VN - Ren'Py - Harem Hotel [v0.18] [Runey]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    An instant classic! This game is already better than 90% of the games here, and it's only on v0.2! The girls are great, good graphics, actual personalities, and the progression is set at a good pace. I look forward to seeing it get even better!!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    That's awesome game. with so many different personalities, nice graphic. and each update is huge. it's not like other devs just add 1-5 scenes in month. we have 20-30 new updates here.
    Keep up good job!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    So I started playing this game a few days ago, and while I have not seen 100% of the content currently available (reviewing version 2.0), I believe I have played enough to form some opinions about it.

    The game itself is very well made, you can really tell Runey enjoys what he does and is putting a lot of love and effort into it. There is a lot of content for being a very early version of the game, and it doesn't beat around the bush or string you along before getting to the 'juicy' bits, which I appreciate. The cast of characters is diverse and enjoyable, each with their own personalities and quirks, and their scenes are varied and interesting. I look forward to seeing where their individual stories lead.

    The gameplay is pretty baseline, if even a bit lacking, but not enough so that it becomes overly bothersome. You passively generate currency each day based on the number of girls staying at your hotel, which you can use to order various things from your PC. Aside from that, you basically just spend each day talking to various girls. There's not really much thought needed to progress, which is both good and bad, and it sometimes feels like the dialogue options you choose don't really matter either way. I would like to see a bit more cause and effect, and maybe a bit more player interactivity in general, but it's not a deal-breaker by any means currently.

    The scenes and events in the game are all very well made, there's a good amount of fetishes explored, which should make most people happy regardless of what you're into. The animations are pretty well done as well, so no complaints there.

    The UI and music are relatively standard, nothing really stood out and blew me away, but I didn't have any issues with them either.

    As far as locations go, I would like to see more areas explored in the future, as it is now almost the entirety of the game takes place within 3 floors of your hotel (excluding a few scenes at the school, the beach, and the cafe), so I would like to see the world expanded on a bit if possible.

    In all though, the game is very promising, the developer is very good at communicating with his fans, and is receptive to feedback and criticism, so I have no doubt that this game will turn out very well as progress moves forward.

    5 stars!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    great game so far and its only at 0.2!!!!! its not plot heavy its got just the right amount of story to help with the grind,as they gain more story and interactions with each other the grind will become even less tedious so all in all its coming along beautifully and honestly i have huge hopes for this so if your reading this keep up the great work !! ps i hate the fact androids mouth is becoming erotic and mysterious just because i cant see it.....its kinda driving me crazy.....i bet shes adorable without that mask and going nuts xD
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Hotel Harem has a ton potential. Renders are good, characters actually have personality, gameplay is better than most of what's out there. V0.2 already has a ton of content as well. I'm looking forward to how this game comes along.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    (Review for 0.6.1) Observations, from scratch game.
    Ashley's storyline when delayed can cause the Twins to show up at the hotel, this ended up confusing me with the story until I got that far into the section and then the twin storyline made since. I can relate with the character due to experiencing several panic attacks before, and the panic attacks are done correctly. The Latter slaves storyline looks beyond promising. All other stories went into a logical conclusion. I would have liked to redo or have more scenes with Ashley and the other girls of just walking outside the hotel.
    The dungeon and grind... I read all story progression scenes and thus was initially not going to go skip happy. This changed on several scenes that needed Exhibitionism, a certain trait, and/or Submissive at 10. This was greatly seen in the latter half of the Lin storyline. One thing for sure the scenes are near perfect when you are up for them, but the gap from the scene loading slowed down the grind quite a bit (and despite a high RAM priority was noticeable). If there was a grind mode or something similar to bypass the motion scenes that would have saved several hours of my time. The UI has mostly stayed the same from 0.3.0 except for the quick access to front door from room, if memory serves.
    As mentioned earlier in my other reviews, great. The models are not shiny and all of them have almost realistic looking skin, it either did not have or I do not remember if any of the character model's skin indented slightly when interacting with the characters arm being around them. Something I've started looking for after seeing a certain marble statue.
    -Conclustion: 5/5
    The loading is a common issue with Ren'Py thus, should have no impact on the game itself. Thus, the story, outfits, features, and all other gripes from earlier editions are fixed as best as I can tell. My old saves did not work correctly but as you can see (0.3.0) they were quite old.

