
Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
The tone of this game is different from what it was in 2018/2019 when I last played. That time it was definitely more porn like. To me it looks like the developer shifted direction and I can understand why it is jarring for some people. I myself prefer the game as it was back in the day.

If you dont like the new direction, leave a review in a civilized manner - the developer looks at it. If the developer still wants to continue developing the game with this new direction it is their choice. It is your choice to either suck it up and compromise or simply walk away. There are plenty of other games on this website. If you financially supported in the past then you need to understand that there is always a possibility that projects that are ongoing can change focus. You are sponsoring the continued development of the game the developer wants to make and not the one you want to make. If you are not comfortable with this, just dont pledge instead pay the one time buyer's fee once the game is completed if you want to show support. Pledging to an ongoing project always comes with risks and it is your job to assess these risks and decide if you are ok with it.

And there is the tone of your posts - calling something 'woke' immediately makes a lot of people (myself included) dismiss pretty much anything you have to say. Being rude on the forum is not going to change the way the game is being developed.
The "tone shift" you're noticing is me finding myself as a developer. This is my first attempt at doing anything you see. I've learned a lot since then, and it's natural for every writer to make a second draft of their work. Publishing a first draft is essentially unheard of. But I have never changed the direction of this game, I knew where it was going since I started developing it. I knew that to get you invested in the story, I had to make you care about the characters.

From my 5 years of being here, what seems to be most jarring to people is that this is a game with a lot of porn in it that isn't solely about the porn and focuses on the characters, story, and world. People play this game expecting porn, and this is something I'm keenly aware of and happy to provide. This is why I try to set expectations, but trolls will be trolls so lets try not to feed them.


Sep 10, 2018
Did you download the "Update Only" version of the game? If so, had you already downloaded the full version of the game from at least v0.15 previously, and did you follow the instructions for how to install the update version into the original game?
The last one I downloaded was from .14 and I updated the rest, I usually just copy and paste the contents into the game file when I download the updates only.


Active Member
Dec 9, 2017
Is there any kind of stat sheet for what the levels should be for each girl for particular updates? I think I must have edited a save at some point so I get that warning saying their stats aren't correct and that it might cause issues(I don't think it has...yet)

But I don't know what their stats should be so can't really fix 'em without starting the entire game again.
Last version I played was 0.15 so if anyone has the max stats for that version that would be super handy.


Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
Is there any kind of stat sheet for what the levels should be for each girl for particular updates? I think I must have edited a save at some point so I get that warning saying their stats aren't correct and that it might cause issues(I don't think it has...yet)

But I don't know what their stats should be so can't really fix 'em without starting the entire game again.
Last version I played was 0.15 so if anyone has the max stats for that version that would be super handy.
That's a tricky question to answer because a character's relationship level is directly tied to the number of story events you've seen. So their level should be of the last event you saw. Adjusting relationship levels breaks the game.


Active Member
Dec 9, 2017
That's a tricky question to answer because a character's relationship level is directly tied to the number of story events you've seen. So their level should be of the last event you saw. Adjusting relationship levels breaks the game.
Hmmm...there's no way I can tell if I've seen everything then hopefully I haven't missed a bunch lol
I can't think of anything obvious but I somehow didn't trigger the Androids blowjob event for ages to the point where I thought she just couldn't do it for some odd reason
Guess I'll just nab someones 0.15 save and do smart thing of not editing stuff willy nilly...


Jul 18, 2017
Can anyone help me I am stuck at moon lv 3 event, it says I have to go to the bar and that after completing I can go talk to the bartender to choose a different route, but there is only one woman there on Saturday you can have sex with her but that is not the event.


Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
Well, mainly continuation of slave routes for Nia and Sylvia, if you even plan on wrapping them up any time soon.
"More" is always the goal, that should be implied through this being a project in development, but ideas are one of my biggest bottlenecks, and you seem to be a fan of their content, so the real question is; what do you want to see?


Active Member
Dec 9, 2017
The slave elves could maybe be made in to strippers at the bar? That would be a neat mildly immoral way to get some extra cash and tempt the player to the dark side
I have zero ideas what the love route version of that could be, random or passive buffs? Boosts to advertising and such, maybe they go out and get jobs that relate to this
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Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
The slave elves could maybe be made in to strippers at the bar? That would be a neat mildly immoral way to get some extra cash and tempt the player to the dark side
I have zero ideas what the love route version of that could be, random or passive buffs? Boosts to advertising and such, maybe they go out and get jobs that relate to this
I think that may go a bit too far considering the grander plot, but we have Sylvia as the maid in the slave route which I think fits well.

