one particular person on a certain day before I could get to anybody else's content. Also some people's content is reliant on doing other people's quests, which you can only do if you're in the middle of the first person's quests. You can't beeline for one character in this game. I think there could have been a lot more places that the game just forced you into the next scene, and the player would have been better off for.
    That being said, this game has a journal that actually fucking works (big shocker) and I am all for it. It makes those moments where you're not sure what to do pass pretty quickly.

    Overall, it's a pretty fun game. Me like, nuff said.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Has everything a good "open-world" Unity adult game has in a package - lengthy, decent storytelling and hot, memorable characters.
    But this game is BDSM-heavy. Sex scenes range from meh to good. The spanking and roping bullshit gets so goddamn repetitive throughout the game. Punishments and whatnot are increasingly tedious so YMMV
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    First, i must say i only played around 50% according to the quest tracker but i believe i have seen enough

    Before i started playing i thought you would be dictator in a remote county and will have ultimate power around the country and the women but alas far from it

    Your are playing as a beta guy with 0 power who strives to make females in the island happy. As the story goes you have the illusion that you have power but that is not the case in practice. Even when he punishes the women it is because they want it. Content is pretty mild even though it is presented like it is hardcore. All the so called fetishes are in the game but characters accept all of them as same. Also, There is alot of content but nothing happens for a long time

    Renders are decent and characters are somewhat interesting but sex is so boring and protagonist is dumb. There is also some churn although it is somewhat manageable.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    That was a hell of a game...

    I liked it so much and I'm looking forward to trying the upcoming version of it...

    What I enjoyed the most was punishing Sarah and Hazel. Also, I enjoyed watching the torture of Jeanne and Zero
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    5 out of 5. The storyline is excellent, as well as the characters. The arts are beautiful too. Leah and Sarah are my choices: MILF and pretty. There are more side characters that you can meet and they are fantastic too.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The excellent characterization, gripping stories, and well-timed comic relief repeatedly pulled me back to my computer so I could find out what happens next - that's a rare thing.

    Attempting objectivity (because whether the content appeals to me has nothing to do with the quality of the game)
    • Compelling stories
    • Huge amount of content
    • Great characterization
    • in-game quest list shows next trigger event on hover
    • Funny moments often land
    • Final decay upgrade on hotel quality is a great addition
    • Some animated scenes need more frames, to the degree that they would be better if replaced with a good static image.
    • Some spelling errors (though honestly there's so few this is almost a "Pro: few spelling errors")
    • Many interactions aren't flagged to evolve with relationship stats (though I assume this is because it's version 0.37)
    Solid 9/10, with a raise to 9.5/10 if/when the interaction flags evolve.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    The story is engaging, the UI is pretty solid, and the renders are well-done. Unfortunately, 95% of sex scenes aren't animated (they have that slideshow feeling to them) and super repetitive. If you've seen one spanking scene, you've pretty much seen all 800 of them.

    With that said, this game falls into the same trap most harem games do: while there's a variety of characters, they're either super one-dimensional or have predicatable character arcs. For example, the maid has zero personality besides her love for the MC, which becomes incredibly grating as the story progresses. The rest are girls with too much/not enough self esteem relying on MC's magic dick to solve all their inner conflicts and move the plot along. I get that it's a porn game, but it still needs to be enjoyable to read, and this is decidedly not.

    Also, I get that BDSM is the theme of this game, but it's done pretty hamfistedly. An absurd amount of the character missions follow this arc:

    - Character has issue with another character
    - Character comes to MC with issue
    - MC bonds/gags character in question
    - Bondage magically solves the issue

    Even if you're into this stuff, it gets super exhausting.

    Edit: this game really fell off, I'm dropping another star off the review. Just feels like they're milking their Patreons at this point. I skipped a few updates and came back to it recently and it's just the same shit over and over again. The sandbox system went from neat concept to infuriating hassle - you have to manually skip so much time to trigger events, and that kills any sense of immersion.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    There are very few porn games I consistantly want to be updated on to see what happens next in the story. This is one of them.

