I found a way to Increase the Breast scale Limit(Works on breasts only not pecs) Warning do not click on the green squares click on the names. For some reason doing this ones will cause a bug to happen later on. Very shiny characters incase you're into chrome sex or smth.
Type in Min on object explorer and click on Minimum Breast Size.
This menu will pop up in inspector. Click Slider - Gradient
On the next tab click UnityEngine.UI.Slider
Next on this menu type min into filter name. Then set Slider.m_MinValue and Slider.minValue to Be 0
Then type max into filter name and set it to 2.5 . This will allow you to have a more range when it comes to increasing or decreasing size. However for some reason each character override's this when it comes to shrinking their breasts.
So if u want to shrink them then keep following along
Next go back to object explorer and delete the min and press enter. The search is weird with follow up searches. Type
breastmaster and pic your desired character (Does not work on Emmy and haven't tried it on characters without breasts, r anyone but Marina.T)
Next on the inspector tab click BreastMaster
Now type min on filter names and click inspect on the BreastMaster.MinimumSize tab
Now type Vector3.ovev and set value to desired number. Below zero is slight texture horror.
Vector3.OneVector also controls how big your heat menu is. So if you set it's value to 0 0 0 you're gonna have to go back into Unity explorer and turn it up to open the menu.
Now go into your heat overlay and go to the others tab and mess with breast size.
Old minimum and maximums
New Min at .5 .5 .5 the minumum is not flatchest try .2 .2 .2 maybe. And the other is 1 1 1. Mess with (minumumbreastsize slider - gradient UnityEngineUi.Slider and max or min in filter names to get some variation. Will try to get the tails tomorrow