VN - Ren'Py - Healslut [v0.99d] [Davie Zwei]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A uniquely high-quality and cleverly written piece.

    The art has a very distinct style, and there is a wealth of it, with a surprising score of characters of great variety. The writing is sharp, peppered with light but well-executed humor.

    The amount of choices are surprising and welcome. The story seems to diverge impressively based on choices; after a few playthroughs I'm still stumbling into unseen content.

    Always very excited to see how this story is expanded upon, as well as find new story hooks.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has great potential. In my sincere opinion, the story is good, but the renders are little regular in quality. Speaking with construtive criticism, the renders could have a little more final quality, following the same quality of the story.

    What I mean with more final quality is more immersion on the images and more "takes" per scenes, because some scenes has few images per take scenes. Details is the key for a good book or game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game had me save scumming, a lot. And I see that as a good thing. It means that the characters feel like they have weight to them. You like them, love then, dislike or hate them. Now what I call save scumming and what you call save scumming might be two different things. For me when it comes to Ren'py VNs it's when I feel the need to save at every choice just in case it comes to bite me in the ass three hours down the line.

    However, I rarely, like once or twice, loaded an old save and one of those times was coming back to the game.

    The story of the game is top notch. It is interesting and enticing. You can really tell that the game developer knows and enjoys MMOs or at least in practice. The story does remind me of SAO Alicization in the likeness of world building, but not the actual plot. There is good humor to the game/story as well. Hell, the title of the damn thing is MMO joke lingo.

    I went into this game honestly expecting a lot more sexual acts "forced" upon Sparkles due to her abilities, but I am happy to say that I was pleasantly surprised. Haha, in my weekly DnD game we always make the joke that when someone casts cure wounds on themselves that they are touching themselves. "I'm going to run over here out of the line of fire and touch myself." *casts cure wounds* So this game feeds right into that.

    I don't really have any complaints about this game, other than some of the lengthy NPC dialog can start to drag after a while, see the buying fish at the docks scene. I like how the MC started out, very anti-social, very plain, very nerdy and cynical about the world. At the same time though I love how Sparkles is portrayed and with the talk of the game changing the person playing I think it's a great idea and look forward to seeing the changes in MC along the way.

    I had seen this game listed on the latest updates page for it's last two updates and I never really gave it a chance. Not sure what to expect or if it would be something that I liked. Again going back to my original expectations for it. Now though, I am happy to say that I will be keeping a close eye on the game as it progresses and looking forward to seeing the updates to follow.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved it so far.

    Honestly, among the usual crap you find around, this game is a diamond in the mud. Besides donating and writing this review I have no idea what else I could do to motivate the creator to work faster.

    Now to the game.
    1st of all, there are very few games with female protagonist and 3dcg. Most of them are kinetic novels, not visual novels, and being forced to follow a single predefined path is always a big NO for me.

    How should I put this? You play a game, invest in your character, you kinda care about it. Then here comes the dev and decides it's the perfect time to have an unavoidable DP scene with two guys with oversized dicks.

    Not the case in this game. Decisions you make do have weight, they matter, and it seems the author cares a great deal about character agency. And that's a big plus in my book.

    I'm not going to talk about graphics, you already saw they are gorgeous. I'm not a big fan of women with cow-sized breasts, or inflated butts and thank god, this game have nothing of sorts (so far).

    The sex scenes are also amazing, very well written (yes, English is my 3rd language but I can see when a scene is properly depicted). Also the lines are natural, not forced - and I'm not talking only about the sex scenes.

    The story so far is interesting and intriguing, I can't wait for more.

    Now... the less good things - little things, really, but they bug me a lot. I try to keep this spoiler free.

    - would've hoped the real player behind Sparkle to be a bit more... attractive and more willing to engage in human contact. I get it, they are introverts, but I believe the main idea of the game is the transformation of both - player and virtual player.

    - such an attractive lady as Sparkle should enjoy more attention from people. As in I kind of expected to be courted 24/7, but pretty much she must take the initiative. And I'm not talking about random "suck my dick" npc's.

    - also it's a shame that the only futa that can be romanced had to be an ugly orc. It's pretty much a guy with tits and a foul mouth, no beauty, no grace, no appeal (for me). Maybe there will be more options in the future, who knows...