    The thing that impressed me about the game is how the story arcs are structured. There's a formula to it, but it's a good formula, and it's one that I think a lot of VN novels could learn from.

    The writer consistantly puts the island through a cycle. There is a nemesis to the main character. This nemesis acts as a direct foil to the main character's goals (which generally just involves doing the job he has been sent to do, or protecting the place.)

    Conflicts are resolved not through the MC's superior fucking skills, but through communication, and the characters are won over through semi-believable means consistant with their character.

    Meanwhile, all this affects the other characters and they grow and learn as a result.

    This is good writing. This is good, methodical, takes its time, writing. This is how a story with dynamic characters should play out.

    And characters that were written in for an early arc are still growing and developing in later arcs. Characters are not abandoned, they're brought on board into the increasingly growing story that is this game.

    Oh yeah, it's also got sexy BDSM porn.

    It takes a while to get going, and it might feel like a grinder to start, and it might feel like you're spinning plates trying to maintain your island stats. Do not be fooled. This is just part of the methodical story telling. It takes its time to tell its story, but it's worth it. And eventually that 'grind' goes away.

    There is enough story here that it could have been three or four seperate VNs. The story arcs are lengthy, and meaty, and it's still ongoing.

    This is a sleeper hit, and should be considered one of the greats in its class, and even though it is unfinished, it is unfinished like a soap opera, and not unfinished like a discarded cancelled superhero show that you happened to get into at the wrong time.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4406778

    This is one of the better games on here, the writing and characters are all intertwined in a way that feels like a wholesome story (weird I know given the things that take place) you actually feel the romance with the Li build up slowly and not a quick fuck at the beginning, the bdsm stuff wasn't really my cup of tea but how it's handled in this was pretty good given the islands society, the mystery side is one of the biggest draws to it and I'm excited to see where it ends

    Favorite Li's: Alice, Scarlett and (damn it, I'm blanking uh the cave girl, how the hell did I forget her name) not saying the others are worse or anything, I just really liked those 3 and the build up, it felt natural and intimate.

    And the fact that all the Li are solely with the mc and no other guy touches them is a big bonus, I really hope this game continues for another 60 updates or so since it's only version 37.2, a man can dream right......A.....man....can....dream. (or woman, woman like this stuff to)
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Sounded interesting from the overview, and the renders look rather decent but not able to progress much more than the first few minutes of the story due a rather worthless quest guide, It seems to have had a lot of thought put into it, but despite some having talk about how great it is, it's rather lacking in it's ability to lead you through progress at the very start (the main purporse of a quest log in the first place). Finally gave up after not being able to move on.
  13. 3.00 star(s)

    Unexpected Error

    Story - Rushed and makes no sense at all, but oh well.

    Renders - look good

    Sandbox isn't my favorite thing, but the navigation was okay.

    Leah is a cunt from the start, I would have loved to see her choke on her own shit, but I asume that will never happen, deinstalled the game after some Ingame-days because this cunt is just annoying.

  14. 5.00 star(s)


    great game, loove the characters...... someone for everyones tastes... Loving Scarlet, and the "good" Sarah... Immersive story lines, and quite amusing at times... Certainly a good game to opass free time with...
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Very nice interface and models. No Rubber skin. Also very clearly well coded. no bugs, no ugly design, well thought engine. Impressive. I guess unity can do good games. Unfortunely not much animation. 8/10. But, be aware, it is all about bondage. It can get boring fast if is not your thing. It certainly isn't mine, actually.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a gem. The best BDSM game on this site. It achieved what all the other BDSM games failed to achieve. And that being romance+BDSM. And it's doing it beautifully with a ton of hot sexual encounters, fantastic character development, beautiful models, lovable personalities for all the girls, humor that will actually make you laugh, and wholesome moments that will make you truly care for these fictional girls.
    I hope all the best for the dev and keep up the good work.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    It's about time that I finally write some reviews as well. ^^

    tl;dr: If you' re into BDSM or at least interested in it, the game is absolutely recommended.


