what the FUCK are the FUCKING debug commands to the FUCKING game because all the ones i FUCKING find are FUCKING from FUCKING 5 FUCKING years ago?
Debug commands i saved in a text file who know when, hope it helps:
"$ x": gain x money
"give x y": add quantity x of item y to your bag. y can be either an internal item ID or the item's display name. If using an item's name, replace spaces with underscores (e.g. "ariadne's_thread"). Not case-sensitive. You can also use "give all" to obtain 99 of every item in the game.
"itemlist": view a list of every internal item ID
"catalogue": copies a huge block of text to your clipboard containing all sorts of item info. Better than itemlist.
"catalogue2": a more condensed version of the item catalogue, ordered by item category.
"addgirl x y": obtain a Haremon of species x with name y (x can be an internal species ID or the species' name). NOTE: having more than one Haremon of the same species can lead to unexpected side-effects! Also, don't use this command when the ePhone is open, as it will cause the Haremon app to crash.
"specieslist": view a list of every internal species ID
"save": saves the game (in an autosave slot)
"godmode": toggles god mode (your party is invincible, can use moves regardless of mood requirement, doesn't consume Food, can't lose Affection, and never fails Chance Spinners)
"beastmode": boosts your team's stats by an absurd amount (only usable in battle)
"hellmode": gives all opponents in the current battle an absurd amount of HP (only usable in battle; I use this to test attacks but it's probably not something you'd ever want to use in-game lol)
"clear": clear the debug log
"town": warp to the town hub
"dressup x y": set Haremon x's outfit to y (x can be a girl's name or her ID number*, and y is an integer)
"inflict x y": inflict actor x with condition y. x can be a girl's name, her ID number*, or a negative integer for enemies in battle (-1, -2, or -3). y can be a condition's internal ID or name (e.g. "Bleeding", "Poisoned", etc.)
"victory": instantly KO all enemies (only usable in battle)
"pacifistvictory": instantly KO all enemies, but gain passion petals instead of star shards (only usable in battle)
"flee": instantly escape from battle
"settime x": sets the current time of day to x (morning, afternoon, evening, or night)
"setday x": sets the current day of the week to x (monday, tuesday, etc.)
"unlockenvironment x": unlock the environment x (an environment ID). x can also be "all".
"addquest x": adds quest with ID x to your quest tracker (using this command is not recommended!) Quests that are not yet officially implemented cannot be accessed.
"completequest x": marks the quest with ID x as completed, and removes it from your quest tracker
"removequest x": removes quest with ID x from your quest tracker WITHOUT marking it as completed
"setqueststep x y": set quest with ID x (internal quest ID**, NOT its position in your quest tracker) to step y
"questlist": view a list of every internal quest ID**
"setclothes x y": sets actor x's clothes to state y. in battle, x is 1 to 3 for party members, or -1 to -3 for enemies; in VN scenes, x is the actor index. y is the number of clothing layers to render; 0 is fully nude and 6 is fully clothed.
"shards x y": set girl x's star shard count to y (x can be a girl's name or her ID number*)
"setaffection x y": set girl x's affection level to y (x can be a girl's name or her ID number*; use names or negative integers for NPCs)
"haremonlist": view a list of all currently tamed Haremon, their ID numbers, and their names
"setguildquest x y z": add guild quest with ID z** to slot y within guild rank x [note the order of those parameters] CAUTION: this WILL break the quest if placed within a rank that it's not meant to appear in!
"guildquestlist": view a list of every internal guild quest ID**, and the Rank it should appear in
"scene x": jump to the VN scene with ID x (WARNING: Most scenes have specific requirements for being triggered. Attempting to trigger them without meeting those EXACT requirements WILL cause bugs and crashes! [For example, triggering a Date event while you're not on a date, or triggering an H-scene before you've tamed the girl in that scene.] Please back up your saves before playing around with this command, and don't expect anything to work as expected.)
"scenelist": view a list of all internal scene IDs
"line x": jump to line x within the current scene (The warning from above applies here too!)
