I am so disappointed this game has still bugs since the early days. They add new stuff, but not only not fix old bugs and problems, but break old things again and again.
I know developing a game is exactly like that and everythings breaks everytime because of new code and quick changes to old parts of the code.
Yes it is a "TEST BUILD" but even the Milestones are extremely buggy. Basic things don't really work as intended and break when you try to do something.
Has someone noticed that posessing Garret with human shaped cock is bugged? His head isn't removed and you are looking through his glitched maw, while you can loudly hear his breath in your headphones....
But the knotty Garret doesn't have this problem. Why? This problem exists for several builds now.
Sorry, just wanted to get that out...
I am still happy that it exists though.
I would just feel better to support them in the future if they would polish the basics before breaking everything with half baked new things.
It's like beeing super excited for the awesome Ice Cream you always buy on your favorite ice-cream shop. After all the years it still looks awesome but the base vanilla cream beneath the chocolate now tastes like too much water and the chocolate now tastes more like sugar instead of cacao. You still somehow like it but you know it could be better.