not farfetched no. but they're releasing on average one milestone build and 1-2 hotfixes a month, sure they aren't usually huge updates but with those releases you're only getting a tiny little look at what they've finished since the last update. that doesn't mean that's the only thing they've done or are working on. they don't have a public trello as far as i know, so there isn't a public roadmap available and aside from what they mention in patreon updates its anyones guess what all they're doing behind the scenes for future builds not just the next milestone or hotfix. they're working on implementing more in depth modding tools and eventually multiplayer, that shit doesn't just happen with the snap of your fingers, not to mention the literally just added an entirely new game mechanic with this last round of updates, even if its not to your taste thats hardly insignificant.
there is a lot of shit that goes into game development behind the scenes, even more so with VR, modding, multiplayer, soft body physics etc. have you ever done 3d modeling, rigging, texturing or any of that? sure some stuff can be reused to a degree but unless the characters have the exact same body type and proportions its still going to require a degree of fine tuning and tweaking to get things to work correctly. any new assets are going to be largely made from scratch, and i'd rather wait a little longer for new and unique character models than lazy reskins of existing ones. Personally I disagree that its a fair assumption that their budget to development speed ratio doesnt match up, mostly because ~90% of the work they're doing is behind closed doors laying the groundwork for future releases. we only see the ~10% that they decide is ready for release at any given time. starfield took 400 million dollars, 500+ developers and like 7 years, and that game is almost entirely procedurally generated and half empty lol.
even if you're a game dev yourself its not your place to tell another developer how to do their job and what constitutes an acceptable pay to progress ratio. if you wanna dictate that shit, apply for a job and get to work lol. complaining about the furry vr porn game that you aren't paying for not getting made fast enough to suit you, on a porn game piracy board, isnt going to do anybody any good. pay the 2$ a month and go bitch at them directly on discord about how slow you think they're going and see how long you last there lol.
let alone a furry vr porn game. niche in a niche in a niche lol. VR is hard, have you seen Wild Life or Home Together? their VR implementations barely work lol