Counter point: I never said that he was demanding money nor did I say that there might be a reason he didn't provide the full update. What I'm saying is that if people are funding your project and you tell them what's coming out in the next update, it should be expected that those people have complaints when only a fraction of the advertised content comes out. And no one even try to say that "oH yOu'Re GeTtInG tHe CoNteNt FoR FrEe So StFu" because a fair amount of users on here actually do support the dev team.
As a computer science major, I know that working on a video game without a full team is complete hell. There's so many moving parts when developing something like this that it's amazing they even got this far either by themselves or with the small team they have. My only criticism of and suggestion to take away from this situation is either deliver on the content promised or be honest with your work.
I think it is worth noting that Doggie Bones himself says on his Patreon that you should consider stopping your pledge and simply re-pledge whenever new content is out that you want to see.
Why should I pledge?: You'll not only get access towards the finished game "Happy Heart Hell" but also early builds for hentai games before they are released. Any contributions will help me and I would love to take developing hentai games more seriously. Pledges do not need to be maintained for content in case you would rather wait till each major release or specific update. I also will try my best to include any suggestions in the games that I am developing.
While I do agree that once you open yourself up to contributions you become a business in essence and no longer just a hobbyist game developer, I do think it is important note to blow things out of proportion either from the consumer side (our side, the people who fund the dev on Patreon)
Especially when there are other devs with games on F95 that get even more money than Doggie Bones pulls in and continues to not only miss every single update target but just fails to deliver new content. There is
a game on this forum that has been in development for over 4 years now and pulls in 13K USD per month on Patreon and what does that give you after 4 years of development and 13K per month? 1 test level, about 6 enemies and a grand total of about 8 h-animations..... 4 years, 13K per month.......
This update in its current shape already has more content than the game I mentioned above and this game as a whole has been in development for 3 years and has the content and levels to show for it.
As long as the dev continues to provide new, proper, content at reasonable intervals then I don't see the need to complain especially when this dev has continued to deliver over these 3 years and I expect the teased content will be available in the coming months.
There is a fine line between being a responsible gamer/consumer and giving valid criticism or complaints --- and being a self entitled whiner complaining about non-issues.
I think a good example of this and I am guilty for this too is in Star Wars. I complained a lot about the prequels when they came out and well all these years later we got the Rey trilogy and I realised just how good we had it when George Lucas was at the helm of Star Wars and my complaints were not actually valid good complaints I was just being a self-entitled fangirl idiot.
The line can be very hard to see sometimes but when a game like Happy Heart Panic has continued to get consistent updates over these past 3 years I do feel any complaints about promised or teased content being a few months late is crossing said line.
That is my opinion on it in any case.