Unity - Hail Dicktator [v0.72.2] [Hachigames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best game ever played. Good storytelling and good visuals.
    Objective are explained so everyone can follow them and make it through the game. Wow
    I do not know what else I cas say about it. Download and play it!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A very well written story, great renders, fun characters, and well designed sex content. The only complaint I have is the pacing to get the quests, a ton of skipping time, but that is common in every game, so nothing huge.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Start off by saying that I love the game. a fun and well done story with harem and BDSM.

    - fun and interesting story (it's nothing extraordinary. and somewhat predictable) but well above average for the type of game it is
    - Renders/animations they are ok and have been improving over time
    - Characters a lot of girls with different personalities
    - Despite being a free-roam is not heavy grinding
    - Quests well explained that don't leave you lost (with minor exceptions. but they are intentional for the player to solve some mystery/puzzle)
    - Developer is undoubtedly one of the most consistent you will find around here

    - Hotel upgrades/characters status. the game starts with them but now seems to be useless and a thing of the past

    Final note
    Recommended for those who like BDSM. If you don't like it, I don't know what you're doing here.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Couldn't even finish it.

    First of all, its a visual novel. Granted, it's started as a sandbox/trainer, with some freedom and some parameters to grind, but very quickly, in a couple updates, developers figured out, that its easier to just do a standard VN instead. So they left the interface, and the parameters, but all the progress became linear, up to the point, when you cant progress a relationships with one girl, until you develop relationships with another. As for all the skills and scales - they've become purely cosmetic. So its already is a huge let down.
    And as VN its tedious and boring. Because there is no real progress in relationships with girls, because during 3 years of unplanned development author lost all the pacing, and because its structured around "sandbox mechanic", which developers don't want to, but now had to use.
    One example: at the day 500, after dealing with yet another bottle-neck quest (when you can not progress any relationships, until you do this "story mission") you are given a quest with that one girl. The girl, with whom you already had sex many-many times. To get this quest you need to go to the certain location at 12 00 at wednesday. And it is friday now, so you have to skip 5 days manually. So you got a quest, and now, to progress it, you need to go to another place, but only at weekend at 18 00. So you skip 3 days, ad visit it. And now you need to go to a barn, at friday, at 1300! So had you skip whole week, cuz where nothing else to do, and in the end you can finally see: a boring vanilla sex scene with the girl you fucked at day 10.
    All in all, its a huge disappointment and a great example of the false- sandbox VN, which was not planned through at the start, and now doesn't know where to go.
    Oh and i will add one star for mediocre DAZ3D renders and lack of bugs - thats only fair.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Pros: great and fun story, well done sandbox and beautiful rendering.
    Cons: there are no animations in the erotic scenes.

    If you are undecided about downloading it, try giving it a chance.
    Updates are fast unlike many other games.

    D1ck, over and out!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One of if not the best VN I have ever played! It's a must-play.

    I love the fantasy and sci-fi of the story along with the quirky and fun characters. And all of the characters have distinct personalities that make them all unique and loveable. The ability to use text-to-speech is a stroke of genius. I wish that more VN's add this as an option to their games.

    Thank you so much for an amazing VN keep up the great work.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    totally in love with this game, every time see an update is quite make my heart fill with joys. Alway lookup for our girl and MC journey, specially my girl Sarah, happy whenever seeing her stories and how much she changes from ignorant thot to very reasonable woman.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    A BDSM heavy, free-roam VN style game.
    • Basically plays like a free-roam renpy VN, but in Unity.
    • Unfortunately doesn't seem to have an auto/dialogue skip function for now...(correct me if I'm wrong)
    • Renders are ok. The 'animations' are quite poor.
    • Funny/entertaining enough story and is worth playing through
    • Lot of hoops and clicking to jump through where you have to earn money and busywork to raise the ladies' stats to progress through to the lewd content. The 'hotel management' minigame aspect is not fun.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    a genuinely well made game, the porn is there, and it's definitely good, but the story isn't lacking. It has great attention and letting the story improve the game but not take away from the porn aspect. Well done
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with lots of content. The idea is fairly original with fun mechanics. Story is forgettable, but makes up for it with lovely characters and entertaining scenarios. I will definitely be keeping an eye on this one and looking forward to updates.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Actually in the top 3 of the best games I've played from this site (and I can't tell the one I love the most).
    Original story with a comic plot that finally grows into a quite worked story line.
    A lot of love interests, with enough diversity and prettiness, that comes with a similar pattern of seduction but enough creativity to be driven in the story.
    Very good 3D models that come in numbers. Good scenes.
    A touch of fetishism but not too much (some feet content, large bondage content).
    A touch of sandbox but not too much (the kind that offer you to replay scenes and give an sense of freedom).
    A touch of management but not too much (the kind that gives a impulse in the first minutes of play).
    Very regular updates and caring dev.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I check out rather all sandbox games of this type, and although I don't like the bdsm content that this game is packed with, the story drew me in.
    In general, the game is worth playing because it is very easy to play, there is no option to get stuck, which is a plus, and although it is not a game where your decisions affect the gameplay, it is worth giving it a chance, if only to see what kind of imagination the author has xD
  13. 4.00 star(s)



