Collection Video Healingpit & Kambo collection [2025-03-16] [Healingpit]


New Member
Aug 28, 2024

Google drive multiple zip files was annoying, and there was a lot of recursive zip files I had to extracts...

I think the Regular arts directory have 20GB, but I'm not sure since I losslessly compressed all the pngs, but it did reduce to 17GB. It's not much since psd folder have 10.2GB lol. I averaged 20% size reduction of compressing the pngs.
And then compressed to 7z from 17.0 GB to 8.4 GB.
Size reduced by around 50%! (58% if from 20GB)
There's no point in me posting animation zip since it only reduced it be like 1-2%

Hero,are there any wrong in the file?I can’t unzip it completely


New Member
Jul 6, 2021
When I unzip it to about 2gb,the unzip program suddenly ends. I tried several programs and the results are the same
It ended just like that? Absolutely no errors showing up?
I just tried to extract using latest version of 7zip and it worked fine.

There could be a lot of different problems. Maybe you don't have enough disk space, not enough RAM, files you downloaded got corrupted, etc. but it should show the errors.

Can you confirm the properties of the files, maybe run 7zip integrity? File size should be around 8.4GB

Just do 7z t archive.7z

I did integrity check on my side and everything was fine.


Nov 30, 2023
Kambo updated their Patreon page. Is there anyone here can peruse and download em and share it here?
No there is no1 here who can do that, now stop spamming this page asking for videos all the time and wait patiently for some updates.


Mar 27, 2022
Hi guys, I upscaled most of the animations (only the sex animations) of Healingpit & Kambo to 4K; using a program I was able to reduce the size of each file without losing quality (your storage will thank you).
Enjoy ;)
Album: Pixeldrain

Note: I'm making these "improvements" so you can enjoy the content Healingpit & Kambo make even more. I will only update the album when the animations have been shared publicly, not before; If you like what you see, I encourage you to support these artists so they can continue making these animation gems.
Artist Patreons:
  • Album link changed.
  • New animations added [4K].