Look here!:someone have a full save?
well, I was a bit bored and created 3 save points
Before playzone: View attachment 2392688
Before Eden Labs [boss]: View attachment 2392689
Before Tricotex Garden [boss]: View attachment 2392690
the file path is: \Users\AppData\Local\Happy_Heart_Panic_E
[all savepoints have everything unlocked by this new build!]
"smashing your way through it" bro have you never heard of a beat-em-up before? that's literally the point. I understand its also a porn game, but if you need to kite enemies in a game that has heavy enemy spam that requires you to clear them out quickly before they spam grabs, then you're doing something wrong. there wasn't an issue with the core gameplay in any version before this to my knowledge, and the new changes are kinda hard to see a silver lining in gameplay-wise. call me crazy, but if I'm playing a beat-em-up, and I have to take my time on enemies that aren't even bosses, there's something fucky going on.all of you talking about the stamina issue are just key smashing your way through it and wondering why you cant do that (you should look into the guns, that actually do what you want).
Use the stagger from the normal attacks to perma stun targets, space them out a bit, when you see them go invencible for a few secs (semi transparent) dash away and wait for them to be vulnerable again. Do this with a single enemy to get the tempo right.
With multiple enemies it gets harder, and you need to dash in and out of combat, bait attacks to clump or unclump them, etc (or just use the guns).
thank you ill tryIf you solve the equation on the board wrong and try to press the button, the scene will trigger
Beat them ups have "little" combat patterns/mechanics, dashes to dodge attacks and invincibilities is usually one of them. The problem isnt really enemie grabs (Clover insta grabing you out of struggle is bad, and i think some other enemies do that too), but the problem is that you dont get invincivility frames when you get free. And projectiles that were fired stay in the air for so long and are slow enough that they loom over you when struggling (you mention Jessie, the hipnotist and portal guy are abnoxious to fight in groups as well).like literally bro, there are certain enemies that tear that strategy to SHREDS...
All the way to the right in the hubWhere is the new area?
You can press a button on the title screen which will enable "cheat mode", in which you can press "+" or "-" on your num pad (far right part of the keyboard) to add or remove health respectively.are there cheats for this game
what button ? i can remove health now but i can't add health when i press +You can press a button on the title screen which will enable "cheat mode", in which you can press "+" or "-" on your num pad (far right part of the keyboard) to add or remove health respectively.
The button on the far, far right part of the keyboard that has an "+" on it. If you can't add health by pressing on it, then it's either a some sort of bug, or you didn't activate the cheat mode on the title screen (you activate it by pressing an image in the low right corner of the title screen with a text "enable cheat mode ?").what button ? i can remove health now but i can't add health when i press +
Use the Function Keys insteadwhat button ? i can remove health now but i can't add health when i press +