    - the 1st transformation. Visually speaking, before it Sparkle is sexy without being (too) slutty. After it... not so much. Maybe an option to stay without makeup would be nice?

    - the heals. At 1st I was worried that my character will be forced to sleep with every single person she heals. Was not the case, and I'm grateful for that. But the arousal / pass out is kinda underwhelming. There are scenes based on this in game, I know. Maybe later in development will be a such spell, and Sparkle will have to chose who wants to heal between two people.

    Anyway. I wrote too much. It's a great game. I keep thinking at a game like the one depicted in Healsut. Usually medieval / fantasy games are a hard pass for me, but a game like this one? I'd play it non-stop. Would be like fully modded (loverslab) Skyrim.

    Have fun, guys.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I have played this only for two hours or so.

    At least the beginning is incredibly funny.

    Do not get this for sex, fapping, getting aroused, as humor and sex don't mix very well.

    Get it because it is very intelligent, layered, and humorous, especially if you ever played MMORPGS, it is the totale satire of that genre. It is pulling the leg of serious RPG gamers (like me).

    If you wanna get aroused, get some other games, if you wanna smile, get this. Also if you are bored with dull, badly written, low intelligence games. This is really refreshing.

    Only downside: After about two hours the initial funnyness passed, and it became quite a read.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: I didn't like Futa with unrealistically large dicks. Now I do (at least in this game). Switching between the outside world and the high fantasy world + sex = Great Fun! 5/5

    - Not enough content yet. I'm hooked, I need more!

    - Player switches between the outside world (more or less modern reality) and a high fantasy setting. I love high fantasy settings. And that switching gives me Matrix vibes.

    - I love Lel. I care for her. Good immersion.

    - It's no secret, I like trans/trap content, as long as the genitals are at least somewhat realistic and not comically large. Most futa content I've seen so far turns me off for exactly this reason. I was very skeptical when I saw that screenshot with Roopah, but boy is sex with her great! Even moreso after I chose to transform to futa. That boat scene had me both laughing and horny af. Yes, their dicks are unrealistically large, but at least not the usual horse-dick size. I don't know why, maybe it's the fantasy setting, but I quite enjoy this.

    Two thumbs way up! (y)(y) More, please!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I started out with low to no expectations. It looked good. The main character was hot. It was in high fantasy.

    The start was a little rough; the IRL character comes across as autistic. Then there was a goblin that managed to be crudely funny.

    Then there were some really hot other characters.

    Then the seemingly random choices I made actually got logged and thrown back at me.

    Then the game hit me right in the feels. I never expected to be so entertained and to actually care about the characters.

    Sex: 4/5 Lots of cheesecake and it's super hot. Something for everyone: straight, gay, futa lovers, etc. Everything's a pin-up. I'd like some more choices leading to sex, like forcing orgasms on team members in combat.

    Gameplay: 4/5 Simple click story, a visual novel. Choices are well explained.

    Flair: 6/5 God damn I have not been this entertained by a porn game since FF first demo'd. The characters are great, the writing is great, the music is top notch.

    Give this game a spin until after the first dungeon, it's worth it.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    An okay TF game that suffers from the usual trappings of the fetish with something extra. The world is nonsensical but it's a porn game so you should expect wonky world building to include porn scenes. Unfortunately for me it stretches credulity a bit too far in some places. I don't understand the endless string of perfect ratings.

    I just want to get this out of the way, right off the bat - all the characters are irredeemable. The protagonist is an asshole who is written inconsistently, the party members are all a-holes, the in-game devs are all a-holes. There is not one character that I cared to interact with more than I had to.

    So, the protagonist is supposed to be some kind of hardcore gamer beta tester, right? However, once in game almost immediately (after meeting with the party before the big twist) they turn into someone that is incredibly empathetic even to enemies even though outside the game they are shown as being some shut-in with social anxiety. It's incredibly inconsistent. Add this to how the game will punish and berate the protagonist and by extension the player for any choice made makes this hard to get into.

    The party is nothing but drama, in fact 90% of the game so far has been drama with the party. At some point before the first choice between futa, sissy (the only male option), and full fem you are forced to have coitus with one of the party afaik. At the very least it wouldn't let me continue the game without visiting and choosing to sleep with someone. Why couldn't they just sleep by themselves which is something that the shut in character would choose? I don't know.

