3.70 star(s) 42 Votes


Mar 16, 2018
Just accept that shes a trash and cringe character and move on, its not that bad. I mean really though, its a game about lesbians and trans women, did you not expect some of this?
Well, it said "cyberpunk dystopia", I got the cyberpunk part out if wich I like, but didn't expect the dystopia of the modern left views. Games are a form of escapism, but even when I look for a fap-material to enjoy - it is still there.

Detective Cancer

Deep Cunt
Aug 28, 2018
After finding some MRA red-pill nutcase nonsense in another game on here which really put me off it, I'm glad this is here to balance things out. Love it so far.
Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
Well, it said "cyberpunk dystopia", I got the cyberpunk part out if wich I like, but didn't expect the dystopia of the modern left views. Games are a form of escapism, but even when I look for a fap-material to enjoy - it is still there.
When you look up a porn game you usually do it to have a quick fap, if it's a nice VN with good characters that's a bonus. The main character in this is a horrible pretentious cunt and it's the only thing I really *hate* about this game, the others are cute and neat. It's the monologues and complaining I can't get over and at that point.. well what's the point if I'm skipping over dialogue to try and get my fapping material?

If it was more subtle it'd be fine, there's issues in this world but you can make it feel better with your friends, and you can fight this big corporation with the porn toxins... instead you have some whiny kid yelling at everyone about their issues when clearly everyone else is also fucking hating their lives cos it's a cyberpunk awful timeline. You have 5 idiots who throw themselves at you immediately, they've all got dicks and don't care that you're a transbot or whatever, you've no right to complain, you have it easier than most people and this is the problem I see with every tumblrette, you're doing fine but you wanna keep yelling because it's easier to be angry, it's not good enough till everyone else is angry. Fuck off.

It's wasted potential with such good looking art to not have written a proper piece of storytelling, we just have a whiny teen complaining about how hard their life is despite having managed to get their body the way they want it and immediately making 5 unique friends who don't care. Get on with the plot.

Detective Cancer

Deep Cunt
Aug 28, 2018
I noticed the computer in the room has a terminal. Are there any terminal codes
I think someone mentioned earlier that "cheats" are a possibility but they're not implemented yet.

Edit: I wanna amend my previous rant and end it here as follows:
You had a really good chance here to give trans people some adorable escapism into this adventure with quirky characters but you spent all your time whining even though the main character escapes persecution right from the start, stumbles into 5 awesome people who accept them, and even have the choice explained to them to edit their body even further as one of their new friends is a mechanic that can do these things. You either write a proper realistic struggle or let it dissolve into a happy escapist story, instead you spent all your time hamfisting your agenda and complaints. I get it, dysphoria never leaves you but this character has the opportunity to live her life in what I imagine is the most ideal circumstances for a struggling trans person. She has great friends who don't judge her, they're pervs but never encroach on her space like "chasers" tend to, they have this heist adventure plan thing going to save the city from the bad corporation, they have a place to stay, some silly neighbours and easy ways to make money. You could've crafted a really cute, really fun story that trans people can relate to on some level and have fun with, instead you're reminding them of how miserable they are while actively alienating people like me who don't fully understand the struggle but have friends who do and say this game just makes them feel annoyed. I don't know what the end-game is but this is just.. a lost opportunity. I hope it changes at some point, I don't think trans people need more reminders of how miserable they are. You can get your message across without it being so obvious and whiny, you can build a story that acknowledges the oppression but works through it without having walls of text complaining, instead cherishing the life this character was given and immediately accepted into by chance. The only reason I'm so upset by his game is because of this great art and really neat characters wasted on a complaining teenager's mindset instead of elevating it past that and crafting a story about adventure in this fictional world where a trans person can just be themselves through the technology of this cyberpunk universe. It's a shame.

I'm gonna shut up now because I'm certain no one gives as much of a fuck as I do and I've said enough.
Apologies to anyone who wasted their time reading this.


Aug 13, 2018
A person is a person is a person. What the world really needs IMO is a separation of physical gender and gender identity, as in sex only descibing what parts someone has, and identity be something else...maybe not that simple, but Im not going to rant here, in any case. (At least not yet, as Ive seen nothing expressed so far that would feel wrong, but Im not too far into the game either, lol.)

EDIT/ADD: Ok, maybe just a bit cringy as some issues brought forward sounds more like the author speaking rather than something that the characters would say as part of a natural conversation.

