VN - Ren'Py - Having a HARD Time [v0.4.0] [Quadruple-Q]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Barking at the Moon

    This dev is a story teller. The characters are great, the MC is deeply developed and the women are beautiful. 5 Stars is an easy call for this, I hated to see the end of chapter 2 wanting it to go on much longer. It is a treat to see a story well told. Yeah, there is a request to suspend disbelief concerning the 'change' but if you can let that go the game opens up with emotion and empathy and smarts.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Awesome game, models and renders are top quality, story and dialogues are fine and funny, musics fits well, a good amount of contents.
    So why not the 5 stars it deserves: week end activities.
    Once per episode you have to chose one activity (go to the gym, look for a job...), and if you pick the same activity the next week the story of this event goes on. So now after only two patches it's already a lot to skip if you want to see these variations, but what will it be in a year?
    Great game, play it if you're fine with futas, but I won't give it 5 stars for this shitty week end mechanic.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Smol Latin Weeb

    Futa/female with such quality is rarely seen. There seems to be some kind of plot building for chapter 3 besides all the personal drama about MC and her new body part so I look forward that, since love drama can get stale on itself. I like the character diversity and some of the rare personality tropes that aren't the usual in a porn game. Also character personality shifting with choices and paths closing and opening are always appreciated, and further shows this game quality and commitment towards players decisions.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    This just might be the most conflicted review I've ever had to give as, for my own tastes, this one does some things extremely well, and others very badly. Given that this is a review, and thus an expression of my own perspectives and experience of the game, I guess I need to start out with a baseline of what the perspective is, so you know where your own viewpoint or tastes may be different.

    Firstly while I have nothing against Futa content or protagonists, and I do very much appreciate that this is actually a full Futa/Hermaphrodite, not merely a trans protag (only one gender of genitalia), that isn't a kink of mine and gets it no special consideration, plus or minus. If futa stuff is a kink for you then you'll likely rate this game higher than I do.

    Why did I give this game a shot if Futa isn't my thing? Well, while it isn't my thing, I also have nothing expressly against it. The ratings and reviews made the difference. Lots of mentions of those key things like good writing, great characters, an interesting story, and some originality. Those are all 'things' I look for. I wouldn't exactly say I was disappointed. These things mostly show great promise, but honestly, its just too early to say, since a lot of the 'reality' of a character is about consistency, not just novelty.

    That said, the humour is well done, and there are plenty of signs that the writing is good. If the game can maintain enough internal logic and consistency to keep up the suspension of disbelief, then I think what others say will hold true, even if they have, in my view, jumped the gun so early on in the development.

    Models / Renders:
    One thing that I massively disagreed with other reviews on though was the models. Make no mistake that this is very much a fetish game, and that fetish isn't just the Futa protagonist, but rather the utterly unavoidable fetishistically and ridiculously huge butts. If you are not into ludicrously sized asses and hips, atop skinny legs, then you will not enjoy the visuals of this game much. Sadly, that's another kink I'm not into, and unlike the futa one, I'm not as neutral about it either.

    For me, the inhumanly fetishized mega-butts were a turn-off, and given that they permeate so much of the game, it really detracted from the otherwise excellent renders and imagery. If you like stupid-big butts, you will love this game. If you don't, then you need to accept this particular fetish is unavoidable and constantly present.

    The faces are beautiful for the most part, full of character and life. This isn't a game for the 'flat is justice' crowd, even without the hips and butts. Composition, lighting, and everything else about the renders was good.

    There are a lot of characters presented very quickly in the first episode, most with very limited exposition, but you can get a little more background on them from the phone contacts (the game's mechanics for character tracking).

    This early in the story, the characters are mostly clear tropes/stereotypes, which is not in itself a bad thing, as it gives you an instant impression of who you may expect them to be and how you might want to react to them, without some long expositions and backstories. It is too early to see any genuine character development, but there's some clear signs the devs are going to handle that pretty well, especially in regards to Hannah.

    The characters are diverse, plentiful, and interesting right from the start. Something for everyone, (so long as you remember and accept that all the females have inhumanly and ridiculously oversized hips and asses). Think of any trope or stereotype character and they are probably here.

    It is worth noting that there isn't much personality or character in the MC yet, but I think that was a deliberate choice, as the choices you make will very much steer who the MC is and what persona you want to play. That will be a hard challenge to keep up, (few devs would write every scene ten different ways for how different persona choices would play out) but for now it works fine.

    Story / Plot
    This is one of those big conflicts. On the one hand, everything is extremely well written (so far). On the other hand the basic premise of an accident causing the instant appearance of a fully functional cock and balls, like magic is going to take actual magic to explain.

