yea i did
View attachment 1784390
for those interested:
this inside of the MainMenu::CheckAuthenicated Function:
rax is the pointer to the Global Static "Options_c" object (the address is set on compile time so finding it should not be a challenge)
offset of 0xB8 is added and moved into rax, rax is now pointing to the "Static_fields" object created by il2cpp
offset of 0x18 is added (rax is now pointing directly to the "authenticated" boolean) and compared with 0
just change one of the 2 given values (Options_c::Static_fields::authenticated or 0) to pass (the location of Options_c::Static_fields::authenticated is known and easy to find so just go for that and change it anytime at runtime)
the menu does not update automaticly (MainMenu::CheckAuthenticated is called in MainMenu::ToggleMenu)
so you need to close and reopen the menu to check the value again and give you the disired output
this patch can be applyed in runtime (the jmp Auth:: Pass can be aswell) so modifying files is not needed (imo modifing runtime memory is superior) but it needs a new address of the "Options_c" object everytime a differen version is published