    The visuals are fine if you're into 2dcg daz goblins. They all look youthful and a bit doll like but it serves its purpose and I'm glad to have them over real porn pictures or generic anime pictures or even no images at all.

    Play it if you want but know what you're getting into. It's not an adventure, it's a drama that shits on the protagonist.
  9. L
    5.00 star(s)


    I love this game! I really, really appreciate that the game has a female protagonist that does not get raped like so many others. Additionally, I love that you as a player choose what to do and when to initiate sex. It makes you feel like you're actually playing a game rather than watching a slideshow with tiddies.
    Speaking of which, the agency you have as a player is stunning. Actions you take have real consequences and there is usually more than one way to approach each challenge you face.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Healslut has a lot of love put into it. DavieZwei took on a daunting task of making all the decissions matter and stayed on top of it. The characters are interesting and (mostly) likeable. And if the odd character turns out to be a jerk, Panki is likeable enough for two or three. She may have you shtart talking like her though and type the way she shpeaksh. A minor prishe to pay for shuch a great character.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.4f...

    Ok, this VN/Game definitely does not take itself too seriously pretty much at any time... There are some transformation choices you get to make, for those who are into feminine males or futa...

    Visuals of most characters are high resolution and decent... There are some male characters that look more like female models that were modified to look like males, yet you can tell from the facial features they were actually female models... The backdrops are decent for the most part, all of which looked unique, in various resolutions... There is definitely a epic crap ton of nudity and scenes meant to seem more comedic through out most of this VN/Game...

    The script is decent as I rarely ran into spelling/grammar errors... The plot revolves around a male or female protagonist (your choice) in a near future where he/she is a beta tester in a immersive (as in I believe some form of full body immersive suit that you don't get to see) fantasy world where he/she is testing out a new game patch, with his/her character class being a healer that uses sexual magic/energy to perform the various spells (which you actually get to choose some later on)... Now that being said, there is a much bigger all encompassing plot involving the gaming world being an alternate reality and some stuff about the real developers trying to take over it's world, and so on... It get's a bit weird and convoluted, but the protagonist is kind of dragged into this conspiracy, on the side of what seems like some rebel developers, trying to stop the owners/developers from succeeding...

    Before I get into the criticism, let me just start off with how the story actually plays out... Most of the story and dialogue and inner-monologue is chopped full of constant sarcasm, and some characters taking everything literally when the protagonist tries to figure out what is happening... So for most of this VN/Game, you presented with an epic ton of back and forth banter that is meant to be in some ways funny... While I did laugh now and then during the initial phases of the current content, it does start to wear on you eventually...

    The protagonist is primarily treated as a victim of constant bad circumstance... You do get to select many varying paths now and then, but I found in most cases even though some things worked out, eventually somehow most choices began to somewhat come back to haunt the protagonist or put him/her in possibly worse situations/circumstances... And in some cases, the writers throw the choices you made, back in your face time and time again... An example would be when you were told by a game master to get arid of your goblin companion, and if you do, several times later it is thrown in your face as though it was somehow a poor choice.. And this happens now and then with other choices as well... Some choices do work out for the protagonist initially, but again sometimes I felt like I was being punished for the choice I made, regardless if it worked in my favor initially...

    There was also a moment when I almost thought the protagonist had multiple personality disorder... Such as when the protagonist was outside of the game world, in the real world, and was interacting with some other characters... In game she was constantly trying to figure stuff out, was somewhat friendly, open to discussion, didn't mind speaking his/her mind, even when he/she was constantly being trash talked and pushed around... In the real world, he/she barely spoke a few words at a time, and was extremely abrasive with the characters she/he interacted with... No comedic elements at all during those scenes... It felt really out of place, and contrasted with the rest of the VN/Game...

    As to the constant bombardment of ridicule and bad luck the protagonist kept having to put up with, even if you tried to be assertive, it would just backlash... I'm not a real fan of constantly being the victim as a reader/player... Eventually the comedic value doesn't resonate as much after a while, and trying to cover up the victimization through comedy just felt like a means to downplay her bad situation, in hopes that the reader will not take it too seriously or get mad that no matter the choice made, the protagonist was screwed...

