VN - Ren'Py - Heart Problems [v0.9] [Xenorav]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Fun game so far with great renders and decent animations, the story and cast are well done compared to your typical living with family game.

    The downsides are the fact that this game feels like it's going to be in development for a very long time before we get an ending and it's not got too much content currently. it's also full of grammar issues as well which may bug you or not.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Hey dude, you are giving us very serious heart problems with your work, cannot keep up with the delay of fucking the MOST FUCKABLE MILF in the hole F95zone world. Please stop blueballing your fans.
    One of the best rendered, well writen, flawless erotic works that exist in all existance of all erotic CGI novels. The tease is out of this world. Well done DEV, very well done.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    best game ever played after Mother's love. if anyone know similar game, do tell. This is fantastic. I would play this again in the mean time. Mother is super good. any other game with same milf? I appreciate it
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Oliver Wendell Homely

    It seems like once a month or so I discover a new AVN that grabs my attention. Sometimes that attention is shortlived, while other times it persists. "Heart Problems" is an example of a game that has grabbed my attention and will hold it for a long time, I think. It progresses slowly enough that it feels "realistic," as realistic as a game like this can feel, but things progress frequently enough that the game feels rewarding, rather than frustrating. The story is simple: a young guy gets the hots for pretty much every woman he encounters and/or lives with and they all reciprocate, albeit somewhat reluctantly at first.

    The visuals are solid, but the art is not high-end. Having said that, the women are definitely attractive and there are some nice animations in the lewd scenes.
    If you appreciate audio in your AVNs, there is both some basic background music, plus some female moaning and other sex noises.
    The story is simple, but believable enough.
    The writing is better than average. The dev appears not to be a native speaker of English, but the odd vocabulary and other usage errors are infrequent and mild. The dialogue is done well, though, and strikes me as natural. That's a big plus for me, as some devs don't seem to know how people talk.

    My only real criticism is the portrayal of Stephanie, the "younger" cousin/sister/roommate. The character model is short/small, but the face and figure are of a woman in her mid-20s, maybe older. Her dialogue and mannerisms, however, and the way she is described by the other characters, imply that she is maybe in her early teens or even younger. Either that or she has a mental disability, meaning she's either a very well developed loli or she's an intellectually compromised adult. You can decide which one is less unsettling (or hotter, if one or both of those options is your thing).
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Extremely slow game with so little content compared to the time it has been in development. The story is very vanilla & unoriginal and the dev is clearly trying to maximize gains via aritificially long update time and stalling long-awaited events. Renders are good. This is a very subpar game & dev team that I do not recommend investing time in, at the cost of being very disappointed.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with beatiful renders and very hot intimate scenes. Tag "groping" here develops itself in all its glory, characters have jucy bodies and mc gropes thighs, boobs and asses enjoying them to the fullest.

    Mc is not a typical pushover loser, but decently likeable chill dude, who behaves accordingly to situations without annoying simping. All arc with Aunt seducing is very intimate, hot af and beliveable (as it can be possible by AVN standarts). Player actually can see and feel how mc conquire her step by step, because mc is assertive, says right pleasing words all the time and behaves like a man, who put all his efforts to win over a woman of his dreams.

    In general, had great experience playing.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    It's an interesting story. I think the LIs are definitely what make this game.

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    As I said, three distinctly different LIs who clearly make this game so enjoyable. That clearly doesn't describe the MC who, frankly, I feel can be best described as an annoying sex pest. He practically gyrates on his aunt anytime she's nearby, and no matter how often he hears no, he can't take hint (and he's only getting worse as chapters go by). Frankly, it's a surprise to me he even pretends he wants to maintain a distance with Stephanie considering his personality otherwise. On top of all of that, the MC doesn't seem to care who is in the vicinity. It's almost stupid that the dev doesn't write in more near-misses or even situations where he gets caught but has to convince third parties (be it his cousins, Davie, or anyone else) that this isn't what it looks like.

