for all (and i do mean all) of this games faults, it really does provide a few things most other games seemingly lack (at least from my experience). yea, going month after month with no update announcement or any progress report whatsoever is incredibly disheartening, there are plenty of things this game does well, the art style being one of them. visually this game is a massive step up from previous entries, namely HHH (one thing i will say is i sort of miss that games Trinity Design. the new one just feels off and wrong), but all the other enemies, with admittedly pretty high consistency, are usually pretty nice to look at.
another thing this game has going for it is the inclusion of unique game overs for every enemy, not just a single lose screen like some games have (with some lacking a lose screen at all and simply either being a loop of the same animation, or just a black screen). while i feel that this factor could be eating up at a significant portion of the work that needs to be done, along side level design and such, they've put decent quality updates in a shorter time frame before, i guess it all comes down to us being patient.
lets be honest, nobody likes waiting multiple months on end for a single update that adds one half baked feature while multiple other things are still incomplete. if memory serves and I'm not misinterpreting, the daycare still isn't fully fleshed out, the gallery has been teased at for the last few updates, Jessies Playhouse still isn't done [yes i know its going to be the focus of this update], and not to mention daisy's rodeo, which has proven to be extremely lackluster so far. but hopefully this update is more than just adding onto the zone and adding 2 enemies. this zone has promise to be the first true "Mission" of HHP since the daycare crawl section (a section im sure most of you despise. its ok, not everyone is into diapers), with the promise of being more of an escort type mission. i genuinely am looking forward to this update, as the concepts and designs of these characters give me high hopes that they wont be some average "turn whispy into a girl and have him get pregnant lel" thing. given the options of the character that we had for the poll, id say the only one we're really missing out on is the raptor. Leandre had a goofy ass design, and the doll... lets be honest, if a lot of you arent into diapers, then even more of you arent gonna be into dollification. things are probably better this way.
all that said this game is NOT without its flaws. in addition to updates coming once in a blue moon. some of the more recent fetishes included have been... odd, to say the least. I'm not gonna stand here and say everyone needs to be into ABDL stuff, but lets be real here, I don't think anyone liked the one enemy daisy's rodeo gave us. his design is cute, but like... wtf are those game overs. another one I feel is the mini-daisy, if only for the incredible focus on the messing element. the other ADBL enemies don't focus on that element NEARLY as much, and if they do its padded by enjoyable dialogue.
all this to say I really hope this game doesn't go the path of something like Bare Back Streets. I genuinely like this game and its concept, and I hope Doggie gets over whatever milking craze they're in and fleshes this game out proper.