Others - Haremon [v0.41] [TsunAmie]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    This is a high quality game, high quality UI, high quality art... Then why a 1 star rating?

    Because the more I play this game, the more it feels that the developer actively hates the player. From constant subtle insults to the player in the dialog to some of the worst RNG and Grind based combat.

    I've played some really bad, low quality game, but I'd recommend most of them before this game.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    first off, the story, the CG's and the level the game is made at is at a 5 star level.

    the reason i am only giving it 3 stars is some of the game mechanics that are horribel.

    combat: (quicktime events)
    a lot of the combat moves are quicktime events,where you have to hit the right keys "z,x,c,v" at the right time for a bonus, or if you are getting attacked, you take less damages. The Quick events when i play are too fast.

    loot and random events: (quicktime events)
    once more this is quitime events where you can improve your changes of getting good stuff and avoid bad stuff. the events are too fast.

    Harem: (not so much)
    for some bloody reason you have to pick a lover that you then get exclusive scenes with. and if you want to see the "exclusive" scenes with the other Haremons you have to break up with your "former lover" and then "declare your love" for the next one.

    What is the point of playing pokemon/haremon where i can't catch them all !
    and live out my little boy fantasy, and if you cant tell, i still cant fantom the fact that there is a monogamy system in a harem game !
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Eleum Loyce

    After playing for about 10 hours, it's obvious that a lot of work went into Haremon. However, the most glaring problem is that the combat really feels like a slog after a while. There's an interesting mechanic involving stances that adds a bit of uniqueness, but overall I'm not a fan of the slow-paced, tedious nature of turn-based combat and this game is a good example of why.

    Besides the opening scenes and a few nudes sent to you by characters over the course of the game, it's not particularly easy to unlock h-scenes. Also, evidently (going by the gallery) there are seasonal events/costumes/scenes that require you to play the game during certain parts of the year -- I don't think I've ever seen that in a hentai game, or really anything outside of an MMO. It's a unique design decision that I'm not really sure makes sense, but I'm assuming you can just mess with your computer's system clock if you don't want to wait months to unlock a CG.

    The art and writing are both pretty good. I like the idea. Just too much focus on tedious combat and grinding to unlock a handful of scenes.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    The combat completely kills this game, you can be doing great in a fight and then get RNG'd into oblivion so quickly it gives you whiplash. The general idea of the game is great, the art is great and the story is great. If it wasn't for the painfully slow RNG heavy combat system this game would easily be 4 stars.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic art and interesting gameplay. I can't understand why this was rated at only 3 stars, I had a great time with it and there's still more to come. This game will continue to be near the top of my H game list for quite some time.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Art is nice and the writing is funny BUT: The combat is unintuitive and horrid, the difficulty spikes and unforgiving random deaths kill this game. A major rebalance may save it, but as it is I would not recommend it.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Having played a much earlier version of this game I was enamoured and very excited for more content to be released. So much so, I even supported it on patreon. As I wanted a good amount of new content to chew on, I waited a while and just yesterday finally caved. Sadly, back when I first played there were a few issues and it seems they've only leaned into these.

    Haremon is a game of both incredibly smart design choices and ridiculously frustrating ones. The game is an absolute time-sink firstly; not in a good way, with the encounter system being the predominant culprit. There's some great ideas present here, with moves that increase "pleasure" of opponents and then upon hitting a monsters threshold allowing you to use manipulation abilities. There's more generic yet still interesting and flavourful rpg mechanics for abilities. Unfortunately the method to which you use the "manipulation" abilities (and if you want to get anywhere, you have to) is so laboriously slow and rng dependant initially that it's not unreasonable to believe most players will never even play long enough to use it. Mix with this that the combat abilities for some reason have varied QTE's, while it's hilarious you can get a "perfect miss" it's only because it's so counter-intuitive.

    The devs are clearly holding back on releasing their favourite monstergirl; dice-chan. The giant, unbridled erection these lads have for rng is quite astonishing to witness. There's very few options in the game that aren't taken out of player's hands. While this isn't a total negative on all fronts, it gets discouraging and feels without warrant in the vast majority of cases.

    Where the game shines is the art and writing, though even with the latter there's again a forced timer to either the most innocuous or poignant queries/responses the game gives you. They're also varied in length, resulting in sometimes having to speed read and hope you get the gist then buckle up for 50/50 get punished or rewarded.

    The character sprites are incredibly charismatic though maybe a little familiar to one another. They've done wonders having such subtle yet deviously clever animations to hit a sweet spot between emotive responses and efficiency to craft the scenes. Every characters dialogue feels very tailor made while they're brazenly tropes at the introduction, some of them become much more than that. The MC is your typical faceless moron, with responses really narrowed-down to over-sharing doormat or sociopath who's an asshole for kicks. At least you get a choice.