EDIT/ADD2: Ok, a lot of eye-roll moments too...also they seem to dislike cis males with a passion, which is kind of tragicomical. (No, I'm not a cis male, just for the record.)

TLDR: Someone is trying to put forward their opinion in this game (for better and worse), but the sex and the game itself is pretty decent~


Engaged Member
Mar 10, 2018
Well, it said "cyberpunk dystopia", I got the cyberpunk part out if wich I like, but didn't expect the dystopia of the modern left views.
Cyberpunk as a genre tends to be pretty "left" almost by definition simply because its characteristic setting is a runaway capitalist dystopia; questionable civil-rights record (and related attitudes) pretty much comes with the territory.

Also you will excuse developers for bringing up societal topics that are of immediate personal relevance to them IRL.

Grape Juice

Jun 21, 2018
Well, on the one hand - they're right. Futa is an derogatory term to call a transwoman. On the other hand, 99.9% 'transwomen' in porn games are actually just two-dimensional, big boobed, stereotypical chicks with dicks. I think the reasoning goes something like this ... "I like watching sex, but I don't want to look at some sweaty bloke getting it on. Logically, I should like seeing lesbian sex, but I only really understand 'dick goes in hole'. IDEA! Stick a penis on one of them."
It's a bit late to reply to that, but hey... It's a really difficult question (for me at least) because you are actually right: futa chicks are not trans-women, they are women born with a penis (most of the times). So on a surface level i would be A-OK with that. it's a kink, one that i don't have a problem with (unlike *cough* rape *cough*) and one that doesn't get boring (unlike *cough* incest *cough*).
That said: the wider implications are that this is what the porn-games-playing-community (does such a thing exist??) view as trans-women or to use the even worse term: "traps"
I mean it's hot. but it's also kinda problematic if you aren't aware of what you are consuming is a fantasy and very different from what "chicks with dicks" are like in the real world.


Active Member
Mar 29, 2017
I mean it's hot. but it's also kinda problematic if you aren't aware of what you are consuming is a fantasy and very different from what "chicks with dicks" are like in the real world.
Eh, I get what you mean about knowing what's real and what isn't real.

True story, I find porn games with full voice to be a bit problematic. Because whatever drawings or 3D CG I'm looking at, I can't help remembering the sound is actually coming from a bored 30-year old woman in a studio somewhere. I'd rather have Hatsune Miku as the voice actor.


Jul 17, 2017
Whats the bane of this "MRA red-pill nutcase nonsense" game?
It was Transfigure, when you go down the route with the college professor. There's an unmissable segment where the author vents for three pages about how stupid and ugly SJW women are when they're having a march/protest in-game.

Instead of jumping into the game's thread to complain about that, I just sighed, rolled my eyes and uninstalled it. Which is what those complaining about Hardcoded could do. So much for the tolerant right. ;)

Detective Cancer

Deep Cunt
Aug 28, 2018
It was Transfigure, when you go down the route with the college professor. There's an unmissable segment where the author vents for three pages about how stupid and ugly SJW women are when they're having a march/protest in-game.

Instead of jumping into the game's thread to complain about that, I just sighed, rolled my eyes and uninstalled it. Which is what those complaining about Hardcoded could do. So much for the tolerant right. ;)
The difference is that has one segment that's complaining, and it's nowhere near as good, on top of that it's just another cheap HTML text thing without any substance. This game has really nice characters, art, and writing, the main one being the only real problem because they don't stop complaining despite having their life be nearly perfect right from the start.
This game is trying to pass itself off as escapism and storytelling for a trans person to immerse themselves in but it's just a constant reminder of how horrible their life is that never ends. It never commits to either a real fun adventure story or being a depressing pile of shlock because whenever the main character's speaking it's depressing and obnoxious but everyone else is cute and interesting.
The main character is dropped in a world where they have 0 issues. Their body can be modified at will, their friends are super accepting from the start, and they actually escape prosecution IMMEDIATELY off-screen at the start, they have no reason to complain and as much as I understand dysphoria never goes away the character can, again, change their body if they want to, at any point, to make that feeling go away for good, something a real human in our world will never achieve. This main character's a selfish twat.
1 segment vs. the whole game. For the record; I'm about as tolerant as it gets, my best friend and daughter are trans and they thought the same things I thought, this game could've been great but it isn't because of this, don't get smug and uppity when you're comparing two entirely different things, with entirely different connotations and purposes.
Oh, and one last thing CRITICISM, heard that word before? If you put anything out anywhere people will scrutinise it, at the very least I'm trying to be constructive because the main character's dialogue literally rips you out of the world the game's trying to craft around them every time they talk and it's the only real issue I have with the game, because I think this could be a great experience and a great game but it's not right now, not for me, and especially not for trans people suffering on a daily basis and expecting some fun escapist storytelling to shelter themselves in for a little while.


