I am sure there are some players our there who like to replay that scene, even if it is always the same.
So, if your idea for a permanent little money boost should be implemented, I hope that the possibility to repeat the photo shot does not get removed completely.
But as we are on this topic right now. I always wondered why the MC is selling the pix to some random dude.
From the rest of the story this somehow does not match the character as I see him. He is always protecting them and this is like offering them up to some pervert.
The good thing is that we can choose the option to make the photo shot and sell or not sell them.
For my part I always did not sell them to some pervert, so at the beginning of the game I am short on money as this income is missing for me. But that is OK, I do not see a problem with the option to sell them or that I am short on cash.
For me the best solution to solve money shortage would be to just make the outfits that are not needed for progress cheaper and easier to get.
Keep Elvs, Story Items, Bar and upgrades as they are and make the optional outfits cheaper.
I always save all the money till I have all the needed things like Story Items, Bar and Sanctum, only then do I start buying outfits as they cost me to much in the beginning, but at that time I am not short of money anymore.
An option to make them cheaper and that would also add a little to the immersion is a random event were a girl comes to you and mentions that there is a nice outfit for “Fun Time” on sale right now and asks if you would buy it for her right now. And then you get if for 50% of the normal price. Everyone is happy about a bargain for something you wanted to by anyway later. In a case like that I would by an outfit even before I have all the other important stuff. That would mix it a little up in what order I get the items.
Who could say “No” to a Lynn that wants to be sexy for you.