Others - Haremon [v0.41] [TsunAmie]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Okay...I tried. I tried to like the game I tried to enjoy it but I just couldn't. I am all up for some challenge the fighting isn't really that hard when you get used to it. It's just unnecessary how you get interrupted all the time. Either make it a turn based or real time action. Not something in between. But the real problem I have with this game are the constant crashes. I'll follow this one and hopefully it will turn into something great :). Please keep up the work developer and fix the crash issues othervise the game has potential.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    So, I gave this game a second chance and regretted it. While premise and art are great, it is virtually unplayable. The start is aggravatingly slow, combat is too hard and has too little rewards. Editing save files is also barely an option since they are just a list of numbers with no inclination what they represent.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Not recommended, period.

    Art is anime-esque but fairly high quality and detailed.
    However the dev(s) really went for the safe route with the design.
    A catgirl with cat ears, with a prop-like tail ending in heart shape, and with what looks like a pair of oven mittens, it's brutally underwhelming even for a costume, not to mention "monsters".
    It seriously lacks creativity...but then again the art itself is of decent quality so let's call the art of it fine .

    There are some minor "animations", or better yet, 'effects', and along the generic music and sound effects, you get your senses tingled so you won't get so bored, it's satisfying enough.
    Nothing I can complain about in these two departments.
    Now the story is...actually, I have no idea, because I couldn't progress past the prologue, basically. Why?

    Dreadful gameplay...
    The (mandatory) battle system is a fucking disaster and there's no other way to put it.

    --I couldn't even find the option to rebind keys which only makes things worse considering the horrendous default layout.
    --"Press x to go back" then I wonder why the hell the dialogue is moving on on its own, well, because "press x to switch on auto-dialogue".
    Great idea, binding multiple actions to a single key.
    --Also great idea mapping frequently used actions (not talking about x here) to keys people don't use for games, like ever.
    --And does the mouse even work? Because half the time it doesn't seem to respond.
    --Can't pause.
    --Can't just load a save without doing extra rounds. Why? Because fuck your convenience, that's why.
    --I got into a fight trying to progress (because what else would I do when I have to buy/unlock everything) and the "first time fighting, here are some tips" guidance for fighting was:

    "too long to explain, check the smartphone whatever"

    Aye cheers mate guess what I can't do during a battle?
    Exactly that.

    --Having to wait for turns in real time for no reason and worse, having to react to some nonsensical, laggy system to attack and defend, and ON TOP OF IT all these attacks and defends being spit out by RNG (random number generator), it's probably the most frustrating game I've played in years,
    in fact, I'd go as far as saying it's literally unplayable.

    --Oh, what's this? I can change settings to make things somewhat bearable?
    "Reduced rewards"
    "Removed QTEs"
    Why thank you so much.

    If the plan was making it as alien, cumbersome and annoying as possible, then it is a resounding success!
    Good job!

    The game is grindy as it is, having to unlock just about all content by farming stuff, especially considering the fairly lenghthy, unskippable, undisableable animations/effects as well as having to wait for turns during the fights in real time (with which I'd be glad to put up with, if it was the most pressing issue), and the only way to make it even remotely more bearable is to make it even more grindy and less rewarding? Games are supposed to be fun, not feel like a chore, and this game's a real slave driver. No fun allowed!

    I downloaded this game to have fun, not to test my patience and challenge my reflexes.
    If I wanted a good story, I'd read books, watch movies, series, or play proper RPGs.
    If I wanted action, tactics, planning, reacting and such -if I wanted a challenge, I'd go play a competitive online game that actually get "balancing" right and are inherently more satisfying in that regard.
    But in fact I downloaded an ADULT game and no, not for the story.
    I don't come for the story, nor the gameplay. I stay for the story and the gameplay.

    The most important aspect of games is gameplay itself, it has to be at the very least half-decent even if the game is story-focused, because no matter how fantastic the story, the music, the animations, the world and world building, the characters and character development all are, and how much content there is,
    if it's a royal pain in the ass to access the content, or worse,
    if your average player just can't fucking access it, then it's literally worthless.

    And considering I'm neither an idiot nor disabled yet I can't progress without actually making an effort and working on getting used to this madness,
    I'd say this game failed at its purpose.

