4.30 star(s) 40 Votes


Sep 6, 2017
The contextual theming doesn't change the fact that it's a contradictory gameplay mechanic. If your game incentivises losing and punishes winning, you fucked up game dev bad.
I disagree in paticular case of hentai games, like i enjoy some connection to the characters, like noncon animation that you get buy unlocking or progressing hits differently than noncon animation that you get specificaly for playing bad-like you feel that character lost, because he indeed lost and that adds some extra spice to the scene that you wont get for just classic "you progress-you unlock scene".

In hentai games specificaly i say its good, though in this game grabs are too punishing imo.
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May 12, 2020
I respect your opinion, but why not see it from others' perspectives? I and many others actually like the defeat aspect of H-games like this. Because the sense of defeat and, by extension, degradation of losing and being essentially "bad ended" is very hot.

I'm sure there's a lot of games that cater to your wants, why not let people enjoy their wants as well? I certainly wouldn't call it a plague on H-games as a whole. Just different tastes.
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Game Developer
Sep 2, 2018
I respect your opinion, but why not see it from others' perspectives? I and many others actually like the defeat aspect of H-games like this. Because the sense of defeat and, by extension, degradation of losing and being essentially "bad ended" is very hot.

I'm sure there's a lot of games that cater to your wants, why not let people enjoy their wants as well? I certainly wouldn't call it a plague on H-games as a whole. Just different tastes.
The problem isn't "some people like being bad ended", the problem is that, as a mechanic, it's at odds with the game itself and fucks the game flow. The game is presented as something you should play to win, but the most desired content is only available if you lose. That's a literal contradiction.

Here's an idea, instead of making these bad ends a game over state, make them advance the game, make the actual challenge being bad ended instead of just finding an enemy and letting go of the controller.
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Oct 2, 2018
So you havent play many h-games to know that if you are here isnt because you want a solid game with good mechanics, you want the hentai with a decent game behind, my main explample is all of the kabopuri games, you get scenes for losing to an enemy but isnt a game over and even some times you get things after the scene but you still need to finish the stage, and even in that case you have options to ignore enemies or kill them easily, and they are good games, because you choose to fight the enemies if you want or ignore them, and when you finish it you get rewarded with new bad endings with the new enemies.
Oct 10, 2018
To offset current opinions, I'll mention that from a gameplay standpoint it's a terrible mechanic, so are grabs. For a h-game, the goal and reward is the sex, and with defeat-h and grabs, the reward is given for being defeated and playing badly, and is withheld for playing well while playing well is also required for progressing. Purposefully dying to check out new animations extends the game time artificially.
That's why I said as one way to unlock could be a stage clear or kill count to unlock instead of losing. Though you could have losing as an alternate method to the former two.
weird, that are a lot of debates here but in the end this man is making around 4.7k usd from patreon /SS , i need to understand who and where are these people (not a criticism, just trying to find these people’s niche )
Answer? People who set it and forget it, those that straight up just want to support, and/or those who want to cast votes or something.


Jan 26, 2024
To offset current opinions, I'll mention that from a gameplay standpoint it's a terrible mechanic, so are grabs. For a h-game, the goal and reward is the sex, and with defeat-h and grabs, the reward is given for being defeated and playing badly, and is withheld for playing well while playing well is also required for progressing. Purposefully dying to check out new animations extends the game time artificially.
The question to keep in mind is, how many of the scenes will be seen when playing optimally? If the answer is low, from the gameplay standpoint it's not good.
I am aware that it may be hard to get a similar type of noncon in a different way, so there are ways to make grabs not completely terrible gameplaywise, like not making seeing a whole scene require a death and restart. And the fact that the mechanic is so common in no way says it's any good. Plague on the genre and h games in general, honestly.
To my mind, Forest of the Blue Skin (I think?) by Zell23 is a great example of how to do this kind of stuff right. Yeah, it has that standard "when you lose, the MC gets 'raped' to offset the frustration of losing" thing, but at the same time it allows you to essentially "collect" the sex scenes from the various monster girls scattered 'round the game's world by defeating them in specific ways.

Some you just whack over and over 'til they drop, some you gotta stun and then jerk off into their face 'til you cum all over them, and some are a bit more complicated or just specific. Either way, it still allows you to get all those sweet sex scenes in a gallery without setting back your progress several minutes at a time just because "hurr durr horny stuff."

Sadly, Doggie Bones is inept and will never add anything like that to this game, but then again... I guess HHP has slightly more complex "bad end" scenes than FOBS does, so that sort of shoots that in the foot a bit. Real damn shame.



May 12, 2020
Okay, but these are H-games. The mechanics aren't the end-all-be-all. And no, bad ends shouldn't let you "continue" or advance, that would defeat the whole purpose of a bad end.

Again, there are games out there for your likes. Let people have this same niche. They generally aren't playing the game to gawk at the mechanics, they're there to get their rocks off. If you want a proper game, find something on Steam or some such.

And the game can still have great mechanics with bad ends upon loss. It's supposed to be a punishment for you losing, not another mechanic. Just don't lose if you want to savor those great mechanics or whatever.
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Jun 13, 2018
Oh So Hero does it the best because every enemy has 2 anims for them being dominant towards you with attacks, and 2 anims for you being dominant towards them and AFAIR you just have to defeat some of them to unlock their animations (or see the animations once) and every single animation can go to completion without you losing the game. It works for people like me who aren't playing these for groundbreaking gameplay, I have hundreds of games for that, I'm playing them for the lewds. And I don't get that from games where the character does all the initiating. I don't like Game Over scenes that you have to lose to see but a lot of people like bad ends. Kincaid has the best gameplay of a game I'd want to actually play and the original system of enemies start H attacks but without any gameplay penalty was my favorite. Kyeriu did this same thing before and made really good games that had porn added to them. It's totally different for me that you have to start them now. Make the game the way you want to have the porn be shown, if you like player submissive then do that or if you like player dominant do that and if you want to please everyone, its more work to do both. But don't listen to someone who wants you to change how you want the game to be made with "THIS IS OBJECTIVE GOOD GAME DESIGN LOGIC"


Sep 6, 2017
The problem isn't "some people like being bad ended", the problem is that, as a mechanic, it's at odds with the game itself and fucks the game flow. The game is presented as something you should play to win, but the most desired content is only available if you lose. That's a literal contradiction.

Here's an idea, instead of making these bad ends a game over state, make them advance the game, make the actual challenge being bad ended instead of just finding an enemy and letting go of the controller.
No contradiction, character getting "punished" with noncon for his failures. This adds for immersion. That does not work in normal games, true, but in ero games this realy adds to the scene, knowing that is not just some sort of "unlock" but direct result of character\player failing.
4.30 star(s) 40 Votes