Pretty sure pregnancy will be in the game somewhere down the line.
Even seen in game evidence of possibly getting android pregnant. (Remember when she broke her arm)
so it will be in game but will be awhile before we get to see it and as to who gets pregnant first?....
Better be Ashley I don't fancy waking up to a Lorania Bobbit!.
There was mention of Android pregnancy? I don't remember....x.x
She's got all that existential and being seen as nothing more then a robot drama going on.
Hope this won't lead to even more...
Ashley is the most likely to get first, probably after she finishes her school, getting pregnant before would force her to drop out and probably ruin everything she worked so hard for.
Linn is an elf, therefore her kids would probably be taken and made a sslave as well.
Something she clearly doesn't want and is one of her main motivations for freeing the elves.
Would Maria's kids suffer tthe same?
How do laws work fro quarter elves?
Kali is too busy with her studies aand her future to have time for a kid, the twins still need to get some of their shit together and with Autumn, it would probably lead to the game's first shotgun wedding. xD
So yeah, it's gonna take some time and development.
So lets all keep our fingers crossed.