The clown rat thing. is a HUGE disappointment, sex animation wise. They could have more with It but i guess they got lazy with what they wanted to do with it. The new generic enemies kinda suck too, and at this point they must be getting either lazy or just running out of ideas.
speaking of which WHY DO THEY NOT FINISH A FUCKING AREA BEFORE MOVING ON? They put the barn in and besides the two animations (one each) is has nothing else meaning its UNFINISHED. but they go back to the dinner/ strip club to complete that instead. and its still not complete. I dunno it seems stupid to me as to why they don't just focus on one area instead of throwing in random uncomplete shit.
The game still doesn't have a narrative or a story structure yet either. You can go anywhere from the start with no reward or reason to go places besides the NOW mediocre Animations.
Coffee guy is glitched for me too so that is nice.
So yeah its a passable update with mediocre 5 min of new content
Also change Reset from R to something else, like U or wha'ever, the amount of times I've gone to interact with something only to reset to my last save point in an instant IS TO DAMN HIGH