I downloaded both versions of the mod to test it. Both have it set for NO incest. So, something is screwed up here. Because one version is supposed to be incest, and the other not. There would be no point in having two version otherwise. Maybe the person uploaded the wrong mod for the second one?
So, essentially, to get the incest now you have to download the incest mod AND this mod. Copy this mod over, then copy the incest mod OVERTOP (overwrite) that. This allows you to have the gallery, and the incest, but no walkthrough. So, you then have to download the actual Walkthrough pdf and follow that manually instead of having it in game. Either the person making this mod did not upload both versions, or there is only one version that doesn't have incest, which is strange because the incest mod is already available. It just needed to be combined with this mod and then we would have everything.
We need to have a version of this mod with the incest, but it doesn't. As I said, I downloaded both versions from the main page. Both of those are not incest. She is not your sister in either of them. You have to do like I said in the paragraph above to get the incest, and SOME of this mod (the gallery).