    When we are first introduced to our MC, she is very clearly and explicitly stated to be lesbian, and of the type that literally thinks all men are douches, yet we then find ourselves to actually be a represssed bisexual (we can effortlessly develop romantic feelings for/with most of the guys in the game we meet). That was almost more jarring than the instant magic penis.

    There seems to be a LOT going on, already, and that means that either this story is going to need to be humongous, or those hooks are going to fizzle out with disappointing results. That's a red flag. 2 episodes in and I think there are already more than 30 identifiable storylines and mysteries. If the devs can keep going then that's great, but it is a pretty big task.

    This is the only part of the game where I had no reservations. The writing is enjoyable, and of great quality. In fact, for me personally, the writing was the only thing that kept me going through the game at this early stage.

    Overall I gave the game 3 stars at its current stage, which, ironically is 'Average' when the game is actually anything but. It is like all of the individual components were either 5 star or 1 star, and in the end I have a game I'm not sure I'll continue to follow. The writing and the story hooks both show incredible potential I want to follow, but the aesthetic of the female models is very off-putting to my tastes.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A game with a Futa Protagonist. With a good story. And no pretentious elements. Just a experiment gone wrong, well written side characters, a very nice segment of Trolley problem, potential partners with really good character development, This story is looking real good. Though one scene locked behind being blackmailed by a TERF influencer was a bit infuriating and we can only tell her off in dom way or have sex in sub way, felt odd. otherwise the story is going good and I hope we get more chaapters too. Each chapter has good enough scenes and story progression, which is really nice as well.

    Nice work devs.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Ricky Smith

    This is fantastic. The MC is smoking hot, and smart. The scene with Marianne is great, amimations are really good and all the ladies look great and believe me there is a lot of them, looking forward to banging them all. I like how she starts out as a girl but with accident transforms, and sounds like a mystery is a brewing, which I like, so good story line potential also. Support this one, it be will great when done. She also has a vagina so, lots of possibilities here. Being from Indiana loved Kurt Vonnegut quote. Also liked the morality test they did for class. And the cat videos are hilarious. The phone has a Steam button that actually works. GLORIOUS!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Updated after playing Episode 2

    A futa protagonist who engages with women? Sign me up!
    It is helpful that the developer explicitly stated that our MC will only have female love interests. It makes it so I don't have to go out of my way to be mean to the males in order to avoid them, and I can respond more naturally.

    The first episode was a step-up episode, but it was fun, funny, and awkward. I like it!

    A lot of the ladies are lovely, and I like how they all seem to have different personality directions, so you can choose who you really want our equally lovely protagonist to engage with.

    I also love a lot of the funny faces they make, especially during comedic moments. (Like whenthe mom and friend draw their lips into their mouths.)

    Episode 2 is when things start to kick off more. I continue to enjoy the story, and if this much effort was put into a sex scene with a side character for whom we're not building anticipation, I can only imagine what's in store for the character we are, and how much disappointment there will be if they aren't given the same treatment.

    The dramatic moments are also nicely done andthe comedy continued to be funny.
    One thing I've grown to realize is the comedy moments are often cartoonish in a way, so they ca be more enjoyable with some exctra suspension of disbelief.

    I'm enjoying my time so far and will be hanging around. That's the simplest way to put it.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    My impression till now:
    1. futa on female y€€€€€€€€€€€s pl€@se
    2. her reaction at the end of episode one seems somewhat realistic, not that the situation seems realistic and together with the ending scenes for the characters it wrappes it up quite well
    all in all i see a literal shitton of potential in this game and its autors and i hope to see it fullfilled
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Really nice start. Futa protag games are few and far between so it is nice to see a new one and one that has been put together as well as this one has. The writing is solid and although some may not like it I think the dev did a nice job with the aftermath of the transformation scene. The proper amount of gravitas there after what was in a bubble a hot scene.
    Renders are decent and the models are attractive even though most of them appear to be stock DAZ assets. The overall presentation is nice too.
    The one thing that got a bit tiresome, though probably won't be an issue moving forward was the the intro cuts every time a new character was introduced. The size of the cast seems a bit much too, but it remains to be seen how many of the characters introduces are central to the game.
    Overall a solid prologue
    I'd recommend this to everyone except people who have a real aversion to futa/lesbian content
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid Game overall. The premise, writing, visuals, and just about every aspect of this VN are all very promising. So good to see a futa protagonist who is actually a futa. The developer clearly put a lot of effort into making quality content. Hope to see more relatively soon. If the game continues at this level of quality in future updates then I'll support on Patreon on the next version release. Godspeed Quadruple-Q!

    Edit on release of episode 2:
    Fantastic. 5/5. Developer earned himself another patron.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Exceptional introduction to this project. This seems incredibly promising, with very great renders, a great sense of humor and and very polished overall. This is one of these works that just oozes passion from the creator, and I truly hope this one will go far.

    Good thing this author has a patreon!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Art and writing are solid, like the serious take on the transformation and showing the emotional impact it has on our MC. Character model's faces and expressions could use a little improvement, that was the only thing to critique that caught my attention. Great start, looking forward to more!
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    story is good, as well as scenes, look forward to seeing what happens. enjoyed the animations, and the story is pretty good as well. the ending of part one was very dramatic and makes me want to see how it ends. I hope it keeps the pacing. I loved the weird ass friend. it helped keep it light and enjoyable. the renders are pretty good. animations could be better but this is from someone that has no Idea how to animate anything. I did enjoy it though. please dont abandon this.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Seems, you are kind of a weird guy so I definetely like you.
    I really love the beginning of this game, the mc and some of the other girls. Finally a developer who knows to use language (sorry for my bad english btw) and to write a story. I didn't expect the end of ch.1 but am very curious if the c... is permanently.
    I needed a bit to come along with the graphics but after an hour of playing I think its great that we get something new and different to see.
    Also the usage of a social media account ingame is cool. Continue with your great work!!!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Just finished playing. Think i unlocked everything in the first episode. Those secret statue thingies were pretty difficult to find. I really like it so far, of course its only the beginning but I'm proud of you QQ! Renders are pretty good, although you can see they're a bit grainy and stuff in the early parts but they get better throughout the episode. Animations are nice to have but could be a bit smoother.

    What's great is the immense world that's being set up with a unique twist at the end of the episode. I dont think there's been a proper mc futa game like this and I look forward to seeing how these characters develop. For a first episode it has a decent amount of content and play-time as well as some sexual scenes in it already. Can definitely recommend. Good luck QQ!
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Episode 1

    A little bit of a slow start but I like it.

    Art: 4/5

    Models: 4/5
    Some facial expressions are a bit excessively wrinkly or something.

    Animation: 2/5
    The animations were the weakest part of everything imo.

    Sound: 3/5
    Some music. I turn it down so whatever. Some sound effects that are alright. The slapping sex sound doesn't line up with the animations though.

    Story: 4/5
    It feels like just another day in a girls life, who happens to be getting horny as if she just learned what a vagina is.
    Then the twist. Yep. Looks fun.

    Writing: 4/5
    Dialogue was decent if not overly captivating.

    Setting: 4/5
    I feel like they are in a world, but that world wasn't very well shown to map it in my head. So, 4.

    Sex: 3/5
    There is very little sex so far. What there is, is good. Animations are the main problem with them.

    Enjoyment: 3/5
    I will probably like this a lot more later on when there is more to it.
    Currently, it was a nice start and I liked half of it. The other half was kinda dull.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3024206

    I game inspired by Being a Dik with a futa main character? Count me the fuck in. It gets all the great things about BaD such as fantastic models and animations, good story and a very straightforward gameplay. First episode was awesome, I'm really hyped for the next ones.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game seems like it wants to become ambitious, kinda like 'Being a Dik'. I think the first episode is solid and the ending seems to suggest that episode two intends to deal with more serious topics with a seemingly mature focus. People who value sex sex sex in games may be annoyed by the first chapter since it focuses on introductions, but people who value writing should have their interest peeked. The only thing I didn't like was the jab at Fox news viewers (which is the news channel I watch) but I'm able to laugh at myself enough to know it was just a joke and to not take it personally :p
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 322687

    Seems too good to be true for it's got such potential and one hell of an intro with amazing renders, writing and content. Don't know the DEV but seems like he's really dedicated and passionate with his work which makes me get my hopes up even more. Keep this synergy man, you rock
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Just done a quick run through and I must must say I have very much enjoyed myself,
    The humour in the game is superb , the choice of the alarm had me in stiches.
    But the thing that got me the most was the ending scenes,
    So many possible storylines/paths are shown,
    But there are hints even before then that they may be more to this game than it seems.
    A number of post mention BaDIK,
    But I get strong A.O.A. vibes from this game.
    What I mean to say it that I think that we could get a number of strong storylines/paths to follow;
    something similar to the "Valery", A early "Jenny" and "Rebecca" paths.
    On the whole a very good effort and one I will support on Patreon