Hey, this was pretty *
fun*! Just finished my first blind run without knowing much about it (with only very minor spoilers from the OP images). Honestly, I went into this not expecting too much and, as first impressions go, was
immensely surprised with the game's quality.
Ran into an exception that killed my run, but it was a good ride until then.
Interesting, non-cookie cutter characters with a fair amount of unexpected depth with good art and an engrossing plot are all real draws for the game. Having little experience by way of MMOs, I was hesitant to try this, but I'm glad I did! Fuckin' hell, I should have played this
much sooner! Lol!
I'm sure people talk a lot about the art, or the various story paths, or what-have-you, but can we take a moment about the writing? The writing here is
exceptional! Clever, witty banter between characters with their own linguistic styles are wonderfully present in the game to make the characters be more alive. The prose, inner monologues, and even minute details in the menu are well-crafted. Heck, the developer properly uses and employs conjugations, subject-verb agreements, foreshadowing, punctuation, and other literary devices masterfully! The text had a nice flow with very little grammatical mistakes. Almost makes me want to cry in joy after reading so many games with subpar writing.
In my first run, I only recall encountering only one sexual scene -- a sweet moment with Panki and the MC. (I went into the first run selecting options that a reasonable, sane, and sometimes frustrated Simone may have chosen.) Despite seeing only this tender moment between Panki and the MC (and for the reasons stated earlier), I have nevertheless really enjoyed playing through this game. Sadly, immediately after this scene, on the next in-game day, is when I encountered the exception that prematurely ended my first, blind run. Still had fun though.
It's a game that's both funny and serious, and apparently doesn't mind poking fun at itself for a good time. Definitely worth placing on my "Watch" list. Good times! Here's to the dev to keep up with the wonderful work on the game! Cheers!