Why are there so many exhibitionism-scenes where only one character is in it and they are naked then? Exhibitionism, at least how it is used in media like this, is generally the concept of being naked in public for the sake of inherit sexual pleasure. A singular nudist just sitting in a room of clothed people who don't care would logically be less of an exhibitionist than a duo going down the street showing off.
By and large yes, no one's arguing that outdoor exhibitionism is not a harder form of exhibitionism than in-door (generally, though again, there are excepions to this rule) but I think you've slightly misunderstood my argument and I also think you're confusing exhibitionism with voyeurism - too - slightly. Though you do raise a few excellent points which I may have failed to address in my last post:
- Can a solo nude scene ever be considered as exhibitionism?
Yes, indeed it can! However, in this case, we are towing a very thin line between voyeurism and exhibitionism. Take the example of a woman changing clothes with the curtains left open (or a public place such as being hidden in the bushes at a park ect.), though she knows that no one is watching she still can't be sure and therefore yes, there is indeed an argument for weak (or soft) exhibitionism here.
But now let's consider a scene with a solo woman showering in a bathroom with no windows, a locked door and even a towel covering up the key hole on the doorhandle (and before you ask - yes, for filp's sake! - she's even taken the time to roll up and place an additional towel along the crevice between the floor and the bottom of the door, wall frame to wall frame, as a super safety precaution!), in other words, absolutely no danger of being seen by anyone at all. Here, not only, is there no argument for exhibitionism what-so-ever, even any kind of argument for voyeurism is an extremely weak one at best - because in a sense, the player (who is kind of only presently watching, is only watching as how say, God, is the only one watching each time you take a shower in real life! Right!?). I mean, she doesn't know you're watching, the writer doesn't tell you she doesn't know you're watching, therefore he doesn't know you're watching either and thus, as far as the story is concerned, no one but God (as well as you - as it were!) at this point, is actually watching!
- Okay I get your point about the Girl showering in the ''deadlock sealled'' bathroom Doctor but what about the first case? If it at least, is indeed an illustration of soft exhibitionism, why then does it tow the line between exhibitionism and voyeurism?
The distinguishing factor here of course is whether or not the (Master - I mean) writer tells us if one (or more) person/s - is/are watching. If no one is in fact watching and we are given no reason to suspect that absolutely no one may be watching in hiding, then yes, the argument for extremely soft exhibitionism still holds, because at any moment, someone could in fact appear before her very eyes and she would become 'exposed' before them - moving us from 'soft' to 'hard' exhibitionism.
However, If the writer tells us that someone is watching but remaining extra vigilant not to be caught watching, then in this case, the argument for weak exhibitionism becomes obscured and we now find ourselves tripped over the line - into the fetish of voyeurism rather than exhibitionsim.
On the other hand, if the hidden person (or people), at any point, come out of hiding and make her aware of their presence - it is at this time - the very moment she realises she's actually being watched where we cross back over the line between voyeurism to exhibitionism again. Furthermore, at this point, we also pass from soft, to hard exhibitionism and again, the bigger the audience, the harder the exhibitionism.
If you'd like a working example of this, have a go at 'Rogue Like: Evolution' by Oni, perhaps one of the best examples to illustrate this particular point I'm making here. When playing 'Rogue Like' you should notice that the sense of danger feels at its least, when you are making her strip in public but no one is actually there watching. She even feels safest this way but then suddenly a student or two notices her, she then becomes alarmed and the sense of danger becomes more vivid - then a few more students catch on to what's happning, alarming her further. Suddenly many more students catch on to the girl standing naked in public and the sense of danger increases intensely. Until finally, the danger level reaches it's climax
(''Over 9000!? What 9000!!!?'') Yes Vegita that's it exactly! At this point everyone is watching and the exhibition level is just about as hard as it's gonna get! Awe but then grouchy old Professor X has to come along bizzing in your head and spoil all the fun!
And that, in a nutshell my friend, is the difference between soft/hard - exhibitionism/voyeurism