    (Review for 0.3.0) Observations, from scratch game.
    I am enjoying the UI update and the re-arrangement of the shower, hot spring, and Utility room. The only gripe is no quick access from the utility room but only to, the new UI could be implemented with another button to deal with that, but I am enjoying the streamlined look and operation. Ordering items used to take up a time slot, but this timeless update is greatly apricated.
    There is a slight pause between some scenes from loading which is (can be) fixed if you put the game on a higher ram priority. Perfect from a story and gameplay perspective, looking forward to the new content.

    (Review for 0.2.1) From new game, without save manipulation, and reading every line this time because I had a fully free day and wanted to revisit a story that had me thinking for quite a while after last playthrough. I like last playthrough used the scroll wheel on my mouse to backup dialogue and choices to choose a different path or order.

    -As I said before exquisite storyline. The blonde's storyline that I was confused about before is mostly clarified once you look closely at the first few interactions and see that she is in a private university/college (those can have dress codes and can be similar to public schools with suspensions). My suspicion on the scene miss was cleared up on this playthrough. I did not miss the scene I just delayed it behind two other characters scenes and did not remember it being the same scene the second time I saw it.

    Note: Ren'Py is not recommended to be played on the lowest RAM priority and/or while running multiple different games at the same time. When doing so I have run into snafu's, overlapping characters and duologue, from all games that use this engine. My computer was custom ordered with settings that programs marked non-essential programs that are not on my NVidia/Steam game exception list will be set in low to lowest priority. and thus unless you have similar custom settings it will most likely not happen to you.

    (Review for 0.2.0)
    -Story: Though the game is still in development, the storyline is quite exquisite. I do not normally post spoilers on my reviews so ill not talk about most of the story. I have a few gripes with the Blondes storyline as is, especially some of the café scenes. The main gripe was the scene did not make complete sense, though that will probably change next update. I think I missed one scene when I visited a person in the shower, during the morning, instead of triggering it. This may not be the case but its a suspicion I had about ten minutes latter when the autosave had no backup to reload.

    -Conclustion: On the whole, wonderful, when it updates there is nothing that would not make me play it from start a second or third time from a fresh save. Keep up the Good Work!!!
    - Update 3/13/2021 I found out why I was having the glitches I was... in this game and others who used Ren'Py... my windows install was slowly corrupting itself. I replayed through the version I reviewed and did not run into those problems... unexpected, my apologies.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    (Review for 0.2)
    This game is not finish but people still do review on it anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    At first i thought this game will be another big title & have less content when it released like every other game developer done it but this surprises me after finish v0.2

    The main 5 characters for this version in this game has their own story, personal traits & H-scenes can be unlock easily than i expected but it takes time but i mostly enjoy every each one of them. Especially the Loli one jesus game Devs.... well anyway lets talk about the characters.

    For the 5 girls are pretty cool & one of them a bit wacky. we got 2 maids, a normal adult-teen working at mcdonald, an Android, a loli & her naughty friend. Take Character like android for example. She has a lot of "potential" by mean that "A lot of things can be done to her since she's robot lol. Add more features & scenes would be amazing. Pretty soon Runey will add more.

    The harem hotel itself its pretty neat, everyday each characters individuals doing their own things from morning to night have event from room & every floors that can be unlock and repeat scene whenever you like & sometimes more events that haven't triggered yet can be done but it will take time.

    Overall the game is great, even though its v0.2 & it will take forever for an update but that depends on the devs itself. As long the patreons supporting this game to continue & all the fans who loves it very much then everybody wins. i would love to support it too IF the game doesn't take more than 2-3 years to finish but that just my speculation on other game developers that abandon their project & working on a new one. >:/
    Hope this will finish with a great Ending or alternatively for each girls at the end of the version completed.

    Thx for reading my shitty review on this game for version 0.2 & have wonderful day ~ :)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I was curious about the game from the ratings and from the comments, but after playing it I see why. This game has a frankly ridiculous amount of content already and it is all extremely well created.

    If you were to show me this and some games at version 0.90+ i'd more than likely say this is the game closer to a full release.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game!!
    The contents are mind-blowing for a 1st and 2nd game version.
    Nice graphics and animations, lacks sound and the back ground music is really low, but that is a minor issue.
    The story is pretty good and the characters personalities well cared for.
    I give it my best possible rating with hopes the projects continues on and flourish.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is one of the better harem game out. Love how dev listen to feedback and reworked his game to make it look more realistic. The game plays like and rpg but not the oldschool rpg. Each girl has their own story to tell.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    story: good

    characters: well done (edit and a ñot)

    gamplay: click adventure (meh)

    draws(cg): very good.

    scenes (erotic ones): really hot.

    conclussion: ok this game is 60% "OK" but lets focus on the good parts... THERE IS A YANDERE!!! (if you guest wich one is, just to see the portrait you win a car) dude... nothing and i mean nothing make you go to "WTF" to "i need to save this person" like a yandere character. this review was made in the version 0.1, and already feel that this game is gonna have a lot to see in the future.

