This is where that media campaign comes into effect. And even something as simple as the facebook style campaign that I was talking about would start earning money that could be used to fund more things, and some of those could then be used to fund more things, and so on.It's still easier said than done with the people currently holding positions of power and in the majority. It isn't the only way, just the only one that is feasible with the resources we currently have. There's always buying out the population and moving them out of the influence of other owners, not even necessarily out of Syl'anar, just somewhere only we have access to them without consequences for trying to mess with them. Doable, but we need more resources than we have now to pull it off.
That's the problem I have with those methods, we may not have a decade. The elves may or may not be safe for now, but nothing says that can't change within said decade. A decade is a pretty long time in human terms.
Well, the more we people we convince, the less likely it is that such an outcome would come to pass. We are not super heroes, just a human with a massive dick, there are only so many things we can do, but I am sure that whatever it is, will be enough to save most of them, and make us a happy future.
Making the world better, one person at a time.
The key with this plan is that we will not put all of our eggs in one basket. We have to work it from a lot of angles, and hit it from every side. Convincing the people people, trashing anyone running for office that is an elf hater, buying/employing as many as we can, and more.