Not sure how the "good" ending doesn't let the MC get their real body/gender back and go back home but instead leaves them stranded in a strange body in some alternate reality run by a nutso AI. Even the ending when getting killed by Kayden seemed marginally preferable. Although to be fair it's said nutso AI who describes it as "good", so I guess opinions may vary.
Some of the pre-ending dialogue didn't quite match my choices as far as I remember them, but maybe some variables have been re-jiggered since I played through on that save so the issue may be on my end.
Femboy Sparkle is an early iteration and not fully implemented. Anything that alters his shape/body type seems to be bugged, as the game can't do the proper body-variation combination.
How do you get Leigh to buy you at the auction? I always get Lel buying me. I've already pissed him off, signed the contract and all but can't seem to have him buy me at that point. Is it just bugged at the moment?
Yeah the lel auction route is way too short imo. Good potential, but it would be nice if it started sooner or even just prolonged the enfing. Feels like the game just ends as soon as it starts.
Your player character can be a boy or a girl
You character in the in-game MMO will start out as a female but you can choose to switch to femboy or futa (or stay female) pretty early on.
Just hit a game breaking bug. When trying to use Fairy Form as a twink/femboy, while on the docks errand (to get the 8 fish) there's an error (missing image) and ignoring just brings up another error, and so on.
daviezwei Where's your preferred place to report bugs?
if roopah_dinner_request:
PK "Ah, but alas, we cannot! I overheard Roopah requesting your services at dinner. Our chat will have to wait."
Panki says this if you have free use on.
if night2 == "Panki":
PK "But first, let us feast!"
elif roopah_dinner_request:
But then in Act 11 her if statement comes first, so you end up chatting anyway and miss out on the free use scene.
Even stranger, you can't even get this far if you have free use on, because you get interrupted by the Orlando introduction. I assume some unintentional if statement is causing this.