4.20 star(s) 45 Votes


Oct 20, 2018
I'm more upset that Whispy getting "genderbent" is him getting a veiny belly + breasts, while retaining his cock. I thought that MtF genderbend ment, like, a full transition (like how it was in Happy Heart Hell), and not turning into something in-between.
I really liked Sam's animation though, and overall I think that the new rodeo area has a lot of potential for stuff that I like (like the lab had), so I'm gonna be cautiously optimistic for now.
Ya it's more mpreg with booba
Dec 30, 2022
I don't mind the new stamina cost, but the regenration rate is way too slow. It basically makes Whispy unusable because after three attacks he loses all stamina and is basically helpless.
forreal tho. they turned it into a class type system with whispy being something akin to a heavy hitter, whereas sam is the more maneuverable hit and run character, but that's not how beat-em-ups work lmao. whispy does do more damage than sam now, with his average light attack doing 25 VS. sam doing 11, but its at the cost of him running out of stamina instantly and getting grabbed once the enemy is no longer stunned, as you have the stamina cost to jump and dash being too high after you've swung your 5 times and forcing you to regen. if you're in a group and you don't have cheats enabled, too bad, instant game over because you cant get out of that situation. they made whispy so fucking bad its saddening. like I get it, he uses a crowbar, and they aren't exactly easy to swing around, but look at sam for fucks sake. she's got all that ass, that huge fucking rack, and she moves faster than the skinny twink. its fucking ridiculous. its a shame because i enjoy the sprites being more defined and the music being more unique to each area, but goddamnit if this update didn't completely fuck over how you play the game. its almost like you have to just ignore enemies now because fighting anything more than a 1v1 is a guaranteed grab.
Dec 30, 2022
OH! and I forgot to mention, update on the wand. not only does it still not work if you have any ammo, making its already super niche function entirely useless, with the recent change of common enemies having a chance of dropping ammo upon death, its even MORE useless now!
Dec 24, 2020
forreal tho. they turned it into a class type system with whispy being something akin to a heavy hitter, whereas sam is the more maneuverable hit and run character, but that's not how beat-em-ups work lmao. whispy does do more damage than sam now, with his average light attack doing 25 VS. sam doing 11, but its at the cost of him running out of stamina instantly and getting grabbed once the enemy is no longer stunned, as you have the stamina cost to jump and dash being too high after you've swung your 5 times and forcing you to regen. if you're in a group and you don't have cheats enabled, too bad, instant game over because you cant get out of that situation. they made whispy so fucking bad its saddening. like I get it, he uses a crowbar, and they aren't exactly easy to swing around, but look at sam for fucks sake. she's got all that ass, that huge fucking rack, and she moves faster than the skinny twink. its fucking ridiculous. its a shame because i enjoy the sprites being more defined and the music being more unique to each area, but goddamnit if this update didn't completely fuck over how you play the game. its almost like you have to just ignore enemies now because fighting anything more than a 1v1 is a guaranteed grab.
So, the only way Whispy is usable is if you only use the heavy attack and basically kite enemies. No combos, only bonk


Feb 17, 2022
all of you talking about the stamina issue are just key smashing your way through it and wondering why you cant do that (you should look into the guns, that actually do what you want).
Use the stagger from the normal attacks to perma stun targets, space them out a bit, when you see them go invencible for a few secs (semi transparent) dash away and wait for them to be vulnerable again. Do this with a single enemy to get the tempo right.
With multiple enemies it gets harder, and you need to dash in and out of combat, bait attacks to clump or unclump them, etc (or just use the guns).


Aug 1, 2022
Is using the + key or f2 to gain health with cheats broken for anyone else? The cheat box is checked and I can reduce health with - or f1 just fine, but can't gain it back.

Also, do you always have to manually restart with R when you reach a game over?


Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Is using the + key or f2 to gain health with cheats broken for anyone else? The cheat box is checked and I can reduce health with - or f1 just fine, but can't gain it back.

Also, do you always have to manually restart with R when you reach a game over?
yes... because some people wanna keep watching it


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2020
I'm still shocked that Doggie haven't released an update extension to HHH regardless of doggie using a really fine RPG engine maker :3

I still wonder if Sam can be introduced in that game but with a little of scenes and mainly focusing on Wispy.

I wonder when doggie will add more of the white bimbo girl sonic rouge look a like as a boss <3
4.20 star(s) 45 Votes