I don't think there would be a difference in customs in this case. A room full of ppl seeing your nudes, is still a room full of ppl seeing your nudes. If say the ppl of the city occasionally did a nudie day around town or if the school website has a section where you could post your own nudes, something giving us cultural context that sexy and nudity are more accepted, then i can see the studences not caring to much. But the students did freak out, the whole school knows that those
And they might not get over that very well.
And for my personal reaction, i've been becoming more sensitive to SA in media, and in a small way thats what this was.(no runey the scene is fine im just discussing the game with somebody, this is in no way a critique.) So my reaction was a little more emotional. But did I have android send those to my computer? of course i did...