I really like the art style. Shame that it's bolted onto a bad action game.
This game legit feels like one giant waste of time, for both the players and the developer.
The focus is apparently on the combat/gameplay, yet it is incredibly boring/tedious in design.
I think the dev should cut his losses and just remake this game in Renpy or something, otherwise this will never get completed - and if by some miracle it does, very few people will care enough to pay for this game after being near-unplayable for so long.
This game leaves such a sour taste that I honestly recommend for the developer to find someone who can actually code in RPGM (
or whatever monstrosity of an engine this is...) and rework the combat.
But I guess most of this criticism can be glossed over if the dev finally adds the coveted skip button -
after publicly saying they are against that QoL feature for whatever weaksauce reason.