Ren'Py - Hard Days [v0.3.9] [VNAdults]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    It is one of my favorites now! Though basic at this stage, the tale makes all the necessary points. The epidemic has forced The Mc to stay at home, where her new neighbors and in-laws will "corrupt" her . The game moves swiftly and is entertaining, with a build-up to the tale that is maintained despite its day-by-day speed.

    To everyone who like a good female MC cheating narrative, I would suggest this game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. Very sexy, very erotic and very refreshing. Loren is very well designed, very pretty, really lovely. Interesting dialogues, easy to follow. Humour also is present. I am glad that there are not any deliberate delays and action is coming soon.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my new favorite games!

    I will be watching this one closely for each new update. This is a fantastic corruption and cheating game.

    The day-at-a-time pacing of the game and quickly progressing paths to this story make it a quick and enjoyable game that still has some build-up to it.

    I'd recommend this game to anyone who likes a good female mc cheating story.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Great start to the story, I really liked the female MC, she is beautiful and I like that we have choices regarding how far she will go (unless you let her horniness get out of control).

    The story is simple so far, but hits all the right points. The Mc is confined at home due to the pandemic, her new neighbors and her in-laws will "corrupt" her (there is no proper corruption, but rather she is sexually frustrated because her husband is not paying attention to her, so she will get it outside).

    I played this in spanish, and I found the writing to be great, the conversations between characters were believable and very hot, I usually always play games in english as I cringe when playing them in spanish, but this was really, really good, proper grammar, proper phrasing... really nice (makes me think that this was originally written by a spanish speaker).

    The only thing I think may need tweaking is how far her horniness level goes up and down, overall it works, but it can make it become meaningless if it can be 0 or 10 so easily. I guess future updates will show if that pacing is correct or not.

    I love corruption games, but I prefer to always have a choice in which content to participate, and if letting the father in law grope you for a scene takes your horniness to 8-9 and that means that choices are taken away from you, it is a bit annoying, the horniness should either go up/down slower or instead open alternative options, like after being groped you can for example still decide to whether you want to fuck or not, but if you have high horniness a third option might become available, to ask the guy to cover you in cum, or to cum inside, or to escalate things in other ways, so you are "rewarded" by having high horniness with extra choices, instead of penalized by removing choices from you.

    I will definitely keep an eye on this on this one and I will look into supporting the creator, as I think this is a good foundation for a great FMC game.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Reviewing v0.02

    A good VN that is great at what it does.
    The MC is very pretty and the story has her very horny and confined at home. This sums up a rather simple story that puts her in hot situations, mostly of the cheating type, very quickly and often.
    This allows for sex scenes to come up at a good pace without being ridiculous.
    With v0.02 we've now gone into intercourse territory and also multiple choices scenario. It makes for a rather enjoyable and replayable gameplay.

    The biggest issue at the moment is the English translation (Spanish is the dev's native). It is pretty bad, although thanks to the simplicity of the story, it doesn't prevent understanding the situations and guessing what was meant to be said. If that gets fixed, it will be a great improvement.

    So overall a good one to play if you want an adult game with a good amount of sex wrapped with a simple story to keep it altogether. If you rather have a complex story with only a little bit of sexiness, this isn't for you.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great start, love the game so far! There's enough content to start off with, and several plotlines and characters are set up for future interaction. I'm looking forward to seeing where the story goes and how much more corruption will ensue.