I don’t know if I am getting old and grumpy or just an overflow of games where all the girls like the MC out of nowhere.
But I know this is new to me.
The first time I played Harem Hotel it did not bug me at all.
But now on my second playthrough it is bugging me.
So I have built a little head cannon, that explains it and I want to share and maybe have you guys input or improvements to it.
My head cannon is: the Hotel is not build at a random location but on an old elven temple ruin, and Lin knows this but have not felt the need to inform the MC or anyone else of it. she just wanders off on her Special Day off. and prays in the Temple. but the temple is Special, it is Magical, and was meant to amplify the Priest’s power and will to the surrounding area.
sins Lin is the only one praying at the temple, it is her will and love that is slowly being imprinted on all the other girls.
what do you guys thing ?
good ? , bad ? , not important ?