    i sat this one on the back burner for a year and returned to it a few days ago.
    i am not a big fan of sandbox games but nor am i against them. some work some just don't.

    this one was one of the better ones i had tried, hence the back burner as opposed to ignore list.
    the amount of content alone since replaying is staggering and dwarfs even other sandbox games complete content even over them being longer in development. considering the art is not real porn or honey select, which require zero rendering time, this amount of content art is huge and very praise worthy.

    the art is indeed very good, not great as i have seen better, but still very good.
    the premise is super hero harem meets lost and the writing is good in some ways, like the corruption aspect from MC not just being all anger based like so many poorly written corruption games, which will only lead to girls wanting to slit your throat any chance they get, but is also bad in others with spelling and word errors (whimmer instead of whimper and though instead of thought quite common ) and dialogue that ignores previous events completed.
    minor stuff really.
    what is good is the developing story also has scope to become a whole series of games. i won't speculate., but the possibility is already there, which already makes it a very good premise.

    unfortunately, this sandbox suffers from the same issue most do, even with cheats (which i used AFTER fully upgrading the hotel and getting all things i needed ), you still have quests that require certain times which ultimately led me to spend quite a bit of time seeing a short scene, switching to next day or 3, seeing another short scene and skipping.....i
    all that pointless to and fro get a little tedious when you have the hotel completely upgraded and girls stats above requirements, which seems to happen quite quickly early on. i don't think i hit a stat check anywhere after about 40% complete.

    so it has a few dull moments but overall, apart from the exceptional work ethic on display, this is a very good game with a very sizable amount of content already. easily recommended
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    so... as of v0.44.1 this game is decent but frustrating.

    my main issue is that by now the "game" is a VN masquerading as a sandbox. can I go anywhere in the game? yep. can I do anything when I get there? nope - once
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    all you can do is follow the events, which more often than not means click-click-clicking on the wait button in the correct location until the next event fires. anywhere else all you can do is rerun the "how are you feeling" button, which after the first time gives you basically nothing.

    at least if it were a VN we could avoid all the unnecessary clicking to get room and time alignments. it was worse earlier when these were day and room and time alignments, so there's that.

    the art and animations are - barely - good enough, the sex scenes while kinky are still sorta weird, but the intent is good and the story itself is decent enough to keep watching. I just wish watching didn't translate to work.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is best described as a mixed bag. On the one hand, it has some major pros...and on the other, some serious issues.

    The Good:
    Lots of non-vanilla content. Seriously, it's bizarrely rare to find actual kinks in most adult games. And this one has a lot of the common BDSM kinks. Some of them are a bit uncomfortably executed, at times, but the fact that they are present at all is a massive plus.

    Size. The game is massive and sprawling, with quite a lot to do and a decent number of characters.

    The Bad:
    Gated Content: Accessing content is maddening. Content for any given character is gated behind completely random, unrelated events for other characters. Not even main missions/quests, either. Just random side scenes you have to do in order to unlock more content for other characters. This is particularly annoying when you're forced to do tons of content for characters you actively don't like, just to get a few more scenes for the ones you do.

    Unlikeable Characters: While there are a lot of characters...at least half of them are actively irritating. Yuki needs to be drowned in a bathtub. Leah is a bitch that you never actually seem to be able to deal with properly. And Daisy is just an entire order of fries short of a happy meal. Yet you have to play their content in order to get at the actual fun, likeable characters.

