August Ames committed suicide, because of all the death threats and hate she got. Reasoning why, she posted on twitter that she didn't want to do scene's with men who stared in gay porn. Then the influx of death threats came in, what makes it more shitty is fellow porn stars turned on her once she said it, at least publicly we don't know if any of them was just saying it to save face or anything. Once it was announced she killed herself, everyone backtracked everything and started attention grabbing, personnel thoughts, I do not care that she said what she said, I feel it was way overblown and everyone who shunned her and started sending death threats for her sexual preferences in real life or career wise, should be ashamed and should atone in some way, here's a thought maybe instead of going in with threats/bullying and general negativity, you actually try to listen to what they are trying to say, then explain to them how it makes you feel or the community, you know have a conversation.