    Overall I cannot, in good conscience, recommend this game to anyone.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Doesn't matter how much of it is on my end. I can run about 99% of the games on this site, but even on turbo settings, the battling of this game is just god awfully slow. There's way better battling systems out there, it's just not worth the CG this game has and whatever good writing there might be.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun game with nice RPG element. With some more polish it could be the next hunny pop. If the name doesn't say it definitely pokemon flavor but unlike pokemon monster girl personalities are well done.

    I'm looking forward to the continuing story but the current content has a good repeatability.
  6. B
    5.00 star(s)


    Diserved more love the game is really good yet fights are still way too long, but dev seems to be fixing it ATM so enjoy. Like said bellow :
    I really don't understand all the hate in the reviews section, this game imo is amazing, the concept is nothing new but guess what, sex exists since the beginning of human kind, and bringing it to the next level with animals and other creatures is something that I very much welcome. I gotta say, the first 5 minutes cracked me up, I chose to not answer the phone and the result gave me a hard laugh, kudos to that. The game is in very early stage, the combat system is not intuitive at all and it takes a while to get used to, and I don't know if it's bugged or not implemented yet but I can't seem to level up or gain any exp from monsters..... who knows, and I might suggest to lower the difficulty a tad bit because potions are expensive and you do take lotta damage. All this said, the game is fun to play and the humor is there, I look forward to next versions
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Really enjoying the game +great art +interesting characters +rpg elements +love the ability to change outfits -wheel is not great - fatal errors -completionist playing a incomplete game.
    All and all it's one of the best I've played from here and I cant wait until there is more
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Firstly, the game has great art, the whole dungeon crawling and it's concept is nice. I was in love with the game for a few hours at the beggining. But then you get into combat in which you have to use a horrible system that requires you more button mashing than korean mmos. Had my arms in pain after 4-5hrs of playing a cute girl harem game. Most annoying combat I've seen lately.

    EDIT: As of 0.8 the combat isn't cancer anymore!

    The game is fun now, art is gorgeous, sex scenes are quite short, but original game deserves a great review.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Great art and nice concept with actual gameplay/story.
    Sadly, the gameplay itself (in it's current iteration) is rather frustrating, mainly the combat aspect.
    The h-scenes also need alot more work (at least the one out of 3 I've seen so far). 3 variations of a single CG is somewhat fine, even if scarce. Only a single line per variation is... just not enough.

    With more polishing, it could end up as a great game. In it's current state, the effort/frustration isn't worth it, for what you're getting from it.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I really don't understand all the hate in the reviews section, this game imo is amazing, the concept is nothing new but guess what, sex exists since the beginning of human kind, and bringing it to the next level with animals and other creatures is something that I very much welcome. I gotta say, the first 5 minutes cracked me up, I chose to not answer the phone and the result gave me a hard laugh, kudos to that. The game is in very early stage, the combat system is not intuitive at all and it takes a while to get used to, and I don't know if it's bugged or not implemented yet but I can't seem to level up or gain any exp from monsters..... who knows, and I might suggest to lower the difficulty a tad bit because potions are expensive and you do take lotta damage. All this said, the game is fun to play and the humor is there, I look forward to next versions
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Review of 4.2.0, previous version was crashing too much to be playable.

    Game is mixed bag - dungeon crawling aspect is well designed, premise is OK, characters are nice. I really like minigame with spinning wheel and general rougelike feel of exploration. This game would be solid 5/5 if not fighting. This is most annoying, most cumbersome system I've ever seen. You first select attack (and it seems there is strategy involved in it) and then you need to press right button in the right time to execute it. Slow tempo of waiting for action bar to be filled is interrupted with absurdly fast quick time events, you have split of second to push button and it seems input lag in this game is severe (nota bene other parts of game are also sometimes laggy and controls are erratic). This arcade aspect of game literally kills any fun I'd have playing it.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for Haremon v0.2.3.1

    Well to be concise, the game concept is basically "Pokemon meets Monster girls", which in of its own is not original per se, but the developer(s) does a good job in presenting it with a new narrative that follows a format of proper quests, instead of the usual free-roaming from Pokemon. So to begin with, I will talk first about the characters and the relationship system, then I'll proceed to talk about the fights, later the dungeons and finally the art.

