Autumn's personality will definitely be changing quite a bit, but she'll still likely keep her "girl next door" vibe. Which, also hasn't been shown. At the beginning, she's annoying. MC knows this, the girls know this, and even the player may know this. But she's also very caring.
But in any case, her corruption will probably take the longest out of all the girls. Autumn polls low because she's intentionally an annoying character, which has begun to change in v0.6. But I hope I didn't make her annoying 24/7, I tried to space her good side out from her bad side.
Autumn polled fairly low due to that poll being from the end of v0.5, when she was introduced, all girls are like that.
I have no problem with taking her slow, that fits well, as long as she is still making progress, then I will be thrilled.
I really do like her,, even if she isn't a favorite yet, but once we teach her that her church was wrong about ...basically everything, she is going to be great! I mean, she is new, so it's hard to pick her as a fave, no matter how much I like her presumed plot, and character design (do love me some pretty redheads).
I am actually kind of surprised people don't like the cornwall event, nobody has spoken up about it since a week or so ago, haha.
I liked it (if we are still talking about the last one and not spoilers), even if I did want to hit him and defend my lovely Lin's honor, it showed us he isn't as bad as he could be, asshats like that one guy are not tolerated, and we have a chance to help a lot of people. I honestly like where it is heading, and can't wait to see us be able to help more, even if it means we need a whole floor or two to house them.
I should also add, I don't actually have plans for any new characters at all, just ideas for them. These ideas (MC's sister for example) need to be thought out more before they're added. So it's not set in stone at all. But I do like the idea of MC's sister.
If the non-sister route, he could have been our neighbor as kids, and they grew up like siblings, that way if they let a 'brother' or 'sisters' slip, it won't seem out of place.
Ashley need an ally in the boob wars, just saying!
She has them, Lin and now Moon is going to join, I hope her chest is at least bigger than that, a nice B-cup would be good, if not a bit larger (maybe she even grew a few sizes since we last saw her).
@Runey I was thinking about the elves earlier, and where to stay, and while I was being flippant in my last response, it wasn't entirely without merit. While I do not know if Android needs to sleep, I did notice she has a two person bed, and a couch that you could say also folds out into another two person bed, at least until we have enough floors to make them all maids or something. Then some of them can come sleep with us when they are ready.