    There is a ton of nudity, which is perfectly fine, as it is an erotic VN/Game... But very few actual sexual encounters, and when they do occur, some are treated as a farcical over-the-top encounter such as when she (i played as a female protagonist) was covered from head to tow in semen from one man... Where as very few sexual encounters were more on the sensual (no comedy) side, and even then they were short lived... Most sexual encounter options, where you made a choice, felt more coerced or forced on to you... As though should the protagonist take one for the team (even though he/she was reluctant to do it at all and really didn't want to do it most of the time) or try to avoid it... And no matter the choice, it was either a slightly gross experience or avoiding it just meant something else would occur, as though you were being punished for attempting to work around the gross sexual stuff...

    I could go into much more, but I have a lot of mixed feelings about this one... I don't want to not like this VN/Game... As I did enjoy some parts and aspects of it... But in other cases it felt like choices didn't matter, because in the end the protagonist was damned if he/she did or damned if he/she didn't... The way most of the comedic value was presented felt good early on, but began to wear on me as it kept going on, in the same patterns of mostly sarcasm and putting the protagonist down or in his/her place... Some situational comedy was good, and some felt over played... And on a just tiny handful of occasions I was slightly confused about what was happening, as though a few pieces of story were missing...

    Overall, visually this VN/Game is stunning (with the exception of the feminine looking males), and I love that this was a more Visual Novel based approach with lots of story text and dialogue... I just got worn out by the protagonist rarely catching a break, as though no matter the choice I made something was going to happen that was against the protagonist more then for the protagonist... And the comedy although funny at times, began to wear thin after a while... On a few occasions I felt like skipping past the text, which is not good for a story/dialogue based VN/Game...

    This VN/Game will definitely appeal to some folks, and it is definitely original... I just wish the protagonist wasn't treated like such a victim a majority of the time... You may think a choice is the right choice, but it eventually comes back to haunt you or bite you in the butt... Will I revisit this one? Most likely not, because after 4+ hours of play/reading, I think I've seen all that this one plans to offer... And in some ways it just rubs me the wrong way...
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my favorite game at the moment. From the animation style, story and humor, and obviously the kinks and different routes to go. Can't wait to see where everything goes and I hope we get updates for a long time.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Deceptively ambitious, complex, and fun.

    When I saw the name and the (character creation) preview picture for Healslut, I expected the story would be little more than a bimbo main character going from one sex scene of dubious consent to the next, but this game has some vertical movement! The world, party, and quest elements of the game all establish a strong setting, making you feel like you're in an rpg. There's a group of supporting characters you can really get attached to for unique reasons--even the one character who objectifies the MC from day 1 has a rounded backstory and (seemingly) an arc of improvement. The story just feels alive.

    I have no objective criticism of the game so far, but I am a little worried that the author might be overwhelming themself with all of the branching paths in this game. You can change the main characters' genitals, you can customize your character with 2 spells/passive traits, and of course there are multiple characters you can begin committed relationships with, and all of these happen fairly early in the story. That makes for a lot of replayability and a lot of content for us to enjoy, but I've seen a lot of authors burn themselves out trying to keep up with their branching options. I hope that's not the case for this author and this game because Healslut is a great body of work so far! Check it out!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Really interesting game. I read a few reviews before playing, so I expected it to be good, however even with high expectations I was still surprised.

    It has an amazingly deep branch-out story that while it inevitably leads to the same place, the characters with you, the events you've seen, who your character is and how their treated by the party are all vastly different based on your choices. - They cater ridiculously well to each little choice, in a way I've not seen before in a game like this and perhaps in any game.
    I hope they keep it up as they release more, as there is a big conspiracy theory involving the (ingame) games developers and some moderators. I won't spoil anything, but it looks potentially epic.

    The writing is immersive, mostly realistic, and very comedic when it wants to be, I chuckled out loud a few times, and I'm a grumpy cunt. Only dialogue complaint I have is when it transitions to the real you outside the game... but in the game... yeah, yeah. So you see a girl and her father, without spoiling, the MC got really, really possessive over a towel. I feel like a choice here would have been good, since if they were going for 'your MC is autistic' they are being inconsistent with it. As that was for sure an exclusively autistic response whereas in the games game and other situations, he is not, or we get a choice about it. - Other than that, it was a very well crafted story both in the games game world and the games real one.

