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Ren'Py - Hard Days [v0.3.9] [VNAdults]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    THIS IS an CHEATING game if you don't like that, this title is not for you and I would suggest you move on because it's really not optional!

    4 star game at this time, but I see some unfair 1 and 2 stars so I'm bumping my score up by one to help with the average score.

    The MC is attractive and she knows what she want's for most of the choices you get to make. The writing is FUN and interesting the characters are well done and distinctive.

    The renders are all amazing with the exception (in my opinion of Lauren's boss and the mother in law but beauty is in the eye of the beholder).

    The corruption is happening at a good pace and it did not take 20 years for Lauren to decide to have sex which I like. My concern is story direction and plans for Lauren's future adventures, I hope the dev has a firm plan for the progress of this story(y) (fingers crossed).

    I also hope she doesn't go full SLUT mode right away, having her have some misgivings about the course she is on but giving in anyway is what makes these fun, at least to me. I would love to see a little blackmail thrown into the mix, but I am excited for whatever the dev has planned for future adventures.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Have to admit I tried this because of the really hot looking MC. But unfortunately that's it. As others already mentioned she becomes a kind of slut who fucks all that moves very quick. Imo for a corruption game the build up is completely missing. Also forget the choices, you can't avoid anything/anyone (and most of them are quite ugly). So if you like ALL the game tags it's maybe worth it. If you dislike one better move on, you mostly have no chance to avoid it.

    Finally not really a game for me. The second star is for the MC looks.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Well...what do we have here!? This is the Story of Loren (FMC) and her Husband. After 2 Min of Gameplay, Loren realized that everything she wants and needs in her Life are Dicks and Pussys. So she doesn t care if she gets a dick or a pussy, she gets horny as soon as she sees a human being on two legs. So she s constantly horny, gives a shit about her husband and always giggeling. So much to the Story. If you want a choice based VN...this is NOT for you. The Dev gives a fuck of the Choices you make. She s getting fucked or fingered , doesn t matter what you choose. The Dudes in this Game are almost all ugly af. You CAN NOT avoid any of them. Therefor this isn t not really a VN, it is more a Kinetic Novel.

    Pros :

    - Loren (FMC) is Hot...but thats it.

    - Cheating, Sharing, NTR NOT avoidable (forced)
    - Forced Sex with almost every Person (not avoidable; forced)
    - Story and Story writing awful (simpliest pornlogic ever)
    - FMC went from a decent women to a almost prostitute in an instant. (forced)
    - Choices doesn t matter at all (Dev obviously doesn t care)
    - Point System usesless (if you have less "Hornypoints" shes getting fingered; if you have more "Hornypoints" shes getting fucked) -NOT AVOIDABLE-

    If you need a quick fap, feel free to grab this. Otherwise i recommend watching a porn movie. 2 Points for the FMC Renders.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    it's a point and fuck game, the choices are useless, the slut MC fucks everyone, father-in-law, uncle, postmen, the boss of work, women, men, the mother-in-law, every now and then to make him stupid, even the husband, there is no story , the interviews are all the same, also because as I said, MC woman, fuck is enough, who it is doesn't matter. porn made only of scenes.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Echoing other reviews, the game mechanics are soooo limiting. You have to accept almost every choice to up your corruption enough to see anything.

    And, like many games, the dev takes a fun concept and dials it up to an 11. In the span of like, 3 days, the FMC goes from neglected-but-faithful-wife to:
    - seducing her father-in-law
    - sleeping with her next door neighbors (man/woman)
    - becoming a prostitute

    It's... ridiculous. There's no build whatsoever. If you have the Universal Renpy Mod, you can actually make the choices you want and ignore the ones you don't. That's about the only way to make this game enjoyable.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Choices are pointless, i keep rejecting the old fart, but in the end, MC ends up fucking him anyway
    What is the point of previous choices when it all leads to the same thing.
    Not everyone is into every kink, either make it clear that nothing is optional, or make choices actually meaningful

    The only good thing here is that Loren is really gorgeous
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is good. As a game developer I enjoy playing this game. It gives the player exactly what he wants: lots of sex scenes!
    Female protagonist games have always been my favorite. I hope you get a lot of credit for your hard work.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Straight away the hot female MC is acting flirty and getting attention from all the males around her. Either being groped or being led astray. Her best friend who's her boss, only fuels her fire to go full slut mode and cheat on her new husband. She turns in an instant from curious to whore. Its really sexy seeing her being a slut and allow the men to have their way with her. As it's barely any rest between either groping, teasing or sex scenes.

    Since this is set in lockdown there are only a limited number of characters shown which live in her building. Her husband, Her mother in-law, father in-law, and the new neighbor couple.
    She's fucked everyone, except the mother in-law, who's she's had a threesome with anyway lol. The only thing left to fuck is the stray dog outside her window!

    So the tease and allure is all over within 2-3 hours of gametime. It was awesome what was fit in for the shorter time of the updates so far. The problem is now they have to bring in new people for her to fuck or keep escalating the hardcore scenes more & more to keep the interest going. Dev it seems has blew his load too early and rushed too far with lewd acts that we've seen her do so much already. Now it looks like she's gone full submissive slave for the Pimp Neighbor and Father In-Law. She already fucked his business partner and all that's left is to put her to work on a street corner for cash.

    This is a lesson for longevity to keep your game going - less is more sometimes Dev. I'm sure there are plenty of people that love she goes hardcore early and often. In my opinon the Dev should have continued with more teasing and reluctance and not have her become a literal submissive servant within the first 6 months of the games release, to bring in more support and money. It took her a couple days to become a complete whore. I think you had a really good thing going until it went too far. Just my opinion.