    Had I reviewed the game on my first playthrough (something like version 0.11) I would of given a 4/5, but it feels like it's gone such a clunky, awkward direction. It's hard to justify spending so long to get to a point where you can actually start playing the game in a "fun?" manner. Even once you get past the first few ventures; still you have to put up with rng at every turn and encounters that you get used to so fast it'll send you to sleep, yet they'll force you awake with QTE's, which only has the purpose to annoy I can assume. The inventory system is also a nightmare, but there's a lot to the game and you could write a couple pages about each one. Really it's just frustrating to see so much potential be mired by obstinate adherence to some design philosophy that simply doesn't enhance the game and therefore only detracts. 2/5 is maybe a tad unfair, but I really think only a specific kind of player will enjoy this game and that's if they can get past the appalling first chapter.

    tl;dr: Dice-chan will fuck you hard, just not in the way you want. Mixture of greatness and failures.
  8. 2.00 star(s)



    Great looking game marred by bad gameplay, the fact that the first combat encounter is a 3 man ganksquad in which you have no chance of winning and forces you to restart every time is an insanely stupid decision that shouldnt even be possible in the very first map.

    Combat is "learn by eating the attack first then maybe you'll get the timing down and which key you're supposed to use to block it"

    Rather than requiring players to use keys to fight the enemies just keep as a normal pokemon game, remove the unnecessary clutter that is the button mashing and annoyance of having to remember every goddam enemy button press and timing of the multiple attacks from both your own haremon AND the enemies.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Listen the girls are sexy and there is a lot of visual novel dialog to get to know them. the beginning is a bit excessive on difficulty because of the lack of characters you can use but once you get a few and start unlocking Sex scenes its fantastic
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    I have to be honest, even though the art work looks great and i was really interested in trying this out and supporting it in Patreon i've decided not to and i can't really recommend this as it is currently.

    Not in a long while have i been so pissed off at a game thanks to the rng mechanics that are basically there just to piss you off, the last time i was this annoyed was while playing Agarest War Marriages last boss that either decided to kill my party or not because of rng mechanics.

    The art work is amazing, everything except the bullshit rng mechanics is amazing, but when the games combat is based on 99% on rng or quick reflex reactions (Why does a rpg game have QTE Events anyway? Doesn't really make any sense to me), it will piss you off or make you replay fights over and over and over again.


    Why are the dialogue options timed? Why are some dialogue choices timed and some aren't? If the game developer were going for not spending time thinking what you were going to say, either go all the way or don't make timed choices at all.

    Poor execution.
  11. 2.00 star(s)

    User #1751331

    The two starts are for the concept and artwork both I like.

    1. The time based decision gets you -1 star.
    2. The inability to save when you want -1 star.
    3.I can't tell you how good the story is because I was annoyed by 1 to no end. It adds nothing to the game. Let me repeat that NOTHING.

    If you have to do something else where you need to quit the game you are left with 2 shit choices. Close the game where you are at and repeat scenes when you restart or rush forward to a save point. THAT IS FUCKING STUPID.

    I'll be honest I'm not going to bother checking back on the game unless those two issues are removed. Frankly, the game might be worth 5 stars but for those two issues I don't care that alone is enough to push me away from it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has nice art with multiple scenes for every girl and there fairly easy to unlock. Good writing with visual effect in the dialogue that emphasize parts making jokes land and the objectives clear and no walls of text, no single person talk forever. It also has an in depth combat/ party system.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Reviewed Version 0.17

    The premise of the game is interesting. The artwork is really good. The game mechanics are way off though which is the reason for the poor rating.

    The first and foremost problem was that the commands in the tutorial are incorrect. For example the tutorial says to press 'V' to interrupt during the wait phase to use a potion. The first character I acquired, Felicity, was in batle and stuck in a pleasure loop (She was in the overwhelmed state and when overwhelmed subsided she immediately went right back into overwhelemed state). I was constantly hitting the 'V' key to interrupt and use a potion to cure the overwhelmed status, but no matter how many times or when I pressed 'V' nothing happened.

    Second, combat is slow and clunky with no reason for why things are calculated the way they are. The example of this is combat after I received Vex. I was fighting a Mr. Leaky and the first round Vex used Jab. I pressed the button and the display read perfect -25 HP. 25 HP was deducted from the enemy which is correct. Next round I used Jab again. Hit the button too early. Display said good -43 HP. I was confused at that point. How does a perfect button push do less damage than a good result. This counts for damage to my team as well. When blocking there have been multiple instances where I blocked. The display said perfect -10 HP. The next block I hit the button early, got a good -3 HP result. Again some confusion as how a better block I took more damage. If damage calculation is random, then what is the point of the minigame. Remove the button pressing minigame and speed up combat.

    Third is the battle reward system. I like the idea of shards and that each character earns shards independently. It means you have to earn a character before you can level them up. It is not one of those games where you grind at level one and then when you gain a new character you instantly max out their stats. This game makes you play them and earn shards with them in order to advance them. That being said the only way to gain gold and items is to overwhelm the opponent and then manipulate them into giving you the stuff. A novel idea, but again it makes combat tedious and slow. You can also gain new abilities and kinks through manipulation, but choose wisely. If one character succeeds in gaining the ability, the counter resets and all other characters now have to start manipulation all over again.