    One other oddity of the MC is his strange appearance (which has shifted significantly from the beginning, stay with me and I'll explain that). From the neck down, he's a chad. He's put together like a bodybuilder--how, I do not know; he doesn't appear to workout ever--with a ridiculously large and veiny dick... but from the neck up he looks like Review Brah, with an effeminate face and slicked back hair (though more of a reddish hue than the dark chocolate hair of Review Brah). He almost feels like a terrible self-insert. When the game began, he was a little smaller (he wasn't remotely so jacked before; he has a solid six-pack now) and he had a tightly shaved haircut... so what gives, dev?

    My other bugaboo with this game is the spelling and grammatical errors. I usually don't mind them, but my biggest issue is that the same errors are repeated time and again. For instance, I'm sort of getting sick of seeing "the uncle Davie". You don't include an article for a proper name: it's just Uncle Davie. I don't understand why he's only started doing this in Ch. 7 (7x) and Ch. 8 (5x). It's almost like he thought it was fine before, but someone convinced him [incorrectly] that this is proper English. What really gets me is that the developer only seems to do it with Davie, so he's consistently inconsistent. I went looking through the scripts, he has never keyed up "the cousin Kylee" or "the aunt Amelie", it's just done with "the uncle Davie"... can anyone explain that? There are other spelling and grammar issues, but that's the most repeated one.

    The graphics are good, the animations start out okay and get progressively better as the game goes along. The music gets a little repetitive, but it's better than some games where you get one or two tracks for the entire game.

    I'll take off one star for the MC being generally terrible--both in appearance and personality. Also, I'll take off one star for the grammatical issues. I usually don't take off stars for the latter, but for once it's started to grate on me.

    3 stars.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I could elaborate a lot of words here to describe this masterpiece, but no matter what it would never be fair enough, it's simply the best VN ever to be made. Dude while developing this one made it perfect: characters, timing, graphics, animations, plot... Professional stuff here, there is nothing similar to this overall quality on genre, i just hope to be rich someday to reward a little what this dev gave to us.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I never write reviews and shit but i have to this time for this masterpiece.
    The build up is just so good with the aunt and the older cousin. This shit is top notch. And believe me i have been playing visual novels since last 2 years but this is the first time that a VN made me CUM.
    And the renders are top notch especially the groping scenes. Im talking about how the hand collides with the butt and tits its really hot and looks fuckin real i have not seen this in many VNs.
    I will surely donate to the developer once i get a job. Because this dev deserves it.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all, I've been playing adult games for around 5 years and I've never replayed a game twice (updates aside). However, this game was an exception; I found myself playing it voluntarily for the second time, and it's the first time I've felt compelled to write a review. Xenorav, you've transcended being merely a consumer; you are now a provider, a producer!


    • The renders are of high quality.
    • There are enough angles for every scene.
    • The developer has put in significant effort to make you feel, "I'm playing a game created by a perfectionist." Nothing is done half-heartedly.
    • The character development is authentic (based on the version I played).
    • The girls never wear the same outfit twice; the developer always finds something new.
    • Nothing about this game feels half-ass; it's like watching a Christopher Nolan movie.

    • The MC is portrayed as perfect, which makes it challenging to relate to them since I'm not perfect (and I apologize for not being a narcissist).
    • The story could have taken a more original direction.
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    • You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.
    • The uncle's base model should be altered; he should pose a greater challenge to the MC. It's unrealistic to think you could have a partner of this caliber without any significant obstacles.
    • If the Uncle were to catch any affairs with his relations, it should realistically spell the end of the story, so please don't go down that path.
    I hope this game will continue to evolve and reach its full potential. Thanks, Xenorav.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful dolls! The female body is depicted at its finest, with high-quality rendering. I really appreciate the developer's art style. The story seems simple but pleasant to read. There are a few secrets regarding the MC's backstory that will be revealed as the plot develops. However, as of chapter 8, there are some aspects that are not well explained and a few remaining secrets.

