Unity - Completed - Handyman Legend [v1.0.6] [SupaShinKen Studio]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Honestly, I was looking forward to this game and hoping it would be some kind of rethinking of the NTR legend and NTRaholic on which it is based. I was hoping that the developers would at least add something on their own, refresh some ideas. But it's exactly the same and with additional flaws on top of that. Boring clone without any soul. Yes, some things have been simplified, but the most important flaws remain.
    • Stupid process of seduction. Seduction is probably the wrong word, as you just grope girls until they be ready for sex, sigh.
    • Sex scenes are boring and non-interactive, it felt for me like a chore to watch them. You need to wait until the bar will fill up, so you can upgrade their lewd level. And you need to do that 20 times or more... for each girl. Because grind.
    • Sex scenes from different girls mostly copy each other. There is little difference between them. Same with groping scenes.
    • There is only one girl with boyfriend, so it's not really netori unlike NTR legend. And there are no mechanics related to her relationship. (Not exactly minus, but the number of mechanics is much smaller because of this, compared to the original game)

    They could make a normal process of seduction, with dialogue options, at the same time we would immerse ourselves in communication with each character, learn about them. Add interactive mechanics during sex (Touch body parts, increase speed, be rougher, gentler etc.) that would affect the filling of the sex bar and generally change the pose. Dates in other places, use environment for the sex scenes, additional groping options. Enforcing rules for girls when we've corrupted them enough. In general, a lot of things could have been added that are popular and quite entertaining that already been executed in other adult games. But I don't see the point in describing it further in a review that the developers won't see anyway.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game. Fun but a little grindy. it has a lot of random events that is need to max the gallery and no instructions on how to do so. I don't give 5 stars because there is no choices to your action beside controlling the actions that are performed.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    A hentai game focusing on Quantity instead of Quality and even in Quantity it is lacking compared to other well known NTR Games that used a similar approach.

    To be frank it is a copy and paste of three girls with similar animations that may slightly deviate. The same scenes, the same poses with only slight variations to them and nothing more.

    Even having played the demo I was a bit skeptical and had hopes the scenes would change as in the demo they were similar in poses with just the first few unlocks. Sadly, I was expecting too high from this title. There is honestly nothing outstanding to it. I even question all these users high ratings as it pales to the other NTR games that developed a similar style. If anything this is a water down version that brings little to nothing to the table.

    So yea, it could of been better. Maybe even great, but it isn't. Just pointless grind for a girl and less rewarding scenes to unlock, rinse and repeat. Instead of Handyman Legend this game should just be titled Money Grind Pussy Legend or Cuck Rewards Legend due to all the upgrades being over priced and the grind to unlock girls sex for a few mediocre scenes per tier being hardly worth it.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    But the game is solenly about grinding.

    -Story, Originality
    Third game with such plot...

    Good quality pictures.

    Okayish music and h-sounds.

    You will probably grind for several hours.
    No replayability.

    Runs okay.

    Didn't see any.


    -Voice Acting
    No voices.

    Didn't see any mistakes.

    -Amount of content
    Normal ammount of h-scenes, but in other games like this there were more.
    And you have to grind a lot to get in total ~6 animations per npc.

    I liked the previous one a lot better.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Bought it on Steam and completed it with all achievements and CGs found, here is my review.

    Very good casual hentai game.
    Inspired by the great NTR Legend, Handyman Legend goes beyond and expands on the formula.
    The game has awesome pixel art, beautiful CG scenes and 3 girls to interact with.
    Having practically every hentai trope in it, you can expect a lot of different scenes and variety.
    The girls are each unique and with fun personality.
    English translation is perfect.
    No doubt, this game is a 5/5.

    PS: I suggest buying this game on Steam rather than other platforms like DLsite, because Steam version has no mosaics.

    P.S. 2: I found a bug (not exactly) and contacted the developer and he responded and released a patch fixing it almost immediately.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is a masterpiece just like NTR legend and NTR-aholic, instant 5/5, you might get lost a bit so here's a guide:

    Keep farming jobs to acquire money
    Keep farming the orange haired girl's lust level.
    Repeat the park exploration to unlock the purple haired girl
    Keep visiting the bartender until you unlock the sex shop and the brown haired girl
    In the sex shop farm enough cash to buy auto work upgrade, to drastically speed up the game. Buy everything else from the shop too like the camera and the love potion
    Click on every girl's things in both rooms in their apartments.
    For the first two girls to unlock the last sex scenes you need to confront them after reaching max lust level.
    For the last brown haired girl you need to visit the bartender a few times, first to use the love potion and second to take a pic of the brown haired girl's husband cheating on her in the bar, then confront her.

  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Better than NTRholic, may be equal to NTRLegend.

    How is this better than the appreciate NTRholic? Well, this is not a visual novel, narration is in the images, despite a sentence that depict the scene(it's fair in my opinion). Mini-game is... yeah, funny and """""challenging"""""(compared to the other R-18game I've played).

    Why not 5stars? Well I'm not netorare/cheating/blackmail/... but I admit: this is a good R-18game.... furthermore.... I'm going to fix a plumber issue at some university-not-so-prude-girl.(3stars for her)
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Just finished this one.
    The game is complete but very short.

    - Mechanics are simple and intuitive.
    - Art is good.
    - Pixel art is good too.
    - Fun.

    - Very short.
    - The idea is very good, but it seems to be developed in a rush.

    A fun but sadly short game. Very good netori idea.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    I like the game play, mechanics, and simplicity of the game. It really struggles to be cheeky, dirty, and playful like it's predecessors. I hope the developers goes into those areas, also the full version was way more vanilla that I had expected/hoped for. Nonetheless I am pleased to see more games going this way.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    This is basically a spiritual successor of NTR Legend except worse. You do jobs for girls which consist of an extremely basic minigame and sexually harass them until they want to fuck you. They have 5 levels each with 2 animations and you can get an unlock later when you fully corrupt them that gives alternate versions of each animation.