"addtechnique x y z": add technique y, level z, to girl x. Y can be a technique name or ID number, or the word "all" to teach a Haremon EVERY move in the game (use this with EXTREME caution) [NOTE: if you enter the name of an Awoken Haremon, the game will add the technique to her Awoken form, not her base form. To add a technique to her base form, use her ID number.*]
"techlist": view a list of all internal technique IDs
"addkink x y": add kink y to girl x. Y can be a kink name or ID number, or the word "all" to teach a Haremon EVERY kink in the game
"kinklist": view a list of all internal kink IDs
"setguildseals x y": set your rank x guild seals to y
"setguildrank x": set your guild rank to x
"town": warp to town
"unlockdata": unlock all "data" about every Haremon (all the info on her "Notes" page; consequently, this also unlocks every question in the Relationship Test event)
"boostfor x y": set the given character's Fortitude boost to y%. x is 1 to 3 for your party, or -1 to -3 for enemies.
"boostall x y": set the given character's Allure boost to y%. x is 1 to 3 for your party, or -1 to -3 for enemies.
"boostpow x y": set the given character's Power boost to y%. x is 1 to 3 for your party, or -1 to -3 for enemies.
"boostspd x y": set the given character's Speed boost to y%. x is 1 to 3 for your party, or -1 to -3 for enemies.
"boostagi x y": set the given character's Agility boost to y%. x is 1 to 3 for your party, or -1 to -3 for enemies.
"tick x": "ticks" the game's general update script x times; this script causes you to receive text messages, makes Ranch activities progress, and various other things. The higher x is, the more likely you'll get a text and the more Ranch progress will occur.
"refreshsales": generates a new set of sales for the General Store
"girl$ x y": give girl x $y for buying gifts (x can be a girl's name or her ID number*)
"receivetext x": receive the text message with an ID of x (like triggering a specific scene, this will OFTEN cause crashes due to the requirements for different text messages not being met!)
"install x": install the app with index x on your ePhone (or use "all" to install every available app)
"addcontact all": add all contacts to your ePhone (but don't try to call a girl you haven't met yet!)
"save": save the game (in an Autosave slot)
"regifter": toggle the ability to repeat gifts and give multiple gifts in a row
"setdate x y": change the in-game date, allowing you to access seasonal content at any time. x is the month and y is the day (both integers)
"difficulty x": change the game's difficulty setting (1 for Virgin, 2 for Player, and 3 for Stud)
"challenge x": set the game's Challenge rating; this is a value that grows naturally as you progress through the game. You can use this command to set the challenge back to zero, or to increase it even further.
"checkchallenge": display the current Challenge rating
"challengecap": toggle challenge caps (ON by default; if OFF, monsters can level past zone caps)
"cartographer": reveal the entire dungeon map
"warp": toggles warp mode, allowing your Haremon to instantly travel to any tile, regardless of distance
"spintowin": toggles chance spinner auto-win
"takeyourtime": toggles choice timers (always off on Virgin mode)
"hungerstrike": toggles hunger (if OFF, your Food counter won't go down)
"encounter": forces an encounter (only usable on the dungeon map) (not sure if this works post-0.13)
"fight x1 x2 x3 y": begin a battle. x1-x3 are the species IDs of the enemies to fight (use the 'specieslist' command to view a list of these; you can also enter -1 to leave a monster space empty) and y is the Challenge rating to use (enter -1 to use the current Adaptive challenge rating)
"fullheal": fully heals your party's HP and status
"removeitem x": remove the item x from your bag. x is either the item's name or internal ID; it can also be "all" to completely empty your bag
"kill x": set x's HP to 0. x is 1-3 for your party, or -1 to -3 for enemies. Can only be used in battle.
"rename x y": give girl x a new name, y. x is the girl's name or ID*. You can also use NPC names (or negative integers) to rename NPCs, though this will reset when the game is restarted.
"harem": toggles Harem mode. In this mode, you can have multiple lovers (accepting a confession won't force you to break up with your current Lover)
"restart": restarts the current scene from the beginning
"tomorrow": advances time to the next morning
"setbond x y z": sets the Affection between girls x and y to z
"bondscene x y z": view the bonding scene (if available) for girls x and y at relationship rank z (1 to 5)
* A Haremon's ID number is equal to the number of Haremon you owned after taming her. For example, the Catgirl is always 1, and the Imp is always 4. You can check your team's ID numbers with the "haremonlist" command.
** Guild quests have both a universal "quest ID" and also a specific "guild quest ID", and they're different! Note which parameter is required for each command. (Non-guild quests only have 1 ID.)