Well yesterday evening I went to bed a little wiser. I thought 's was a contraction only for is when following he/she. They did not teach me this in school and I didn't notice that particular contraction used in the books and media I have consumed. Makes me wonder if it is particular to a certain region or if I just misinterpreted some of the things I have read or heard.1. Isn't an error. This is a contraction of 'she has cum'. That written contraction is not something an English teacher would appreciate but is a reflection of the spoken form people often use. Just don't do it if you write a book.
My God.I haven't still played the last update but I LOVE THIS GAME.
Is a well written corruption adventure, I like when is the husband or the boyfriend who corrupt the partner, but this game is exciting.
She, MC female dominating a woman.I see the femdom tag. Since it's a female protagonist game, is it female dominating male or is it female dominating female?
I forgot to ask the important question. Does this game have any femdom scenes or is it like those games have femdom tag for no reason ?
Thanks, appreciate the reply.She, MC female dominating a woman.
I see the femdom tag. Since it's a female protagonist game, is it female dominating male or is it female dominating female?
I forgot to ask the important question. Does this game have any femdom scenes or is it like those games have femdom tag for no reason ?
She, MC female dominating a woman.
It's standard English, not particular to an area. When to have is used as an auxiliary it's unstressed and contractions can occur: I've, he's, I'd. But as boulimanus has noted, some people could speak like that but not write like that.Well yesterday evening I went to bed a little wiser. I thought 's was a contraction only for is when following he/she. They did not teach me this in school and I didn't notice that particular contraction used in the books and media I have consumed. Makes me wonder if it is particular to a certain region or if I just misinterpreted some of the things I have read or heard.
Thanks.Depending on what you choose, she dominates or can be dominated
I love'd all days!....and I love poker!!! erm Texas Hold'm I hope / strip poker ?You must be registered to see the links
Development progress! We start with "Poker Night"!
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Hello again everyone!
I hope you enjoyed the afternoon of the 4th!
I'm already working on the renders for the night, which is going to be long and very hot It's still too early to tell you much more, it's been just a week since the last update, and I'm practically preparing the girls, choosing what they will wear, and deciding on several details of how the poker night will take place
But I'm very happy with the good reception of the new update, sometimes during the development I have some doubts, but so far it seems that everything is going quite well, and people are liking it, which encourages me a lot!
I know that I still have to adjust the lust system, little by little in the updates that I have more time I will do it, it is difficult to adjust it without having the development of the following days.
And finally, would you like some special renders for Christmas? Let me know in the comments if you would like, and if I see that the development of the poker night is going well, I'll make some
I leave you a couple of renders of "The Poker Night" as a preview
A big hug to all of you, and as always, thank you very, very much for all your support!