VN - Ren'Py - Halfway House [Ep.11 - Bonus 7-8] [Az]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    [Played ep. 2]
    This VN might not have dozens of hot girls and women in it but that is not really required for a hot and sexy VN game and this game proves just that.

    If you want any semblance of personality on your virtual sex dolls, this game provides in spades and at the same time doesn't use that character (and story-) development to skimp on the sexy content like other VN's tend to do!

    Technically it also seems fine under the hood and the visuals just look incredibly good! It could use some sound though, but it is not a big enough miss.
    The choices you make in the game give out love and corruption points and you can't get them all in one sitting, so it it also makes for some nice replay-ability.
    It is probably too soon to start thinking about a harem ending, but if I have to guess that will make for some nice cherry picking of options while if you focus on 1 (or 2) characters there will be optional content there. There already is small bit and it is only Episode 2.
    Really looking forward to how this develops.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, even in this early state (EP2) I think this is a big one.
    Great story with good character development and fantastic models
    (one of the hottest milf I´ve seen so far).
    For me it´s a must play.

    Tested: EP2

    interesting story
    great storyline
    good character development
    good dialogs
    girls are hot and natural looking
    very good render quality
    ...and many more...


    no audio/music
    no animations
    some typos
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 997153

    Review of Episode 2

    I have a backlog of about 100 games in my "To Play" folder. I download most things that look promising or interesting, but it's hard to keep up with all of the games. Unfortunately, some games just sit in that folder for a while, unplayed. That said, it's an absolute joy when I grab a random game from that folder and discover a fantastic game like Halfway House.

    The secret to hot porn VNs isn't tons of content or hot renders, although those certainly help. It's solid writing, in both story and dialogue. This game has that in abundance. It's only two episodes in and I'm already in love with all three of the female characters. Hell, I love the two supporting male characters in the game too. These are people I want to spend more time with. The dialogue is snappy, believable, and hotly flirtatious. The MC is outrageous in an appealing way. This is a solid foundation upon which to flesh out these characters.

    Briefly, the story follows a juvie convict who is being rehabilitated via a small halfway house in the country. The house "mom" is a delicious little tease, who also looks after two other female wards, an adorable little angel and a dirty succubus, as well as another guy who seems like he's always good for hijinks. Currently, the MC is settling in and getting to know the cast, but the flirtations and seductions have already begun.

    The renders and models are excellent. While I'm fan of models who feature breasts that double as flotation devices, I understand that F-cup+ breasts are not everyone's cup of tea. For those folks, these beauties are slim-figured and moderately-chested.

    The only complaint I have is about the numerous misspellings of words. They are rampant. Given the objectively high quality of every other aspect of the game, I normally wouldn't mention it. But I had to laugh when Eli is talking to the MC about the fact he was "tought" nothing in juvie lock-up. "Tought," indeed! :ROFLMAO:

    Overall, this is one of my favorite new games and I'm very excited to see where the story goes.

    Highly recommended!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I like:
    + Likable characters
    + Compelling stories for me, played 2 EPs in a single row and still want more
    + Character design is unique and fit with the stories (Not like in some generic Ren'py games)
    + Unique character personalities from most game I played (But still H-oriented)

    Also I don't really know how much branching makes the differences in the game
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    My Rating of this Game (EP.2 ) is:

    + Fantastic Renders
    + Easy Playing
    + Active Play
    + Nice Closeups
    +Normal Looking Women
    +Great Milf

    -The guy does`t look like a 19 Year old.

    The Ladies look great.
    The story is nice,and not too many places to run around,the graphics are great and the ladies hot.
    Cant wait for episode 3 to come out.

    One of the Top Games in my Book.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an excellent game if you have had too much of the magic/drug corruption incest tropes.
    Excellent renders
    Interesting characters
    Good writing (Some grammatical mistakes)
    Fresh story (for me at least)
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    u z i

    ep. 2

    a VN i really enjoyed after quite a while. the set-up and story is fresh and unique. although it does have a hot 'mom', bitchy 'older sis', cute 'younger sis' and an idiot 'brother', i'm really glad it does not have any incest in it and honestly, it is not needed in this one. all the characters are well done with vastly different backgrounds and personalities. the interactions and dialogues felt really natural to me.

    i guess the best part of this VN for me are the characters:
    Samantha-a hot milf(well mature lady would be more appropriate) who actually looks like one and not some 30 y.o. with extra large breasts. i love that she's flirty and not act like "oh no i should not do this...but i like how he looks at my ass".
    Ashley- who doesn't like a hot babe with tattoos(and piercings)? well i guess not everyone. anyways i would probably describe her as a 'free spirit'. she acts like a bitch but is hot af
    Emily-probably the cutest characters i've seen in adult games/VNs. she would probably be well described as a 'tsundere'

    another nice feature is that you get alerted when there decisions will result in branching paths. that way you can save at those moments to replay later. saves you the time from playing it a dozen times to get all the scenes(if you're interested) or looking through a walkthrough(now, there isn't a need for that)

    i really hope this gets all the attention it deserves, 'cause it has huge potential

    tl;dr : fresh story, unique characters, worth the download
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game ! one of the top game !
    about Story : very good story . 5/5
    about animations : very good i love it 5/5
    about scenes : perfect. 5/5
    amount of content : enough content to enjoy for very version. 4/5
    about dialogue : excellent dialogue . 5/5
    about the game :for me 10/10.
    about chars. : they r beautiful. ! ... specially Ashley :D . 5/5
    Note : just Perfect ...i enjoy with every dialogue every scenes ... this game will be one of the top games for sure .
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    First off it has another punk/alternative type chick that is a slut just like pretty much all other games that use that type of girl, than her backstory is not to my liking at all
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    than the MC is not allowed to say if he likes her or not when you first meet the other guy, The other parts of the story is good and the renders are also good.

