This is a great game and I am enjoying it so far, but it does suffer from some very tedious mechanics... battles become painful after a while due to having to sit through slooooooooooow animations every time for every little thing. Poisoned? That's an extra 2 second animation every single time it's one of your haremon's turns.. all 3 poisoned? That 6 seconds of doing nothing but waiting for the animation... every... single... turn.. and that's on top of all the other battle animations... battles that should take a minute will have you sitting there for 5-10 minutes. It's not just the battles either, it's the clumsy menu surfing required for each thing you want to do... whether it be a loooooooooong item menu with way too many items to scroll through, or simply inviting a girl to your room, or having to go to sleep because the place you need to go isn't open at the time you want to go there (and time doesn't even have a point to it.. so why is there time at all? or sleeping for that matter.. just auto-heal after missions are complete)... there are so many little things in this game that annoy me and almost all of it has to do with having to wait through/ scroll through/ menu select through things that feel unnecessary ... I hope eventually those things will get streamlines, because this is a really fun game otherwise.