Some small random complain about this otherwise great game:
What is the main game play of this game? Management and economy break pretty soon (and before that it was a bit gridy), so what is left is, visit xxx when she is at xxx in the morning, one day after visiting xxx when she is at xxx in the afternoon, two days after visiting...And yet xxx is only at xxx in the morning once a week. What are we going to do while waiting for her to be in the right place? Except for revising repeated scenes, one can only click wait, or sleep...
Maybe making the repeated scenes more interesting, by adding a little bit of variations? Like, when checking services, there would be slightly different diagonal (from a combination of list), maybe also different reasons to fail??
Or maybe there should be other game play element, like some small side activity, (that is 90% repeated), to kill the waiting time?
I understand it is difficult to pick a nice and unique name, but... really?
Leader, Supreme Leader, Authority, Commander, Organization, Agent, Special Agent, Orange Assassin, Guardian, Cow and other Cow...
The work force should really be reassigned a bit. Cafe, bank, electronics store are run by one girl who also has to work part time in the Doctors office, doctor also has to work at the farm, maid has to clean the whole hotel and leisure center, whereas the cook only have to cook, bar tender only have to tend bar, and cloth store is run by two...
Some things does not make sense at all in later game.
Alice tried a year and still cannot scrabble eggs, Yuki still cannot write properly, and talks about killing her boyfriend from time to time. Sarah still wears her old hairstyle, and is still a brat while working at the pool... and did dev forget about call over alice at night?