    It's sounding like a negative review, but it's not... I really enjoyed it, the characters were all fun (The in-laws were awesome but I hated Leo the neighbor). The dialogue was straight to the point and good for what it was - including the degrading dirty talk. Renders are quite good, not exceptional detail but I was pleased watching them. There's no story as such. MC is just a horny girl in lockdown with men and women trying their best to fuck her, with her friend as a devil in her ear. No matter which path you choose, whether your horniness level is at full or nothing, you still end up cheating and fucking everything that moves.

    Very fun game with some extremely hot scenes and lewd dirty talk but her slutty progression was so quick, there's not much left for the character now. Review of V 0.3.8
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The choices don't really seem to matter, many of the scenes are just over the top porn logic, some of the characters are just ridiculously pea brained....and I just love it.

    The MC is very pleasing on the eyes, scenes are pretty steamy, story is engaging and interesting, it all moves along at a very nice pace. It just works. Of course, you gotta enjoy the various kinks this game showcases (like ugly old men taking advantage of young hot women) but provided you do, it's definitely worth checking out and definitely one I'll be excited to see new updates for.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is in its own genre, the pictures are great and the story line is amazing too, though it is a bit predictable, overall good fun playing this.

    I hope more content and character are introduced in future and am going to support this dev
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    The old people ruins the game. Gilfs and old men should be optional content.
    The in-laws made me stop playing. I could say "no" to their advances, but they just kept sexually harassing the MC. Such a turn-off!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Current version: 0.3.8
    Rating: 5/5

    This means that the game is in the top 20% of the games, not that the game is perfect in my rating scale.

    The main PROS:
    - Super hot protagonist and overall beautiful designs.
    - The "full slut mode" is very slutty.
    - High translation quality.

    The main CONS:
    - The options are local. Meaning that they do not affect the over all story (as far as I can tell). I know it is hard to implement many forks on a story, but it is very rewarding for the players to feel like they have the option. (even if most of them do not take it). It also adds mad re-play-ability.
    - Some scenes are extremely unrealistic. I mean I do not expect a simulator from a game, but fucking his wife a few meter behind of her husband and him do not understanding anything, just because he has his back turned, is IMO extremely unrealistic.

    Overall the game was a nice surprise for me, better than I expect it. I am looking forward for the next version.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    If you want choices that don't matter anyways, get harassed left and right without being able to say no or call the police this is your game. Be ready to be assaulted by just about everyone you lay eyes on no matter how ugly they are and never truly stop them, not while they are doing it or before. You say "No" but the Dev of this game gives you no choice and simply says "Yes" for you. What a horrible where you can't avoid your ugly ass step cunt dad from fingering you. 0/10
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing. I cant wait for this game to be completed. I love everything there is about it. Cheating, big dicks, family. Just awesome. Some DP action in the future would be nice. The final should defently be like a super orgy.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Very, very good. A fresh idea for once! No messing around, moves fast and escalates the action quickly.
    Some of the action is perhaps a little too predictable but that's just part of the fast pace. The sleazy father in law is awful as intended, the mother in law transitioning from gorgon to confidant stretches credibility but in a fun way but overall it's a lot of fun.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    The story is really hot, I'm really intrigued to see what happens. Really the only issue I have is there isn't a very big variety of girls and I'm not fond of the looks of the MC. It's still new so i'm guessing there are going to be more girls as they go further along.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I would encourage supporting this game because I find it very smoothly flowing fun Loren is really hot and very well drawn.
    I also find it rare that, in the game for the time being, there is no blackmail, and the protagonist still manages to betray, making herself an accomplice, manages not to get caught.
    The graphics could be improved in quality and detail, but in any case for me it deserves 5 stars also for the consistency and frequency of the updates. The dev is very present on F95, for any clarification bugs etc..
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story.
    Visually very pleasant.
    The cheat could be more subtle, but overall it is very good.
    It could be improved, in clothes and how they fit the characters.
    This story with better graphics would be top
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I'll start by saying that this is easily one of my favorite games I've played from this site in a long time. It's far from perfect, but it aligns so closely with my particular tastes that I can forgive any faults it may have. I've actually had a loose concept in my head for the kind of VN I'd like to make and this game ticks a lot of the same boxes.

    The MC is an unapologetic cheating bitch and I love that. This isn't a slow burn at all, but neither does it get straight to the action. It's a corruption game on fast forward where the MC starts with her meter half full. There's just enough build to make the pay-off hit harder, but don't expect any kind of riveting plot. This is a stroke fest through and through, one of the best in the field. And it's already a pretty beefy game in this early state, there are a ton of scenes and they're all incredibly hot.

    If I had to knock it on one point, the story is very on-rails. I blasted through an attempt at a "low corruption" run out of curiosity and found that most of the sexual encounters are unavoidable. You do get choices, but they only change the flavor of the scenes (slutty vs extremely slutty). As I said in the beginning, this game is right up my alley so I don't mind that so much. Your mileage may vary.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    I really liked this initially. The writing is solid, renders are pretty good and lead is hot and pretty unique in appearance.

    Nothing earth shattering about the game, but there is little to no build up. She goes from being a wife to a slut in just a few clicks of the screen.

    IDK... now-a-days there are so many good VNs out there with solid stories combined with great H scenes that this one kind of let me down. There seems to be zero remorse and very little soul searching. She just hikes her ass up and lets her father in law go to town pretty quickly.

    If you don't like the build up and just want to get to the good stuff, then check it out. Otherwise, just don't expect too much from this one.