Jul 17, 2017
The difference is that has one segment that's complaining, and it's nowhere near as good, on top of that it's just another cheap HTML text thing without any substance. This game has really nice characters, art, and writing, the main one being the only real problem because they don't stop complaining despite having their life be nearly perfect right from the start.
This game is trying to pass itself off as escapism and storytelling for a trans person to immerse themselves in but it's just a constant reminder of how horrible their life is that never ends. It never commits to either a real fun adventure story or being a depressing pile of shlock because whenever the main character's speaking it's depressing and obnoxious but everyone else is cute and interesting.
The main character is dropped in a world where they have 0 issues. Their body can be modified at will, their friends are super accepting from the start, and they actually escape prosecution IMMEDIATELY off-screen at the start, they have no reason to complain and as much as I understand dysphoria never goes away the character can, again, change their body if they want to, at any point, to make that feeling go away for good, something a real human in our world will never achieve. This main character's a selfish twat.
1 segment vs. the whole game. For the record; I'm about as tolerant as it gets, my best friend and daughter are trans and they thought the same things I thought, this game could've been great but it isn't because of this, don't get smug and uppity when you're comparing two entirely different things, with entirely different connotations and purposes.
Oh, and one last thing CRITICISM, heard that word before? If you put anything out anywhere people will scrutinise it, at the very least I'm trying to be constructive because the main character's dialogue literally rips you out of the world the game's trying to craft around them every time they talk and it's the only real issue I have with the game, because I think this could be a great experience and a great game but it's not right now, not for me, and especially not for trans people suffering on a daily basis and expecting some fun escapist storytelling to shelter themselves in for a little while.
I am transgender.

EDIT: Coming back after a few minutes to not be so snippy with you. To be honest, your criticisms of the game are laid out reasonably, and I can see the validity behind them, even if I don't personally agree. You think pure escapism would be a better approach, I'm okay with the dichotomy staying in there.

What I've been trying to be snide against here is the one-sentence replies along the lines of: "I could have wanked to this, but it's just pushing its agenda at me".

Detective Cancer

Deep Cunt
Aug 28, 2018
I am transgender.

EDIT: Coming back after a few minutes to not be so snippy with you. To be honest, your criticisms of the game are laid out reasonably, and I can see the validity behind them, even if I don't personally agree. You think pure escapism would be a better approach, I'm okay with the dichotomy staying in there.

What I've been trying to be snide against here is the one-sentence replies along the lines of: "I could have wanked to this, but it's just pushing its agenda at me".
Well that's kinda how I started cos I was pretty grumpy at the game throwing all this depression at me when I was expecting a cute game about a trans android lady meeting these neat characters with their own quirks. I respect your opinion as well, and to more properly word my opinion on this I'd say it's perfectly fine for the character to be depressed, it's just hard to believe or be engaged by when she's like this despite having all the options in the world to remove that sadness, she can get her ideal body in this universe at the drop of a hat.
She can continue to be sad and dysphoric if she wants to but when there's no evidence to show that she's actually oppressed or attacked and she's just being sad for the sake of it, especially when the rest of the cast is trans, super accepting, and they're not being hunted down or even acknowledged as different. There's no point to it and it's at this point where it becomes clear she's not sad because she's not in her ideal body she's actively making herself sad, ignoring the position she's in and actively dismissing the possibility of improving herself. She wants to be the worst case scenario so che can continue being sad. It's an alcoholic acknowledging they're drinking too much, and continuing to drink so they can make themselves feel worse, and drink some more.
As a bit of less constructive criticism: This game was written by a Tumblr/Facebook attention whore with some drawing talent.

Edit: Later on in the game there's real messages of cis male hatred regardless of their actual personality traits or as far as I can tell their sexual orientation. So that's great, it's fine to oppress everyone that isn't trans or female. Literally tumblr. I was trying to play through this a little more to get to the animations but it's not worth it.


