I really like what your game has so far—the art, the heroine's design, the story, and the voice acting, of course. It all makes a great impression and shows a lot of promise. As an NTR fan, I'm definitely looking forward to it, but I also really enjoyed the thriller aspect of the scenes. That said, I think Akari and Rei need more development; the stronger the love, the better the NTR. The game has a high production value that I don't often see in western erotic games that are just starting out and relying on Patreon for funding. However, this also concerns me a bit. I'm worried that you might have bitten off more than you can chew, which could compromise the development of the game early on. Since Patreon no longer shows this data, are you comfortable disclosing how many patrons you need soon to ensure the game doesn't get axed early?
Thanks for your kind words. :3
Actually, I didn’t hide anything xD! Well, not intentionally. :3
I revealed the number of Patrons once I got a dozen or so. It was single digits for the longest time so I kept it hidden lol.
The total amount was always hidden to not invite dumb comparisons between other devs (it happens sadly), but it’s extremely easy for a Patron to calculate how much it’s bringing in xD. (not nearly enough for one scene/month, so I still pull from my savings haha).
As for Akari and Rei needing development… actually, Chapter 1&2 take place
BEFORE they meet.
So Rei hasn’t even been introduced yet, chronologically speaking xD. This is a slow-burn NTR, so the development
AND corruption are gonna be gradual.
They’ll get plenty of development later, don’t you worry about that.
The high production value is because I used
a lot of my own money and time up-front. It’s a sad truth, but many adult developers DO see this as an easy avenue to earn money, so many aren’t willing to invest in their own product until they see good returns from it. That’s why there are so many pump and dump v0.1 games with AI out there… I wish F95 would do something about it.
As for me, I’m a terrible businessperson. I’m too proud to deliver something I don’t personally like. If I won’t buy my own game, I can’t in good conscience ask money for it. But I don’t think it sucks, so I shall (shamelessly) ask for money LMAO.
Good art, good writing, good voice acting are non-negotiables for me. The rest (like animation) can wait until we earn more.
Anyway, I see no reason for game to get axed. Axing this game after I spent thousands of my own $$$ into artwork, voice acting, and other assets would be so stupid, haha. Even if my Patreons go to zero overnight, then worse comes to worst I do CG-less releases.
But I don’t want to do CG-less releases, so I will just wait until I have enough funds for art+voice acting to do a simul release.
Waiting does suck like hell, which is why I’m pushing the Patreon every chance I get, because I DO want to finish this game and not have it drag for years. I’m reminded of FFXV’s horror situation where people were too damn old to play when the game was done.
If the Patreon (magically) does well and I finish the game, I’ll just make another damn game instead of doing dumb 0.01 micro patches to milk people lol.
Great Game but is this AI Generated
Oh please, not after I posted a sketch and lineart!