    The last point on the mechanics is with the battle system again. This revolves around the meter in the corner. Once a character hits a certain level, that character becomes useless in battles. The reason is that as you advance a character, the higher the rage/pleasure/focus meter has to be in order to use a skill. Right now, my felicity and Circe are useless since it takes 2 rounds of taking damage from an enemy to be able to use 1 combat skill.

    Overall I like the game. I think the battle system is innovative and different. With some tweaks here and there, the combat system could be fun, but as the game stands right now in it's current development state, combat is pointless, boring, and way too tedious and slow.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    pretty good game

    Humor for almost anyone
    Good waifu lifys

    can get repetetive
    can drag out if you just want to get to the good part

    if you like rpg with VN then this game will be something that you might like ^^
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't know why this currently only has 2.5 stars.

    The game is good, especially compared to the cheap "hold ctrl to skip the trash dialog and get to the porn VN's".

    This game is sort of an rpg mixed with pokemon battles. Where you have a team of haremons battling out against each other. The battlefield(?) is on a semi–randomized board where you can also experience different events and learn/bond with your haremons.

    Many of the old points of critisms has been met and fixed. Having the haremon's mood triangle thingie be way faster in accordance with their setting has made combat effects much less punishing.
    Hold "f" to speed up battle.
    Some of the slow skills have also been significantly sped up, resulting in a faster combat.
    Having the monsters on the maps and allowing one to entirely remove them with store items or simply avoid them. Solved issues in replaying earlier dungeons.

    Only in the start does the combat feel slow (and dangerous). Rush the first and second map to get a full team and then start with the level'ing of the skills is my advice.

    They also added a lot of useful skills, like the "purifying kiss" skill which removes all conditions. You now also know what the skills you upgrade does, which was previously something of a gamble.

    They screwed the music up in this newer version. The low–end frequencies seems to have been boosted without proper compression (if any). A boost that was entirely uneeded in the first place, muddling up the soundscape, which was previously very good.

    It's still an excellent game with hours worth of fun.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    music: really good.

    story: really good.

    characters: cute, colorfull and alot.

    gameplay: really good.

    draws and animation: amazingly done.

    scenes (all of them): really well done.

    conclussion: funny to read and a story easy follow. all the characters are cute and
    charming. the gameplay is kinda hard and a bit (just a bit) grindy, but is fun so is ok.
    this game got so much tough work and content, that maybe thats the negative thing about it,
    i mean it could become overhelming, and also there is a lot more to come (i made this rewiev on 0.13.1)
    so yeah i hope you got lots of free time and patience.

    this game TOTTALY deserve your time and money.

    psdt: for the ones that dont like grinding. cheat engine is your best friend.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Not sure of the best place to provide this as feedback to the developer, I'm not yet inclined to support this financially given I still can't play this for more than 20 minutes and not subsequently regret how I've spent that time. So far it demonstrates much potential but little promise.

    Perhaps I have the reaction time and coordination of a drunken sloth^1, but every battle and event spin is a new instance of vexation. Would need a hand-holding 'wimpy virgin'-type difficulty setting to skip, slow, or otherwise reduce difficulty of QTE's for this to be playable for myself and whatever demographic I may be representing.

    Also believe that battles, especially at the beginning, are tediously drawn-out.

    Graphics, UI, Sounds etc show good polish^2 though the interface can require too many inputs to navigate.

    Would advise that if menu structure must be list based then perhaps loop the list such that inputting 'up' from the first option would move selection to the last option. This would reduce number of inputs required to get to the lowest items on the list. Otherwise, would suggest 2D selection grid to achieve similar goal but imagine this is a more dramatic change to implement.

    The selectable items, such as battle actions, are presently so small that detailed mouse movements are required and neither controller, keyboard, nor mouse feel well optimized.

    ^1 on the ground and blind-folded in the midst of an MMI VII earthquake
    ^2 not to be confused with polski, localization to which I have neither sought nor evaluated
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    The controls are just awful. Sometimes you can move the mouse but not click it. The choice of keyboard buttons seems pretty random too.
    Events are dependend on chance and battles are too difficult.
    Seems to have nice art, but the game mechanic is too complex to actually enjoy it.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Unlike most games here, this is mostly an adult-themed rpg (with monsters like penis-shaped mushrooms, condoms, queef plants, etc.) with some sex scenes and sexy pictures.

    The gameplay is generally fun to play, with a cast of lovable and interesting characters.

    I haven't played this game for the last few releases, so this information may be out-of-date.
  20. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1300488

    I was after a cute Anime game, was going well tell the very first encounter I lost....seriously? combat system weird and hard. Not even remotely interested in a game where I need to spend more time in or learning combat than working on things more appropriate to NTR.