    The Writing: The writing is actively bad. Not the story, mind you. But the writing. Overall, the quality is lackluster and the sex scene writing is actively awful, feeling like it was written by a 18-year-old virgin who's only exposure to sex is old porno mags from the 1980s that his dad threw out.

    The Meh:
    The Graphics: The graphics are...meh. They aren't bad, but they are a pretty long way from good, as well. The fact that they never seem to improve as the game goes on just makes them feel half-assed the whole way through.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I think this game can be summed up in one phrase: "Happy gagged noises".

    Alright lets get more technical though. If you are looking for a decent story without NTR and a somewhat uncomfortable amount of BDSM for a more vanilla user this is for you.


    Good Story
    Great characters who grow/change
    Decent pacing (more on this later)
    Enough "Game" mechanics to still be considered a game
    Attractive character models


    Fappable? (more on this later)
    W/O BDSM kink, kind of uncomfortable amount of spanking
    Sex Scenes
    At a certain point the "Game" mechanics become pointless

    Alright lets get into the weeds now. First let me state I hadn't played this game until just recently but I did it all in several sessions. I feel this may give me a different perspective than someone waiting for new content to appear. First let me say the story is well done at least from my pov makes the MC very relatable. He doesn't just jump into a world and immediately fit in but slowly gets use to things. The pacing of the game varies. In some situations I found myself unable to do everything I wanted to in a day where others I found myself skipping all the way to a specific day because I only had one quest to fulfill. Granted, its difficult to make a game always interesting but still this could be addressed a bit more. Money at the start of the game is hard to come by but by mid to late in the game its basically useless. I had 100k and nothing to do with it which kind of sucked.

    On to the question of is this fappable (lol, why am I writing this??) Umm... alright I suppose this is subjective. I would say on a personal level I am BDSM friendly but far from it being a kink. Light slapping and maybe cuff level I guess? Having said that I would say I was much more engrossed in the story and what happened next over alright time to one hand this (which honeslty, you can play most of this game with 1 hand... just saying). The actual 'sex' part of the scenes, even the latter parts, are pretty one dimensional. Penis in... well... wherever and then cum shot. Not a lot of nuance there. A lot and really, I cannot emphasize this enough, A LOT more detail is given to slapping, bondage, and other similar shenanigans. Clearly whoever made this enjoys that sort of thing and hey, more power to ya.

    End of the day this game is decent with a bonus points if this is your kink. I would assume if this is your jam this would be simply amazing.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally finished this game!(The content so far).
    This game is pretty big, but the content is a lot of fun. The quality of this game is very good, both in terms of narrative and image quality. So many pretty girls I couldn't decide which one is my favorite haha
    Keep it up dev! this game deserves a lot of recognition, because it is one of the coolest on this site.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, story, characters, scenes, everything. One of my favourites I've ever played even though I'm not too into the main theme of bondage. The story is very intriguing and the characters are very intriguing and love their models. Can't wait to replay when the game is finished. Also like the quest system, very intuitive and useful.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    The Good:
    - Interesting concept. Lots of content.
    - A broad look at BDSM, including bondage without sex, generally kind of wholesome.
    - Generally good art and environments
    - some good kinks and creative sex options
    - A metric fuckton of gags, spanking, and buttplugs, if you're into that.
    The Bad:
    - Chosen One + Only Man Around tropes are in full force here and kind of boring.
    - The lewds scenes are basically not animated at all, I didn't find them to be particularly hot.
    - The initial cast of characters you play with for the first two hours are pretty bland/boring. Yuki, Alice, Hazel, and Sonya are just awful. Leah is annoying but eventually gets some character devlopment.
    - Too many different locations and times. You often have to be at a specific place during a 3 hour window to progress one character's story to then unblock several other quests. You very much need to just check the quest log, go to the next location, wait, repeat. It doesn't feel very organic. Progressing quest-lines eventually feels more tedious than even the money grind, since that's eventually automatic.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game!! Love the story and the fact that not every girl throws herself in the arms of a stranger and fucks him after 5 click. You don´t really have to do much, but follow the story, but it´s a fresh breath of air the way it is setup. Can´t wait for the next update :love: