This game is making me mad. I enjoy the setting and the story, combat is good and I can even ignore zero NSFW, but the difficulty is dystopian, even on the easiest difficulty you struggle and die over and over again, from one negative event to another, everyone take your money and stuff and no one respects you at all. It is too much.
The best way to play is with the persistent "rogue like" mode (I forgot the name, but its the choice on the far right when selecting the difficulty). Also, choose the manual character creation so you can allocate the points yourself. By playing you will gain more points to use for the character creation.
More kills give more points at the end of each game, BUT it is way more important (giving far more points too) to survive as long as possible, hopefully to one of the more than 30 endings.
Often you will be given choices between a dangerous (sometimes borderline suicidal) but potentially rewarding option and a safer one, the safe one is much better for the first times.
p.s.: drink twice to rest more efficiently on every new time interval (better drinking while equipping a mug), the crossbow is very strong (and it`s the best way to defeat a certain guy........) but a focus on shield + axe is a better choice in the beginning imho, the axe is good to destroy enemy shields (split shield special attack), keep 1 shield in the inventory as reserve. Later on the estoc + shield is great, bash and hopefully stun them (or wait till they get tired enough) following with a stab in the neck, very few have enough armor there considering the estoc special ignores part of the armor. Justice sword if virtue sits at 100 is good too thanks to the damage increase linked to virtue, but that kind of high virtue run is for much later.
There are lots of viable builds anyway later on when you have enough points.