RPGM None Haramase Island (TechnoBrake)

Mar 18, 2018
Title: Haramase Island
Version 1.0

The premise of the game is simple: You play as a guy who has a massive donger and you've been chosen to go to this island full of hot chicks and given a pass to impregnate them all, as part of their culture.

No battles, pretty much just hunting down CGs and building relationship points with the various women by showing your dick and using it. I'd love if someone could translate it, even if it's MTL, since the diverse cast (and the dialogue from an MTL I've seen of the demo) leads me to believe that this game's scenes are 10000% better with context.

MEGA Link:

This is my first time uploading a game/making a request thread, so please let me know if I need to change or missed anything! Thank you.

Edit: game has been translated and uploaded below


Make sure to thank them for translating this for us! I don't know how to tag other users, but they deserve praise for this, definitely.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2017
Damn, this looks fun. I'm finishing up a project right now and am working on two more concurrently, but I'd love to do a full translation of this in the future (maybe when the devs can get some revenue from this as it's fresh out of production).

However, if someone does an MTL of this, I'll pass.