    In first place, the characters are all somewhat quirky, I put it this way since they are introduced by the dev to explore common tropes or stereotypes in Japanese media, such as anime, manga, games and LNs, so they are not necessarily original individuals, just concrete archetypes at this current stage of development. I won't go into detail about how they interact or display themselves, nor who they are specifically, so journey on your own to discover if the game does peak your interest. So, these individuals are presented with the quests and as for how the relationships develop, they do require some decision-making throughout the story and some visiting, although that only constitutes for the human cast and sometimes for the monster girls, which in the majority require the acquisitions of said relationship points, through the visit of a dungeon (more on this later) and falling in certain tiles within it such as, events (luck based and may help improve/worsen relationships or give items), camp (multi-use event), and lastly the relationship tile which serves to improve the relationship directly through some truth or dare games with the girls.

    Now that the relationship system has been covered it, we can go and discuss the Pokemon-esque aspect of the game, the fights. The fights on their own, don't necessarily go for the traditional formula of Pokemon fights, instead, they choose to employ, outside of the possible moves system for the Haremons (with their respective characteristics and statuses) a QTE system to go along, which not only determines the success of attacks it also accounts for how well does one defend against enemy attacks. The QTE system, worsens the experience with the fights since it devolves the RPG aspect of the fight and makes it tedious, foregoing classic RPG strategies and making them cumbersome by having you be constantly on edge remembering the input for blocking the enemy attacks, as well, as having to make yourself follow a tempo just to make even the most basic attacks or the more powerful ones, thus stalling the whole thing to a snails pace, this does not only affect the time it requires to finish a fight, it also diminishes the succes of any action, since the time-frame for the input tends to be short, really short making a neccesity to have panther reflexes to complete. Aside from those issues, it seems the exp system to further your Haremons is not in place either, making the fights worthless on their own at the moment, other than that, the item system is also lacking, in two aspects, first, there's no item shop, second, the acquisitions of items can sometimes be made through luck, being the case events within dungeons, thus making item usage seem finite and extremely precious. The last point in regards to the fights is the capture system for which Haremons are captured, while it doesn't use pokeballs to capture them, it follows the same principal to do so, incapacitating the Haremon in question, only difference being that you need to strip them of their clothing and then use a serum as a lotion to capture them.

    Dungeons, are the playground for the quests, the space in which you follow the quest and do the fighting. The dungeons involve moving through a board with hexagonal spaces, spaces that I had previously described in the relationship system to be containers of events, of varying types (events, relationship, camp and bosses). The movement through a dungeon is dependent on two things, food and turns. Turns are stringent, in determining your movement, since they only allow you to move once and have attached to them a percentage system for an enemy encounter, though turns are not determinant of the success for conquering the dungeon nor do they factor in for its clearance. Food, on the other hand, is the pretty determinant as a condition for clearance of the dungeon since if you ran out of food you immediately lose and food consumption is tied per turn and you have a fixed amount of it at the start of the dungeon (you may replenish some through some tile events). Sadly if you wish to traverse a dungeon you have to commit from start to end, since exiting a dungeon during a quest or even free-roaming is not permitted until victory or defeat are achieved.

    Finally the art, one of the crowning points of the game. The art for the characters (sprites) is pretty on point, following an anime/manga aesthetic that serves to distinguish and bring out the personality to them, though currently there's not much in place for the HCG (sexy images). Backgrounds are nothing memorable to write about, but still pleasing to the eye. The UI and it's elements blend well with the game's world.

    I will conclude by saying the game has a lot of potential so don't be discouraged by the rating I gave, try it out at a later date or succumb to your curiosity.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Downloaded this game.

    Set up controls and character name.

    Phone rang in game at 2am. Chose to ignore it.

    Rang again immediately. Chose to ignore it.

    Rang again immediately. Character threw his phone against the wall shattering.

    Game informs me that because I didn't answer the phone, I never meet a single monster girl, ever, for the rest of my life.

    Game then shuts down to desktop.

    10 out of mawtha heckin 10.

    --------- EDITED REVIEW -------------

    Played it for a while and while the art is fantastic, there's a lot that needs work. First of all the controls are less than intuitive and you need to be a speed demon to hit your attacks and blocks at just the right time. I'll say for myself, my reflexes aren't up to multiple quick time presses every single combat, dozens and dozens and dozens of times a combat. Next the full screen option doesn't quite work right, which is just annoying. Finally the text is often difficult.... hard to read, and sometimes it scrolls slow, or doesn't at all, then you hit the button to progress and it skips through the next line.

    Over all I think this could be a very good game, if given some difficulty sliders and maybe tone down the random elements just a touch, and for the love of god, give us a no quicktime event option.

    Meh, solid 3/5, nice art, could be very appealing to some, but needs work.