    Giving it 3 stars just because the animations themselves are great, but the game itself really isn't anything special. There's really not much substance, just grind money and lust points until you get all the positions.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    If you see any review that has criticism, Believe then because I agree. Its a nerfed version of the OG ntr legend. But its enjoyable nonetheless.

    I look forward to some things that can add from the exp i got from the NTR Legend which was mind blowing by the way when I first played it but Nah I guess i expected too much. But its still better than those majority of the games I played.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is extremely simple, with no mechanics other than quick time events. After just two minutes of playing, you will have seen everything it has to offer. The developers could have added many small features to make the game much more enjoyable, but instead, they chose to make it extremely repetitive and grindy. Personally, I find this unappealing.

    However, I do appreciate the game's art style, which reminds me of the good old days of browser games. There are only three girls to interact with, and as far as I can tell, there is no significant dialogue. The characters only make small comments and have a brief background story.

    It's disappointing to see that this appears to be the final version of the game. I wish it was just a 0.1 version so that there would be room for improvement. Therefore, I wouldn't recommend playing the game for more than you need to, if you know what I mean.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Basically, It is a weaker version of a well-known game NTR Legend.
    When I started playing it I was hoping that the developer had added some new features, ideas or something into his game compared to the original concept, but I was disappointed.
    It is worse in almost every aspect.
    The pixel art is little bit worse, the female charachers are less attractive, the grind is harder and NTR is weaker. Actually, there is no NTR I think, it is more like cheating of those two girls.
    The only positive thing compared to the original is that there are three girls, but unfortunately the events and interactions with them are almost the same, which also adds to the boredom.
    NTR Legend felt fresh, unique and interesing. This one is stale, boring and repetitive.
    If you like the original, just play another similar game - Ntraholic. The developer of that game really tried to do something different and interesting. This one is jus a cash grab.
    I give it 2 stars just to counterbalance those strangely extremely positive reviews that were posted before mine. Personally, I think it is a weak three-star game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Ara-Ara lover

    TLDR: The better NTR Legend
    The character is hilarious, the 3 girls look sexy as heck, systems and mechanics are way more entertaining and enjoyable
    Suck it didn't have a pregnancy state for the girls then this would have been pretty hot
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    so this is the second game inspired by the OG NTR Legend game

    overall, its good; i definitely liked that there was 3 main girls instead of one and the mini game was actually a bit hard to score extra cash and if you missed, you probably would fail the job so i liked how there's actually a mechanic to make you want to get better

    however i cant say its better than NTR Legend or NTRalholic , it doesnt have its sense of style or charm. Also its very short and the mc and the other girls dont really have anything about them thats special except sex so theres that

    in conculsion, if youre looking for a quick game thats heavily inspired by ntrlegend, this game is perfect but if you want something better; go to ntralholic or ntrlegend itself
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I make this point often, but I am of the opinion that H games need (and should have) lower levels of "plot amount" than other types of media (movies, normal games, shows, etc.). HOWEVER, they should definitely have some. H games with no plot can be "okay", H games with too much plot are often bad, and then there is this goldilocks location that has enough plot to pull you in but not enough to get in the way of sexiness: those games... HAVE THE POTENTIAL to be gold. That's where I think this game stumbles. What it has is better than nothing, but it could have been so much more. And really that, and the "slightly too much" grind are the only reasons this isn't getting 5 stars.

    The gameplay is good enough, the setting/girls are great, the poses are plentiful - I just would have liked to have seen more dialog/story. Thankfully this title isn't on the other end of the spectrum (would have given it 2 stars if so), but it could have been better. Let's hear those bitches get corrupted.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    One-handed arcade game;)
    Nice drawing, nice music, it's nice to be in the game. Non-stressful gameplay, there is a grind but not a strong one. Did not overdo it with something superfluous in this game.
    You can stretch the passage of the game for several evenings if you do not hurry too much. Or go through the evening if you want to see everything at once;)
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    First of all i would like to mention that i would give 4 or maybe 5 stars if it doesnt have a compleated tag.. Let me explain.. Pixel art and animations are solid, concept is cool and open for further development. Its good to have varieties of characters with different personalities we can corrupt. But since this is a compleated game i were expecting much more contend... Almost same 2 animations -which are not interactive- for every corruption lvl and earning this with repetitive action is a little bit lame.. I accept that slight difference of how girls act different in animations is a good nuance. But not having an option of changing place or variation or doing any action if u click while animation in progress is not cool which i mentioned as being non interactive.. Also since we have a secret market and a shop in game beside boosters i expected some stuff which can unlock some new animations or mechanics or cosmetic modifiers for characters but only camera and app to advance the story thats all..
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    To keep it short, I believe this game is a step up to NTR Legend in many ways and is one of the few acceptable clones. It has about the same amount of story (both are a bit lacking in that aspect), the art and animation is just as clean, solid sound, great girls, plus it actually has a gallery and easy access to the pixel scenes at end-game. However, it suffers from similar detriments as NTR Legend. Namely, the repetitive grind. Additionally, this game lacks anal; so a point to NTR Legend in that regard. Give it a go.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    As I write the review, the game is "just a Demo". And this Demo has already more content than some games in their version v1.X .
    I was surprised that you can already visit two girls and have multiple scenes with them.
    The game itself is like NTR Legend and it's the beauty about it.
    It's also a pixel art game, but has pretty high quality pixel graphics, awesome animations and good music and sound effects.
    I can't wait for more content.