I.. am confused. No matter how I slice it, the story seems to jump from the aftermath of the investigation, to a 'bland meal', to encountering another ship-- then warping to Kayden recovering and once more being a giant gaping asshole with sores and assuming that Roompah is.. dead? Perhaps I'm just reading it incorrectly.
Back to Kayden. No dignity on coming around. No 'thank you for not letting me die a horrible chumps death'. No 'hey, I'm glad we are all okay.' Just shithead mode to the max, and dumping on Panki. I thought the whole point of him earlier was to make us sympathise with the guy a little and give him a shot at being slightly less abrassive? Feels like he's back to zero, if not straight up worse.
Honestly the constant bitching and blaming of Sparkle is getting a bit tiresome. And now the favor to bring in the friend already puts the player in the position of manipulating them to not heal, which is going to backfire, or please do heal (without any repurcusions like Sparkle has) which will make her lose standing and backfire. I guess the silver lining is since she is a shapechanging druid maybe Sparkle gets a pony ride in the end? Puns absolutently intended.
Fairy form: Are we ever going to be used as a fantasy fleshlight? Asking for a friend.
One last question: In theory, if we had the 'guiltless sluttery' perk ability thing, in theory, everybody should be lining up for tickets to Sparkle rides, destination Poundtown, right? Does it actually make any difference? Thus far it seems like it's either a standard fixed relationship style (or 3p with Panki/Lel), free use, and very little in between.
Nitpicking aside, the game is terribly enjoyable. Very much curious where the plot brings us next.