About the androïde university hack and every one's reaction. First the MC being self insert every reaction is valid.
One aspect I try to consider when playing the game is that societal norms are different than our owns. That, to me, explain the somewhat mild reaction the class has to their photos being reavealed to everyone. In our world I could see the university stating an investigation to find the culprit with possibly police involvement and media coverage. I find that reaction more telling than the MC's. Honestly for me MC's reaction, was an extension of that litle reflection on social acceptability.
On a personal level, I don't quite remember my emotional response. Thinking about it, how would I have reacted? Photos can be something people treat as verry personal and private regardless of what is happening in them or peoples state of undress. So I guess giving the player a choice of how to react there can only be a good thing. Maybe he could even omit talking about the lewd aspect of the photos if the player decide to scold Androïde. That way the player get what they want I.E. a scolding for sharing without consent while still learning more about the customs of the world.
I was kind of mixed on it, as it was kind of rude, but, on the other hand, I am a huge fan of ENF, so....
I don't think there would be a difference in customs in this case. A room full of ppl seeing your nudes, is still a room full of ppl seeing your nudes. If say the ppl of the city occasionally did a nudie day around town or if the school website has a section where you could post your own nudes, something giving us cultural context that sexy and nudity are more accepted, then i can see the studences not caring to much. But the students did freak out, the whole school knows that those
And they might not get over that very well.
And for my personal reaction, i've been becoming more sensitive to SA in media, and in a small way thats what this was.(no runey the scene is fine im just discussing the game with somebody, this is in no way a critique.) So my reaction was a little more emotional. But did I have android send those to my computer? of course i did...
In a world where nudity is not seen as a big deal by most people, where it is legal to be naked in public, and even have sex with your elf on the street.
Putting our sensibilities onto it is a mistake.
The only problem I ever have is when there are two events at the same time at either a girl's door or someplace like the hot springs. It would be nice to have some way to tell which event belongs to which girl so we have a choice of which one to do first. In the case of the hot springs, the events usually trigger automatically, but only one will trigger if there are two of them and you have no control over which one it is.
While I was specifically talking about loading an old save to check something, like how to trigger an event someone was asking about and then having to go through 3 days of events triggering left and right before you can do what you are there to do, my mian problem is that I ALWAYS have something I want to do first. Every shift, I run around the hotel, and give all the girls some affection. Everyone, for every shift that they are available (and sometimes I do extras when they are not). It's my OCD routine, and I don't like it when my routine is disrupted.

I particularly dislike missing the ones for Lin and Android in the kitchen, since it means I am losing potential affection points, and the only way to make that up, is to give her a spanking next time! It's so rude, even if she does like it!
excuse me runey i have problem, when i use my old save in version 12.0 and want to use it in 15.1 version it didn't work, what happen? do anyone one? (I just saw this hotel harem which is already on version 15.1)
Were you using a mod before?
Have you tried other saves, like one of the auto saves?
Did you get an error message? If so, what did it say?