    Each character has their own personality, they are distinct and well-detailed: the tenderness and maternal love of the prudish aunt Amelie, the mischief and cheekiness of the younger cousin Stephanie, and the sexiness and allure of the older cousin Kylee. Each one has its own appeal, but they are all equally beautiful and captivating. Even the side characters have their charm (Mía is so crazy and hot!).

    During the development of the story, you can observe a gradual evolution in the intensity of the emotional relationships between the MC and his aunt and cousins. It is fascinating to witness how Amelie gradually lower her defenses against the impetuous MC and allow herself to be swept away by pleasure and desire.

    Undoubtedly, the standout feature of this VN is the erotic scenes and sensual moments, featuring fondling, groping, grinding, and kissing, which I find particularly enjoyable. The sex scenes are impressive, depicted with passion and attention to detail, showcasing various sexual positions and smooth animations. Additionally, the ability to change different POV and speed adds to the immersive experience. Overall, the quality of these scenes is among the best I have encountered.

    The music is decent, although honestly, I didn't pay much attention to it as my focus was on other aspects. There are a few sound effects for kisses and moaning, which is a nice detail and enhances the allure of the sex scenes.

    Having played up to chapter 8, I am eagerly anticipating the development of the upcoming chapters of this Visual Novel, which I consider one of my favorites.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game..enthralling story line but a bit slow..milf model is great.. animation is one of the best..can be better with the pace...but keep up the good work dev..would like to see more like this with frequent updates..
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The models and posing stand out in this game. This is as good as it gets. I also love the pacing of relationships and content. The growing temptation with the aunt is what makes the game for me. The older cousin and her friend is great too. It's what keeps me around in the meantime during the slow burn with the aunt.

    The only part I dislike is the how annoying the youngest daughter is and how frequently she blocks content with other characters in the story.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I recently had the pleasure of playing a game that I can confidently describe as nothing short of excellent. This gaming masterpiece not only met but exceeded my expectations on every front, delivering an immersive and thrilling experience that captivated me from start to finish.

    One of the standout features of this game is its stunning graphics and attention to detail. The visuals are nothing short of breathtaking, creating a world that is not only visually appealing but also incredibly realistic. From the intricacies of character designs to the dynamic and lifelike environments, every aspect of the game's aesthetics contributes to its overall excellence.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good work, finally a good character development in a game. Most of the time this part is lacking and you just engage in lust and not love. Indeed, a bad character dev makes the characters forgettable, like a one night stand. Continue the good work.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    In terms of models, story, sex scenes, this visual novel stands out from the crowd. If there was something I could change, then I would like to have the choice how MC cums. It's just that each of us has their own fetish. Other than that, just praise.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I can say this is one of my favorite games. Very beautiful images, smooth animation, engaging plot. Amelie is my favorite character, hopefully it will be updated regularly.
    If I were to give a score, I would rate the game 9/10
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game! In my opinion one of the best, if not the best VN I have ever played and I have played a lot of them. Everything about Heart Problems is top shelf - models, renders, animations, characters, writing, story. All the very best, in my opinion. My thanks and appreciation to the Dev(s) for all of his/their hard work. Thank you for sharing. Looking forward to the next release and will definitely be supporting via patron. I encourage everyone to check this one out and support it!
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    The story has been good with a variety of interactions with the different LI's. The younger cousin can go from being extremely annoying to being a nympho (which isn't a bad thing, just the annoying brat part!) The older cousin seems about right for just wanting to have some fun and sex. The aunt is conflicted about the MC's attention towards her, being he's her nephew, but with the more BS that's going on with her husband, they get much closer and intimate. The MC starts acting extremely obsessed with his aunt wanting her all the time. Personally, I find it creepy, but it's only a VN so whatever! It's a good play, with some quirks, but that makes it more interesting.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game deserves 5 star-rating for the genre it belongs to. Like mentioned elsewhere, the art and animations vastly improve over the last 2-3 chapters, and the sexual content progresses just fast enough to excite, but not too fast to break tension.