This is what immediately came to mind. That is such a terrible argument. If people are giving money for something that is advertised, doesn't matter how much, then not only are they're going to expect all of the content promised in that update, but the creator has a responsibility to follow through with their promises to backers.
1. That update isn't out, so that's one bad example
2. That's the update everyone is complaining about that didn't have much in it
3. That update was 4 months ago
No one has made that argument that the dev is a 'blackmailer'. Plus I really don't think you know what blackmailing means...
Nuh uh, you don't get to deflect when YOU are the one schizo-posting about how the dev can do no wrong and the low content update is CLEARLY our fault.
If I may step in here and throw in my two cents...
The author hasn't (as far as I'm aware) demanded money out of us or complained that we aren't paying enough to them. The fact that updates are slow could be any number of things ranging from (As I've said before) covid, personal family issues, inner dev team issues, or just plain slowness.
Slowness can be some big sign that they don't care, sure... But it could always be quality control. I looked over the new content (Which I'll get to shortly...) and while yeah, it took what? 3 months? Take a month off that for just a breather and the dev time I'd say actually is around 2 months of work. This is a new area, with new scripted events and multi-stage animations. Assuming they have an artist doing the art, and a programmer dedicated to programming... That right there causes slowness to co-ordinate things. A programmer who doesn't do art can't just throw a half-assed place-holder riddled thing into a swarm of man-eating people who are already screaming at each other over it taking so long. 'It's better to be late and have something good than be early and have a piece of shit.'
Now before everyone jumps on me for defending the creator doing something 'shitty' or this and that... I don't know the whole story about this and honestly I don't think I ever will. I feel giving benefit of the doubt here is justified on solely the grounds of the 'quality' being high.
Now my opinion of the update? It sucks. Generally it's kinda slow and I'm forced to sit through about 2 minutes of scenes with no skip or escape... That's a game design choice and it's kinda shit. However that isn't to say the animations from a quality stand point aren't bad. My opinion (as with everyone elses opinion) aren't some objective flag to throw at people. I don't like the gooy, gross, anal stuff but that's my opinion and it shouldn't factor in to the actual quality of the animations. Besides, half this game is stuff I don't actually like, but I still find the game good enough to play.
Anyway, TL

R - Yes the content is low, but the content quality is high. This shows quality control more than anything and we should all give the dev a break. I don't know all the facts, but if this is one person doing coding AND art, then it's a miracle we got anything at all. Also covid is still a thing and can still stall things from multi-million dollar companies to a person working from their garage.