    Right now, there are not too many sex scenes, if I recall... about 9-11 big ones that show up in the gallery (for several play-throughs and focusing each party member one by one during each, mind) and a handful of minor ones or small events. Though they are very good and enough to get you off, or at least get you motivated to do so.

    Oh and to clear up the complaints with the 'Male Protagonist' tag thing, you choose between a male or female IRL, then your game character (inside the game in this game) is always female. However, you do sometimes go back to THIS games' reality to play as the male character. Take that how you will, but it's really not a big deal at all. Also, he/she can become a trap/sissy. But that's not officially released yet, just the choice for later is.

    TLDR: It's an awesome game, i'd highly recommend playing. You can easily get many different play-throughs. There is a vast combination of events based on who is alive and how the party sees you that even in my many sessions, I did not see all content. There is even a huge loot slut arc for example that completely changes the events you'll see that is completely missable and needs specific things done to even know it's a possibility. Very promising.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This must be the best fantasy-adult-themed game I've ever played. Real interesting and cute characters for all tastes, dialogues filled with good humor and a real well-developed plot, really above all the poorly written corruption/prostitution cliché situations.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Very cool so far though far from final state and short as it seems to me. Really fun to replay several times due to huge amount of choices. My personal suggestion is to add system of corruption and /d things like tentacles, bugs and so on. Anyway, solid 5.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredible Game! I am really impressed with the amount of impact that your choices have on the story as it unfolds. I expected the choices to be relatively meaningless, like a telltail game, but instead it the choices have a major impact on the party as you move through he game. How all the members teat you, what they're rolls are in the party, and even certain party members joining or leaving depend on your choices.

    I also really enjoy how the main character reacts to everything. This MC is constantly surprised and uncomfortable with the world around her, which make everything seem more relatable.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a good amount of variety with replay options. I personally enjoy the artwork and presentation style of the storyline. I also like the options for choosing the players own path through the scenes. Even the mostly static art style is good, it allows faster updates through focusing more on events and storyline instead of rendering full motion for everything. My only question.. . when do we get access to the armor in the first screen? That is some hot looking armor. More games need to have armor like that imo.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Expected this to be mediocre, but damn, this was hotter then expected. Love the setting, and the writing is just good enough to make it fun and entertaining. Really love this authors work, and hope he keeps updating this
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Lust Demon

    Ver 0.4d
    I was hesitant to play this one, though I'm glad I did. As others have said, the visuals are pretty good for a VN and the writing is hilarious, well thought out, and not too wordy or short. So far, I've yet to find a plot-hole or contradiction. For the novel length, the characters are pretty fleshed out and have actual personalities. In the beginning, I can't say I liked any of them; but, as you play through you learn more about why they each act the way that they do.

    The replay value comes from making different decisions, which all matter (ironically something I usually dread), and learning more about each of the characters, who they are, and how your influence changes the story.

    Story wise, it's refreshing for the genre and very entertaining. As of this version, it appears that while it ends on a cliff hangar, it's more like an end to volume 1 in a series. More story is coming, but the first arc is pretty much wrapped up.

    Technically, I only found one minor bug and it wasn't game breaking, so I'd have to say everything is fairly stable.

    A few things of note:
    1. It's a VN. It has A LOT of choices for a VN, but it's still a VN. That said, almost all of the writing is dialogue and the pacing is quick, but that's just the style; which I really enjoyed.

    2. As a VN, don't expect inventory slots, complicated stat mechanics or anything like that. There's no journal to keep track of you choices, but it's not hard. You get in-game feedback on how you're doing via occasional chats with one of the characters; who is pretty blunt, so no guessing needed.

    3. It's a touchy topic but I feel like it has to be said for clarity. In this game, futanari does not equal hermaphrodite; they don't have both sets of plumbing down below. A bit of a let down IMO, but nothing I'm not willing to accept.

    BTW, this comes from someone that reads novels a lot. And while the isekai and "video game world" genres are bit played out, this VN is a welcome addition.