    (edit: the only thing to add is that the game it got LIKE A LOT of characters and content...and the yandere character is still cute as bat-crazy-fuck)

    this game TOTTALY deserve your time and money. and it TOTTALY deserve to have your support.

    (edited on vers 6.2)
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    A diamond in the rough, game has extremely fast updates, great art, and a storyline that keeps you guessing. I've never supported a game on patreon before, this game changed that fact. Maybe it'll be your first patreon too.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best WIP games I've played. Already better than most free games and the creator is clearly very active and dedicated. The characters are diverse and well fleshed-out, with plenty more planned. Promises to be an amazing finished product.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    A lot of content for a V0.1. The game as a time system as do a lot of games but without the obligatory (boring) grinding for money/stats.
    Also features a nice variety of characters in the Harem (4 of them are fuckable at this moment)

    If you like harem oriented games you should really give it a try. Sex content arrives quickly without feeling rushed.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a large amount of content for a version 0.1.0, it will not punish you for choosing an incorrect response which may discourage some people to try this game but there are on going plans to add a stat that if a girl is abused too much, they will move out. At the moment the new girl that is currently being added is a shy robot maid that can be customized to your preferred body type, there are five female character concept coming in later updates.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I have just recently begun to enjoy games of this genre. I have tried quite a few recently and this one one of the very few I found enjoyable and had enough potential to be come a patreon for.

    This game strikes a good balance between story, character development, and lewdness.
    The dev is quite active on his discord and posts regular updates quite often, which is great.
    Personally I would like to see a greater variety in character types, but it looks like much more content and characters are planned to be included in the game.

    I feel very confident in giving it a high rating it its first release. The game has so much potential. Overall It is a great game and I look forward to the next release.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    For a first release, I must admit that it really well done. Very happy to see that it actually has minimal grammatical errors and models that don't look bad. Too many times have I seen games in Honey Select, or in general with these issues.
    I like the mix of girls in the game so far, but I must admit that I love Kali and Lin so far. Maria reminds me of Velle from Mythic Manor, and that's not bad, but does not put her high on my list. Ashley, frankly scares me. Props for writing such a creepy and unhinged girl!
    Gameplay wise, while there are a lot of times where you just click around the house to see if anything is happening, you really only need to go to a few places. That's not bad, and I expect in future updates for some areas to have either more events, or daily events that are short. I know some people want consequences for their choices, but I think that for their first game, that might be asking too much. If there was a background point system in place for the choices, that would be fine.
    One fix that the game could use is the ability to pick up multiple packages at once. Which, speaking of packages, there seem to be scene jumps if you purchase outfits too soon. Not a big deal to me.
    The last thing I want to touch on is something I know people have been talking about: Shadow Man.
    I'm not a fan of it, but if it is what the dev wants, that's fine as long as the girls are great. A suggestion I would make is at least using a penis mod. If the dev adds in a full body and impresses me again with the overall content of the next update, I will absolutely give it 5 stars.
    Best of Luck Runey!
    *Update: simply amazing, here's the promised 5 stars!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    love the rare yandere character Ashley dont see many of them in games and i just lose the character also love the masochist maid Lin really makes me want to punish her lol plus amazing amount of content for a first release if every update is like this then will quickly become one of my favourite developers
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I am really enjoying this game. I like the art, the models, the story, and the premise.
    Lin is absolutely adorable- shy, demure, and sweet.
    Ashley is cute and equally bat-shit crazy.
    Kali has a rebellious, nerdy, flirty attitude- she's a li'l cutie as well.
    Maria- is spicy and a bit of a wildcard.
    I like the interactions that they have with one another as well as the MC.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    + n1 game, "First content is amazing"
    + rly n1 chars, "first 4 Chars full of extra"
    - need better rendings "bad renderings sometimes, but it isnt rly bad"
    5 Stars "my first review"
    I hope the dev, bring with next version next floor, and more Items, new Clothes