    Story. 6/10 would be higher but the cliche of slutty punk girl
    Sex. 3/10
    Characters. 7.5/10
    Art/renders. 9/10

    As always reviews and ratings can change with new updates.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    probably one of the few games with character depth , there's few minor branching path but they all lead to the same pathing. lots of teasing not much sexual content besides a few nude and 2 jerk scene. overall i enjoy the game.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 572051

    Based on Episodes 1 and 2.
    Super solid game.
    + great characters with some history and depth, not your typical fuckdolls,
    + the characters are looking really solid,
    + interesting story about development of a dude with a shady past,
    + Luis is a cool thug dude, some kind of a highschool friend that makes the life interesting,
    + Ep. 2 ending was intense af,
    - the camera moving options is kinda weird so I'd take that as a downside.

    Really looking forward to the next episodes. Keep up the good work, Dev!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly one of the best looking VN games made in Ren'Py right now.

    -Story is super engaging
    -all the characters feel real.
    -One of the best, if not THE BEST, looking Ren'Py-made game. Skins on the characters all have natural shine (if you've been around this site for a while you know that there are plenty of others games that have characters that looks plasticky like a doll or looked oiled up). And while it feels weird to say this, but this game also has one of the most realistic looking cum (none of that complete opague white looking half solid that's trying to pass as fluid)

    -if there's any take away I'd say the dialogue can use some more proof reading. There's some typos here and there and some awkward phrasing imo but nothing that breaks the immersion
    -if eventually this game can adopt actual animation for select sex scenes that'll be fucking rad

    Honestly this game has an unbelievable quality for being a rookie project. I can say that this is probably one of the few games that'll definitely be worth supporting if the dev keeps up the quality. I can't wait for the next episode!
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 523324

    This game is one of the most unexpected games so far this year, and is practically a hidden gem so far. The renders are practically god like and the nude scenes are perfect.

    Art Style 10/10
    Renders 10/10
    Story 8/10
    Writing 9/10
    Characters 9/10

    Why are you still looking at this review? Go "play" the game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    For a first release this is very well done.

    Story- The characters make sense., the situation makes sense and it's decently written. The 3 women are all hot (Ashley in particular) and all in different ways, they also all have different personalities. It also looks like choices are actually going to matter. The fact the dev has limited it to 3 main women also means I'm not too worried about this spiraling out of control to the point the dev loses control of it all. I do hope there is other women later on in minor fuck scenes though.

    Scenes- There's not many yet but what is here is good, the fact the scene has different camera angles the player can toggle is a nice touch. My overall feeling was wanting to see more.

    Overall for a very first release you have something that's high quality, has 3 sexy women and is well written. Literally the only criticism I can bring is the relative lack of scenes. That said I cannot wait to see more. When/If the dev releases a 3rd episode if it's of similar quality I'm backing them straight away.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Rob Review: Halfway House: ren'py daz3d ,choices that matter ,content avoidable through choices,beautiful renders, good humourous renders for scenes,some yumyum scenes but no penetration scenes yet.intelligent legible writing with a great premise and story telling to back it see the MC(usually a nono for me ) but he's cool looking adult looking and not scrawny..good variation in the dames..a sassy milf who likes the attention you give her..a wild out of control party girl with too much experience who wants to control you..will you let her or turn the tables? and a sweet cuddly waif who acts all feisty and tough but you know is desperate for a warm cuddle and to just be held by someone who cares...all in all it flows very well ..does not deviate into WTFery and keeps me immersed and enthralled..4.5/5 (i had to select 5 because half stars not allowed..HAHAA)
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Gotta say i wasn't expecting this to be good, this is your generic episode story progression and multi-choice option however this game has place itself at high in its game play and story:

    Game play: typical multi choice and for once a statues review for every episode when it ends, nothing out of the ordinary but doesn't displace itself when using originality. 5/5

    Story: The main character doesn't look nineteen in my opinion but still enough to understand the protagonist perspective, for once i never actually skip dialog when progressing through the game, perhaps what captivated me the most was the characters, at first i didn't like the 3D models at first but i felt digressed by learning how interesting the their story are, not just the girls presented to the player but the npc as well. 4/5

    Progression: ill try making this spoiler free but starting off the bat meeting how an npc react towards a girl will automatically tell the players that she is romance-able and done so humorously and the other introduction of the fellow house mates felt smooth for an introduction unlike other games where you meet them, they come to you with an impression of their personality, judging them by THEIR actions instead of what they mean to you as a player is very important to a character development and this game has done it well. 5/5

    In conclusion i doubt anyone is gonna read all of what the fuck i typed so here is a short summary, try this game you will not regret it and i know this game will prosper so stick around for future updates.
    -Justapervert ^_^
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Rock N Rolla

    This game has to be quite literally one of the very best on the site. Astounding and intricate graphics with an equally impressive script/story to back it up. Even at this early stage, the game has decent content and no. of pictures.I am loving all characters revealed so far ( especially Samantha .) and am simply at a loss for word at the level of CG this game has. I am absolutely certain if the developer stays consistent this game will easily become a fan favourite.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    For me, I can already see this becoming one of my favorite games because of great renders, good story (seems kinda original to me, which is always a plus), pacing is also good, it has a little bit of everything. It's only episode 2, so too early to tell how the story will progress, however, as I said, there seems to be a bit of everything for everyone in this game.


    Renders 5/5
    Story 4/5 (might change depending on the future episodes)
    Pacing 5/5 (Exactly how I like it)