    First things first: The core of this game is BDSM (MC mostly as top) and a bit of some fetishes like feet end exhibition. If this is not your piece of cake you won't like it.
    But: If you ever wondered if the topic is something for you, this game is a worthy look into this world.

    - The story. Hail Dicktator is the first game where - after a certain point - I was more interested in the story than the lewd content. I literally skipped some sex scenes more or less to see where the journey leads.

    - As well as the story is the narrative well embedded. The Porn part has it's meaningful purpose. It is clear that the dev has thought carefully about how to create a thoroughly stringent and comprehensible world.

    - The treatment of the girls in the sessions is mostly appropriate. Either the devs belongs to the scene or they have informed themselves extensively. There's a "but", more below.

    - Graphic is on the top imho and the girls are (sometimes literally ;)) hot af. At most games I have some kind of a preference list, but in HD I really don't care.

    - I like the small and subtle hints
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    - A structured and detailed gallery with all the relevant scenes, not only the lewd ones

    - beautifully executed Questsystem with (nearly) all needed hints

    My annotations:
    - It's a huge amount of places and people. It would be nice to have a work schedule with all days of the week and the respective places of stay. It would even improve the immerse as manager: You take the schedule, the condition of the hotel and the open quests and plan your next steps.

    - The passing of time is not intuitive. I'd like to have a hint how much time something takes so I can decide If I can go with Alice to the beach or better reject because of the quest in the afternoon.

    - Faster variation in small talk: They all answer my questions in the middle of the game still with the same words as at the beginning

    - Some of the early animations are stiff and robotic. But the later ones are way more smooth, so I see a decent progress there.

    - I'd like to see more repeatable sandbox opportunities. I.e. after the ride with sarah -> talk to her-> "Let's go on a ride" or after Scarlets first time visiting her in the night just for some sex.

    - The previously mentioned "but": While I laughed about the comment of the mc "I saw some pornhub videos" before his first bondage and I am well aware that this is a game not a textbook, I'd like to see some small hints. Sleeping tied up and gagged without any supervision can be life threatening and spanking/ bondage can cause severe injuries if made wrong. An explicit safeword would not be needed here considering how the MS acts but should be mandatory in real life. As a suggestion: Maybe a note that the MC had his experiences before or a simple warning at the start of the game. After "50 shades" was in the cinema, a lot of people tried first and asked afterwards. It was so terrible that I am a little sensitive about it.

    Conclusion: A recommended game for BDSM- enthusiasts.

    Off topic:
    If someone who speaks german (I don't know the english literature) played the game and is interested but doesn't know where to start, I can give some recommendations about books or sites for beginners via PM.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best games of its' type. The renderings are pretty hot, good mix of boob sizes (hate games where every woman is DD). Good plot and mini-games too.
    Surprised to find it worked on my Quest2, no problems. If Devs can do the not hard work to make these games VR compatable, there's a pile of $ waiting. To be clear - it was like playing on a 72" Ultra screen, not a VR thing, but waaaay better than a laptop. The Updates may not work on the Q2, but I hope they do.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Brilliant work! Excellent story-telling, characters are both well, and uniquely, rendered, as well as have distinct personalities.
    Furthermore, although Sandbox style, it is structured so that you don't get lost, with clear paths to completing and advancing quests.

    My ONLY qualm is that the kink of "Gagging" may be a bit overplayed/over-represented, for my tastes, but I am far from being a kink-shamer, with reduces my score from a pure 5 to a 4.995. Inevitably I had to select 5 stars or do the work a major disservice. Also, the bloody thing is bug-free... not had a crash in all the hours I have played it.

    This is one is on my top 5 list. Most sandbox games can learn from this one.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Ridiculous concepts like this are easy to go off the rails. But this game manages to give enough depth to the story and some of the characters to keep you engaged. Developments feel earned, and not just through the effort of satisfying the game mechanics, but through the actual development of storylines.

    Varied LIs, some of whom are not my type personally, but all hot enough that I'm sure they're satisfying to someone. Overall enjoying this development.