I wouldn't even try this game for the longest time. After what Caizer did with his last game, left long time patrons hanging just at the point the game reached the edge of the most anticipated scene of the game, he drops a bunch of lame excuses and bugs out on it and starts another game. Making assertions he'll "get back to it in time" which, as you know, never happens. After a while, my disappointment at being so incredibly ripped off calmed just enough that I decided to try HS out. Great art, good story concept, but calling this game a grind is like calling a Tiger a cute little pussycat. There's a difference between a "grind" and 'dragging an anvil across 50 miles of desert'! Then, after all that, what's to stop him for pulling the same stuff he did with MLS. I can't commit to a game...scratch that...a developer who works like that.