Sep 25, 2017
For someone who doesn't like the game you've invested a lot of time in explaining why you don't like the story, which is going on and on about your own opinion and how it makes you feel, beating the dead horse til it's a mushy pulp, it's all very..... masturbatory.

I don't think it's healthy that you dedicate so much energy to fuming about a porn game. If the dialog ruined your erection then that's entirely your problem. Going so vehemently against the plot and getting mad that people like the game is pointless. People like different stuff, and I wouldn't think this would be the hill anyone would want to fight and die on. I'm a straight CIS white male and I don't feel offended or threatened or disgusted by the narrative, nor do I wave the trans-tumblr flag and resent those who dislike it. It's a game. I can play it and read it and jerk off to it and that's all that it is. Leave your baggage at home dude.


Active Member
Jan 28, 2018
For someone who doesn't like the game you've invested a lot of time in explaining why you don't like the story, which is going on and on about your own opinion and how it makes you feel, beating the dead horse til it's a mushy pulp, it's all very..... masturbatory.

I don't think it's healthy that you dedicate so much energy to fuming about a porn game. If the dialog ruined your erection then that's entirely your problem. Going so vehemently against the plot and getting mad that people like the game is pointless. People like different stuff, and I wouldn't think this would be the hill anyone would want to fight and die on. I'm a straight CIS white male and I don't feel offended or threatened or disgusted by the narrative, nor do I wave the trans-tumblr flag and resent those who dislike it. It's a game. I can play it and read it and jerk off to it and that's all that it is. Leave your baggage at home dude.
I don't think anyone here is mad that someone liked the game, and the fact is no one who's here talking about it is doing so because they couldn't have enjoyed it.

In fact critizim here is because they would've liked it if the plot was more immersive, and had less tonal clashing, because at it's hart it's trying to be escapist fantasy, one in which a marry sue player self-insert gains a full harem in minutes, and nothing bad ever happens. Yet the game is filled with ludonarrative dissonance, because nothing bad is show to happen, and there is no proof in the product it's self of the claims it's trying to establish.

Detective Cancer

Deep Cunt
Aug 28, 2018
Okay I'm gonna break this down a bit. Let's see...

1. I'm explaining why I didn't like it and why I think it could be improved if the tone of it wasn't so badly done, the main character is the only issue I have it's just a big issue because they're the only one that has problems, except they don't have problems they're just complaining for the sake of it. If you can play it, read it, and jerk off to it that's fine, but it's a VN, people play VNs for story and characters.
2. Because it's a VN the text is all it has going for it, and if the text is bad the VN is bad despite the animations being pretty darn good, because you gotta dig through the text to get to those, the artist has drawing talent for sure but a VN is mostly text and character interaction, I could've just ripped the images out of the game if I wanted the porn and nothing else, which at this point I don't even want.
3. People like different stuff, no one likes constant complaining when an issue doesn't exist to complain about. Just because you're not offended doesn't mean other people aren't, and it also doesn't make the text dedicated to insulting cismale any less anti-cismale. That's not to say everyone should be offended but it's very clearly just insults thrown at men.
4. I don't hate anyone that likes the game, opinions are lovely and I wouldn't want to take that away from anyone, by all means please enjoy it, I just can't. I realise the way I talk can be really overbearing and I do ramble a lot, apologies about that it's just who I am. Dismissing my criticism because you felt it was "masturbatory" is randomly insulting for no reason, despite me repeating myself a lot.
5. Criticism, it's okay you don't agree with me but nowhere here have I actively derided or insulted anyone for liking the game, again, by all means, please continue to enjoy it. I just think it could be improved upon if a lot of the complaining went. I already said I was done talking about it though, I did talk far too much about it and unless I'm making a jokey post I get that I write waaaayyyyyyyy too much but there's nothing vehement about it. I just happen to write that way.

P.S. It's hard to get an erection with a vagina.


Sep 25, 2017
You're not getting what I'm saying. All your points have been made ad-nausium and you keep repeating them over and over as if re-explaining yourself is going to somehow change everything. It's better to say your piece and then drop the mic. You've added nothing new or substantial to your argument with your recent 5-part installment and smacking opinions together with people you don't agree with is just beating off.

It's not your opinion that's the problem, it's this short novel you write in response to every disagreement that isn't healthy.
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3.70 star(s) 42 Votes