Sylvia may help Ellen work during certain times of the day in the love route, which will give Ellen a break.

Nia already has a job so she probably couldn't be given something extra at the hotel.

Story event ideas are what I'm looking for. Maybe sexual, maybe not.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2017
Runey, a question regarding current/future development: how much more modifying or adding to older stages of the game (not just graphics, but gameplay and world-building) do you envision you have before you? I ask because I've already played this to the end of current content twice (once a long while ago, once a few releases ago), it's a very long game if you pursue all the content, and I don't really want to start again if you're going to keep backfilling content/gameplay.

This isn't in any way a criticism, because I think it's fantastic that you're redoing parts of the story/game that don't really represent what you're doing now, but restarting HH is a major time commitment. If it was just a matter of "I'm still redoing some renders I don't like" then I'd dive right back in, but you're doing a lot more than that. Nor do I expect you to stop tweaking older elements of the game if you don't like them. I guess what I'm saying is that I'm looking for a "with the caveat that I reserve the right to keep making changes, I'm finally satisfied with the state of the first 20-ish levels." Admittedly, my interest in the game peaks once it turns dramatically more serious (which I generally identify as the moment Ashley's story gets darker, though that's obviously not the only trigger), but there's a very long process to get to that point. And so, if you're going to keep making changes before that happens, I'll keep being patient.

Thanks in advance, especially as this is one of my two favorite games (really, though, it's a story), ever. Ironically, the dev for the other is also a notorious backfiller, and I don't buy/play his games until they're finished either. :unsure:
Last edited:


Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
Runey, a question regarding current/future development: how much more modifying or adding to older stages of the game (not justgraphics, but gameplay and world-building) do you envision you have before you? I ask because I've already played this to the end of current content twice (once a long while ago, once a few releases ago), it's a very long game if you pursue all the content, and I don't really want to start again if you're going to keep backfilling content/gameplay.

This isn't in any way a criticism, because I think it's fantastic that you're redoing parts of the story/game that don't really represent what you're doing now, but restarting HH is a major time commitment. If it was just a matter of "I'm still redoing some renders I don't like" then I'd dive right back in, but you're doing a lot more than that. Nor do I expect you to stop tweaking older elements of the game if you don't like them. I guess what I'm saying is that I'm looking for a "with the caveat that I reserve the right to keep making changes, I'm finally satisfied with the state of the first 20-ish levels." Admittedly, my interest in the game peaks once it turns dramatically more serious (which I generally identify as the moment Ashley's story gets darker, though that's obviously not the only trigger), but there's a very long process to get to that point. And so, if you're going to keep making changes before that happens, I'll keep being patient.

Thanks in advance, especially as this is one of my two favorite games (really, though, it's a story), ever. Ironically, the dev for the other is also a notorious backfiller, and I don't buy/play his games until they're finished either. :unsure:
I'll only recommend a restart if I think it's absolutely worth it, and I don't think that will happen again until v0.19 or v0.20. At that point I should have all or most of the content I've wanted to remake completely remade.

Most of the content before v0.10 has needed to be remade in one way or another. Android's story was rearranged in v0.17 and had a lot of new context added. I don't plan on doing this forever, just until the game has a consistent quality. New people play the game every day, and the beginning makes the biggest impression, so it needs to be good. This is something a lot of devs here forget as they only focus on the latest content.


Apr 10, 2019
please tell me some good soul to compress the game will either post the update that allows you to turn version 0.16 into 0.17 because where I live doesn't allow me to download faster than 100 kb per second and the download is 11gb T.T
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2023
Runey ive been playing since the early days (online) untill recently and i got to say ive noticed all the little details and major changes up till now keep up the great work


do torrent. go fast.
Dec 17, 2020
please tell me some good soul to compress the game will either post the update that allows you to turn version 0.16 into 0.17 because where I live doesn't allow me to download faster than 100 kb per second and the download is 11gb T.T
Compressed update patch was posted here.
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